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🧵 Quantum foolery

Anonymous No. 16207121

Why in the hell do popsci dummies keep trying to make me believe in the quantum nonsense? Not one single person has proof these phenomena exist outside of mathematics and linguistical jargon. Show me proof of an entanglement. The cat is alive or dead? Open the freaking box pussy and show me. Thought experiments and word salads, just show academia has become way too liberal and proves people will believe anything.

sage No. 16207128

thanks for your opinion

Anonymous No. 16207132

From Wikipedia:
>Quantum entanglement has been demonstrated experimentally with photons,[12][13] electrons,[14][15] top quarks,[16] molecules[17] and even small diamonds.[18]

12) Kocher, C. A.; Commins, E. D. (1967). "Polarization Correlation of Photons Emitted in an Atomic Cascade"

13) Kocher, Carl Alvin (1 May 1967). Polarization Correlation of Photons Emitted in an Atomic Cascade (PhD thesis). University of California.

14) Hensen, B.; et al. (21 October 2015). "Loophole-free Bell inequality violation using electron spins separated by 1.3 kilometres". Nature. 526 (7575): 682–686.

15) Markoff, Jack (21 October 2015). "Sorry, Einstein. Quantum Study Suggests 'Spooky Action' Is Real". The New York Times. Retrieved 21 October 2015.

16) "Quantum entanglement observed in top quarks"

17) Lee, K. C.; Sprague, M. R.; Sussman, B. J.; Nunn, J.; et al. (2 December 2011). "Entangling macroscopic diamonds at room temperature". Science. 334 (6060): 1253–1256.

Anonymous No. 16207135

*17 is actually 18.
The real [17] is Princeton University (7 December 2023). "Physicists 'entangle' individual molecules for the first time, hastening possibilities for quantum computing"

Anonymous No. 16207139

its just 2 particles coupled and oscillating between 2 states.

Anonymous No. 16207144

Ok but are these experiments reproducible? In fact I’ve seen nothing in material science literature but abstract theory of quantum dots. Therefore I assert that this theory has no foundational basis in reality for any practical use

Anonymous No. 16208414

its like admitting you have no idea what you're talking about. science is just like a religious belief, the science priests proclaim something and you just believe it for no other reason than they said so, zero critical thinking involved

Anonymous No. 16208422

Quantum mechanics mean anything can happen at any time for no reason, according to Deepak Chopra

Anonymous No. 16208457

>its like admitting you have no idea what you're talking about.
I don't. And neither do you. Glad we cleared that up.

Anonymous No. 16208474

This is the same vauge ambiguous bs fortune tellers use to so called predict the future. “Anything can happen at anytime” “the cat is alive or dead until you open the box” no shit Sherlock

Anonymous No. 16208486

It's fun to say Quantum

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Anonymous No. 16208742

Is okay if you can't understand it. You are just a retard. Simple as.

Anonymous No. 16208752

At least I’m not a follower like you and think for my self

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Anonymous No. 16208821

>omg, my brain, it feels so big!!!
>its full of so much schizo kike jargon and fancy soiyence polysyllables
>oh no
>i can't hold it in any longer
>i'm gonna…

Anonymous No. 16208894

double slit experiment

Anonymous No. 16208900

The double slit experiment is just light moving in a line that looks like a wave pattern. It’s literally just playing with lasers. Doesn’t prove anything

Anonymous No. 16208916

The double-slit experiment has been done with buckyballs.

Anonymous No. 16208920

Optical illusion this is a whole academic discipline… NEXT!!!!

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Anonymous No. 16208927

>he doesn't know

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Anonymous No. 16208961

the computer you are using to broadcast your mental deficiency is designed using semiconductors whose theory relies entirely on quantum mechanics and material science.
it's a shame you don't have to understand technology to use it.

Anonymous No. 16208967

No it doesn’t you dimwit semiconductor lithography is a material science that has nothing to do with quantum mechanics idiot. The first semiconductor was created with the am radio in the early 20th century. God I swear people on here aren’t even educated. OP is your master

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Anonymous No. 16208987

>he doesn't understand electron band theory

Anonymous No. 16209045

Your right goofers gonna goof

Anonymous No. 16209126

>double slit
>Bose-Einstein condensate
>virtual particles

Anonymous No. 16209128


Anonymous No. 16209129

Idiot we’ve already went over this. Can you read. Or monkey see title monkey type

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Anonymous No. 16209140

I lift big rocks and the big rocks get lighter over time. That proves that gravity is relative, which proves quantum effect, faggot

Anonymous No. 16209155

Sorry Charlie throwing words together does not meet the standard of the scientific method.


