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πŸ—‘οΈ 🧡 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16207336

what's wrong with this fucking board

Anonymous No. 16207342

I've blocked/filtered almost all of those threads. This website is basically unusable without 3rd paryt tools

Anonymous No. 16207358

it's futile since these /pol/ immigrants are still shitting up discussions in normal threads too

Anonymous No. 16207382

>these /pol/ immigrants
RENT FREE holy fuck. That board has brain damaged you, and you see it everywhere.

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Anonymous No. 16207398

get the fuck off my board

Anonymous No. 16207401

What colour is your PhD?

bodhi No. 16207408


Anonymous No. 16207434

/pol/itical science is a /sci/ence. Why are you so concerned about an open discussion of the effects of demographic changes in the west,?

Anonymous No. 16207445

It’s weird that a science board is so hateful of science and its institutions

Anonymous No. 16207448

>Complaint about existing threads
>Makes a thread even worse than those ones.
Thanks OP! Ever heard of being the change you want to see?

Anonymous No. 16207459

>what's wrong with this fucking board
We need more scientists here, patient ones to explain things ELI5 style, and who know how to use the report feature as well.
t. geologist

Anonymous No. 16207460

>Why are you so concerned about an open discussion of the effects of demographic changes in the west?
That's not political science, that's economics/sociology

bodhi No. 16207479

>criticizing retards and crooks for ruining something you care about means you hate it!
Great logix skills you fucking drooler. We dont hate science, we hate people like you who are hacks pretending you represent science

Anonymous No. 16207480


Anonymous No. 16207482

This guy, mainly >>16207408

Anonymous No. 16207484

>he doesn't understand why the quality of scientific discussion on an anime website is poor

Anonymous No. 16207487

>it's the heckin animes fault, definitely not all the schizos, weed addicts, poltards, underages

bodhi No. 16207491

seethe more mental midget.

Anonymous No. 16207513

>what's wrong with this fucking board
very young crowd
very paranoid young crowd
very jaded paranoid young crowd
very skeptical jaded paranoid young crowd
very lazy skeptical jaded paranoid young crowd
very sadistic lazy skeptical jaded paranoid young crowd
very ignorant sadistic lazy skeptical jaded paranoid young crowd

Anonymous No. 16207559

it grew up and is a workplace now.

Anonymous No. 16207612

What do you expect from a 4chan board?

Anonymous No. 16207639

So you're telling me that a human enterprise which has scrutiny as a core value should not be be under scrutiny or only under particular types of scrutiny from particular people deemed worthy by those whose ideas should be the object of scrutiny? You have a very twisted view of science.

Anonymous No. 16207890

Bots, Trolls trolling trolls, Retards pretending they know everything with a hint of schizophrenia on the side.

Anonymous No. 16207908

Cope harder and go back to your containment board. Nobody wants you here.

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Anonymous No. 16207913

These threads are extremely inorganic. They give me the ick. No discussion is taking place in them, yet some entities keep bumping them for months with nonsensical one-liners. These threads are neither sufficiently outrageous to pass as troll threads, nor are they sufficiently informational to count as /pol/ propaganda threads. As a frequent /pol/ user I know to appreciate genuine political threads, but this spam on /sci/ appears more like a weak chatgptesque larp with no effort at all. For sure there are some malicious, socially dysfunctional and severely autisitic posters on /sci/ but those threads appear so boring and devoid of content or purpose that I suspect even those parasites would eventually get bored and jump onto another destructive strategy. The only reasonable explanation is that those threads are mass produced and eternally bumped by bots or paid Indian click workers. Certain state actors don't want positive discussion on this website.

Anonymous No. 16207942

i should make more retarded bait posts to get on to somones screens hot

Anonymous No. 16207946

It's just bots, they have been doing this for years in sci.

Anonymous No. 16207952

Range-ban Russian and Chinese ip addresses and lets see if those threads die out

Anonymous No. 16207985

If it has the word "science" in its name, then it's not a science.

Anonymous No. 16208225

actually a lot of the garbage threads on /sci/ are made by one person but he avatarfags instead of using a name

Anonymous No. 16208235

>like you who are hacks pretending you represent science
no you just hate people that repeat the science you don't like. The science that you think is impossible or unlikely or fake

Anonymous No. 16208280

post nose

Anonymous No. 16208294

What is his avatar?

