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Anonymous No. 16207197

Why does pubic hair exist? It looks gross and is itchy

130iq No. 16207204

natural selection

Anonymous No. 16207369

>natural selection
What advantage does having pubes have over not having them?

Anonymous No. 16207380

It makes women look extremely hot

Anonymous No. 16207404

maybe if your asian

my pubes are smooth as silk

Anonymous No. 16207419


Evolution is lazier than you think.

Anonymous No. 16207420

You're brainwashed. Everything you said is incorrect, and is only your warped perception.

Anonymous No. 16207454

visual indicator that the potential sexual partner is good to go.

Anonymous No. 16207468

It makes healthy genitals smell irresistible and it makes unhealthy genitals smell repulsive. This seems to have been adaptive for both individuals and groups.
It also signals when the individual has reached reproductive age.

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Anonymous No. 16207502

Our distant ancestors probably lost their thick body hair (as chimps have) to help with evaporative cooling via sweating on the expanding african savannahs. We've got a higher throughput of sweat than any other animal, and hardly any other animals even sweat at all.
Wikipedia tells us
>There is currently no evidence that any sweat glands vary substantially by racial group, with most studies claiming to find variation being subject to methodological flaws.
Their source for this is pdfrel
Let's look at their source and see if the Wikipedia writer has fairly characterised what their source said about the matter

Anonymous No. 16207503

>Although interindividual differences in the number of eccrine sweat glands across races have been established by Szabo, a similar differential does not appear to exist between black and white persons. However, a racial differential in functional activity of eccrine sweat glands has been noted.
>A review of the literature pertaining to apocrine gland structure and function among the races reveals only 3 studies of less-than-optimal design. The small number of subjects in these studies and the absence of investigator-blinded assessment preclude definitive conclusions
>There is great interindividual variation in the number of apoeccrine sweat glands. At least one study has documented interracial variation as well. Montagna and Carlisle found that the apoecccrine gland occurred more frequently in black than white female facial skin. The significance of this finding is unclear
>The few studies of racial differences in sebaceous gland size and activity are often contradictory. Again, such controversy is probably due to lack of well-controlled protocols, methodologic flaws, and small study populations. Racial differences in sebaceous gland size and activity have been suggested. Nicolaides and Rothman assessed sebum production in black and white subjects by measuring the lipid concentration in the hair. They found that black subjects had 60% to 70% more lipid content in their hair compared with white subjects. Based on this finding, they concluded that blacks evidenced greater sebum production.
Wikipedia characterised these portions of this review as
>There is currently no evidence that any sweat glands vary substantially by racial group
Is that a fair assessment?

Anonymous No. 16207510

It used to be public hair.

Anonymous No. 16207589

Lessen the desirability of oral sex so that sexual gratification comes more from penis-in-vagina likely to result in conception and hence be selected for.

Anonymous No. 16207590

for the man its so the penis doesnt get cold and for the woman its so the baby doesnt get cold

Boo-ker No. 16207594

Baby: oh mother protect me from the harshest with your bush
Mum: *bush sounds*

Anonymous No. 16207641

Imagine you have to run trought the forest with your ass naked. Suddenly its a much better thing right? The rest of the story is, nature does not keep up with our insane speed of progress.

Anonymous No. 16207702

So that I can have 3cm of padding between a shirt and my chest. Better thermoregulation.
seethe more chestlet

Anonymous No. 16207721

Depends on the body

Some bodies look weird without body hair in-general

Like hairless fat people - that just ain't right

Anonymous No. 16207849

protects against chaffing during fucking.

Anonymous No. 16207868

I agree. I dated a woman of size for a while. She had a landing strip. Much nicer on her than fully bare.

Anonymous No. 16207870

oh, nice, never seen that take before!

hair increases the surface area for genital-specific odorous molecules and pheromones to diffuse into the air

Anonymous No. 16207969


Anonymous No. 16208044

My guess is that natural selection kept it mostly because it PRESENTED to men and women that the opp sex was post-pubescent and they were fuckable. Like, as ancient running monkeys started losing their body hair and sweat more, men and women would only fuck other monkeys who had pubic hair, so it was naturally selected.

Other benefits are that crotch musk brings out the horny.

Anonymous No. 16208050

Would argue against this. Still wouldn't stop women from getting pregnant. Also, most people nowadays are shaven at it doesn't discourage sex

Anonymous No. 16208056

the purpose of pubic hair is well known and easy to understand it provides more surface area to catch bacteria / virus particles so they are less likely to enter the open wound like areas of your pits pussy and dick