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Anonymous No. 16209196

It was a joke retard

Anonymous No. 16209216

this shit is one of the only things in quantum that really made my butthole clench

Anonymous No. 16209219

You called me a faggot. As A man I can’t tolerate that shit

Anonymous No. 16209247

You can do the aharonov bohm experiment and see for your fucking self retard. All you need is something that contains the magnetic field like a pipe and a coil. Or you can phase conjugate a wave and literally watch the wave backtrack in time with your naked fucking eye. That is literally impossible to do without having a time dimension, which exists on a plane we cannot see and that we can only observe the effects of as it overlays our own.

Anonymous No. 16209259

can hiromoot just delete this fucking board already? jesus christ. all it is now is self-assured narcissistic NEETs who think they're smarter than generations of thousands of scientists, or think that because something doesn't make sense to their small minds that it must be a jewish lie.
/sci/ serves no purpose anymore, at least no purpose that isn't better served by /x/ and /pol/.

Anonymous No. 16209470

Ever heard of a qubit?

Anonymous No. 16209492

Midwit detected

Anonymous No. 16209543

>if you don't think you know literally everything then you're a heckin buzzword!!!!

Anonymous No. 16209815

There is a video on the AOTI from the 60s that explains and reproduces the Stern Gerlach experiment. IIRC the hardest thing to get for building it yourself is a reasonable vacuum.
Please provide an alternative way to explain the results of the experiment, or an alternative model that explains why Magnetic Resonance behaves the way it does. And just for fun: Try something like Gold or alkali sources and explain the different magnitude of the splitting or amount of observed lines.

Anonymous No. 16209821

>Why in the hell do popsci dummies keep trying to make me believe in the quantum nonsense?
Nobody cares about making you believe anything. You're just an example of why universal literacy and schooling are questionable policies. Your sort should be toiling in the fields and fall into bed too tired to be an annoyance to scientists.

Anonymous No. 16209826

Yeah, but I don't really know what one is.

Anonymous No. 16209863

>Please provide an alternative way to explain the results of the experiment
Fuck you, pay me

Anonymous No. 16209915

You assert that because you do not have enough knowledge to know any better and you are lazy.

Anonymous No. 16211265

>Anyhow, some physicist believe that mechanism of the effect is not properly described [7]. They argue that the effect is not purely quantum, described by phase shift, but that it is consequence of forces, acting on electron wave packets when traveling past magnet. That problem will probably be resolved by further experiments

Anonymous No. 16211279

>jewish lie.
it is a jewish lie
it tries to convince people into apathy by implying your existance doesn't matter with these theories that rely on the presence of multiple timelines

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Anonymous No. 16212022

kek, what an egotistical sensitive little bitch response. You really getting rustled by some random on an anonymous basket weaving forum?

Anonymous No. 16212026

Quantum mechanics is seen every second by the fact that you can create and destroy photons fairly easily with a light switch.
Turn on the light, room gets full of photons, the photons hit a wall and just get destroyed.
You are literally creating and destroying elementary particles, and you need QED to explain how it happens.

Anonymous No. 16212201

good video

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Anonymous No. 16212910

I'd pay to see you go to the podium of the Nobel Prize Awards ceremony, shout what you've just wrote, and then go down the stage doing horns with your hands while 'Sweet Home Alabama' plays on the background.

Anonymous No. 16212920

no magnetic field in the region where the electron is, so no force

Anonymous No. 16213010

Even universities in third world countries reproduce that stuff you're just too lazy to search for it

Anonymous No. 16213021

if you provide such a thing, you will be paid ;)

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Anonymous No. 16213052

midwits detected
>stern gerlach
angular momentum is proportional to frequency. frequency => energy => momentum. thats literally why rainbows exist
description of this experiment is self-contradictory. does the solinoid have a magnetic field or not? of course it does dumbass
>duality woo-woo bs
wobbly bubbles

Anonymous No. 16213080

>he only has a popsci goyslop understanding of quantum physics

Anonymous No. 16218425

If quantum mechanics is not real, then show me a classical description of the hydrogen spectrum. Or the photoelectric effect. Or Compton scattering. You can't, because there isn't one.

Anonymous No. 16218454

none of those things require woo-woo shit like "entanglement" or "superposition".
but curiously, they require a better understanding of the weak force than any theory we currently have

Anonymous No. 16218473

The mathematics of QM measure the probability of the phenomenon as we cannot observe the actual mesurement. It’s just glorified statistical Theory. Funny how it can be used at hedge funds to gamble lmao.

Quantum foolery you cannot mesure things you cannot directly observe