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🧵 What the fuck was this retard's problem?

Anonymous No. 16207335

What a fucking idiot

Anonymous No. 16207476

>be jew
>rich and famous
>becomes illegal to question anything you say

Anonymous No. 16207516

His inability to except ether was his downfall. Gravity is etherial pressure, and the universe expands as etherial medium does.

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Anonymous No. 16207540

>What the fuck was this retard's problem?
>What a fucking idiot

Anonymous No. 16207723

"I like to think the moon is still there when I face away from it"


Anonymous No. 16207730

The science is settled

Anonymous No. 16207731

the Mozart of science
>famous for being famous
hell my 4 year old kid could come up with “speed of light is the fastest speed”

Anonymous No. 16207733

Anonymous No. 16207781

is it true that the phenotype of the genius scares most of the people away by its mere presence? How is it possible to unfuck this

Anonymous No. 16207808

>when a tree falls and no one is around to hear it, does it make a sound?
Do physics nerds actually believe this? Do they actually think that sound doesn’t travel? That sound isn’t made of anything?

Anonymous No. 16207880

That's the tiny part of his work that is easy to explain to low IQ retards, so most of the midwits and below don't know his actual work

Anonymous No. 16207892

The us military denied him a security clearance and deemed him a threat. He isn’t even from America yet he is all over posters in our schools indoctrinating our children

Anonymous No. 16207989

yes, too intelligent for society, absolute misfit.
sad, many such cases

Anonymous No. 16207998

it's a thought experiment on the nature of perception. If there is no mind to perceive the "sound, all there is are air molecules vibrating.
Or for example, imagine that a patient is looking at something yellow, and a doctor cuts his skull open and begins digging into his brain while the patient keeps looking at the yellow thing, whatever it is (brains have no nerve endings, so they don't sense pain). The doctor is really keen on finding "yellow", but no matter how much he dig in, all he sees is grey matter. He brings in a microscope and beings to look at the grey matter,, nothing. There is no "yellow", not matter how hard and however he looks or tests for it. All along, the patient sees "yellow". Baffling
The point is to postulate the hypothesis that perceptions, sound, color, smell, feelings, etc, are non-material "things" that only occupy the immaterial "thing" that is the mind.
Look up immaterialism, solipsism, etc.

Anonymous No. 16208033

>he thinks he can find colours like marbles
You’re retarded lol.

Anonymous No. 16208038

>air molecules vibrating.

Anonymous No. 16208135

>It only takes one peer into Einsteins history to reveal he didn't actually do anything relevant.
But let me guess, you're one of those academic parrots who still perpetuate the psychosis that he actually had anything to do with GPS?

>How Germany filtered Jews before Nazi's
>Had to immigrate to Sweden for a lesser education that fed his thought experiment nonsense
>Vehemently touts racism as a "disease of white people", not giving thought to what a contradiction the statement is.
>Literally abandoned his kid, wife and married his cousin

They won't release the rest of his diary, I wonder why rofl.

Try telling him about Kosher light switch and how that's literally what wave-particle dualism is based on.

Anonymous No. 16208468

He was right, and this is a crime for wrongdoers like yourself.

Anonymous No. 16208564

in the dualist and realist hypothesis, sound is a perception apart from reality. There is the real, and there is the mind.
This isn't science, by the way, it's philosophy and there's no way to test for it. Just interesting ideas.

Anonymous No. 16208567

no, that's the whole point, the perception is immaterial
the anon asked, I explained the philosophical concept. You don't have to agree with it, nor did I say I do.

Anonymous No. 16208568

Independent of what I think about Einstein or not, a thread that comes around with insults is begging for emotional reactions = triggering = trolling.

Anonymous No. 16208573

think of all the EM radiation that we cannot see. Many animals see infrared and ultraviolet, or at least they act as if they do. We do not see such colors, but yet if the animals' mind exists, those colors are there, they have a color that you will never see nor can you imagine. Only in the mental space of those animals do such colors exist, if their minds exist.

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Anonymous No. 16208614

>Independent of what I think about Einstein or not, a thread that comes around with insults is begging for emotional reactions
His own fucking name is an insult.

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why so angry.jpg

Anonymous No. 16208631

take your personal problem some place else, like a therapist's office, for a change

Anonymous No. 16208738

He gamed the system better than anyone else. Simple as.

Anonymous No. 16208760

aren't colors and sound completely different? Sound being literal vibration that deaf bees can sense and colors being perception of different wavelengths? i.e you have to be looking at a green tree to know it's green but you can perceive sound from inside a cave while facing the opposite direction (I'm aware we're off in the puckabrush and I don't care about the original thought experiment of no mind being around, also nta)

Anonymous No. 16208938

This is the dumbest bait thread I've ever made, why are you retards actually engaging with it lol


Retard lol

Anonymous No. 16208957

I can’t believe I share this board with legit, no joke, fucking DUMB asses.

Anonymous No. 16209003

OP here again. I feel kinda bad for calling you guys retards so sorry for that, but come on, how did you fall for this thread lol

Anonymous No. 16209092

he hated goyim

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Anonymous No. 16209379

>I can’t believe I share this board with legit, no joke, fucking DUMB asses.