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poltards arrested.webm

Anonymous No. 16208449

you need to go back

Anonymous No. 16208467

Last night I woke up to piss and on my way to the bathroom I stubbed my toe on the leg of a table. /pol/ must've moved the table when I wasn't looking

Anonymous No. 16208490

/sci/ is for big brain so if you want to larp as big brain you come to /sci/. You reap what you sow with vanity iq threads now btfo'ing /sci/ is a status symbol for morons.

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bodhi No. 16208496

stfu tranny

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Anonymous No. 16208501

who is "we", you faggot? This is not science. did you even finish high school?

None of these people deny it either. They definitely came here in 2016 and have been moving board to board like a plague of locusts. /wsg/ has been ruined too

fuck off

Anonymous No. 16208503

Damn, so /pol/ really is in the room with us right now.

Anonymous No. 16208506

>le heckin' larp sesh

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Anonymous No. 16208507

>these people didn't come from /pol/, they all independently act like this

Anonymous No. 16208508

>No discussion is taking place in them, yet some entities keep bumping them for months with nonsensical one-liners

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bodhi No. 16208511

I just finished on your gfs face creepy little kike

Anonymous No. 16208517

What are the scientific implications of harassing and oppressing free thinkers? Is this at all similar to the persecution that figures like Gallileo and Copernicus faced?

Anonymous No. 16208520

Me, I apologize for that.

Anonymous No. 16208523

not science or math.
go cry like a bitch somewhere else

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Anonymous No. 16208526

>The biggest losers were, undoubtedly, the BUF because in the November 1937 municipal elections, the discredited party polled only 29 votes.

you aren't a free thinker, you import all your ideologues and beliefs from social media algorithms and /pol/. you have no original thoughts. you aren't smart just because you're a contrarian

Anonymous No. 16208529

neither is half this board

Anonymous No. 16208530

>carbon copy arguments and template macros
>free thinkers
That's a funny joke.

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bodhi No. 16208539

gay ass faggot

Anonymous No. 16208543

the sad thing is I bet you aren't even white like most /pol/ users

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Anonymous No. 16208545

Hey bodhi, have you considered paying for masculinity training? Maybe that'll help you be less of an insecure dipshit.

Anonymous No. 16208555

If these are just
>>carbon copy arguments and template macros
as you say, then why is the state investing billions into infiltrating and destroying political dissident groups?
Isn't it possible that there are powerful forces which are threatened by us?

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Anonymous No. 16208563

is bodhi an indian name anyway?

nobody is threatened by you. you sound like terrance howard thinking the government is messing with his phone during the podcast because he's revealing secret truths
>investing billions
lol what

Anonymous No. 16208566

Anti-germers and CO2fags have shit this board up beyond belief.

Anonymous No. 16208570

Threatened by the prospect of a retard shooting up a public place, sure. Threatened by the quality of thought? No. Also, invested billions? Anon, please. You're not in a movie.

Anonymous No. 16208571

Give a bunch of dunning-kruger poisoned rejects on the internet a spot to talk about """""science""""" on a forum with a format not conducive to actual scientific discussion that further incentivizes inflammatory remarks over posting quality, and this is exactly what you get.

There's absolutely no 'educational' board on this website that's usable if you know anything beyond the basics of its subject matter, and this fact will never change.

Anonymous No. 16208580

Most of it's just mental illness. Some of it, like the climate change denier threads, is mostly due to boomers who have an oil fetish or actual shills.

Anonymous No. 16208590

Absolutely wrong, you ignorant reddit tourist. Most of the hobbyist boards have good and fruitful discussion threads full of valuable information. /diy/, /out/, /ck/, /lit/, even /g/ and /fit/ sometimes. /sci/ seems to be the exception. Despite its topic being perfect for insightful talk, /sci/ has turned into a complete shithole. Probably due to parasites like you who never gave it a chance in the first place but only ever treated it as a dumpster.

Anonymous No. 16208598

/pol/ here, nah man wasn't us. The jews must be behind this.

Anonymous No. 16208606

>invested billions? Anon, please. You're not in a movie
I guess the SPLC, various federal agencies, NGOs, state/city government initiatives, etc are all only in movies too, right?

Anonymous No. 16208609

> it's just mental illness
>or actual shills.
lmao at this level of paranoid and projection and lack of self awareness

Anonymous No. 16208611

> I'm not retarded, but I like rocks.

Geology seems on the one hand based, and in the other hand completely retarded.

Anonymous No. 16208613

>I hate 4chan
so leave
nobody wants you here and you don't contribute any quality content, so whats preventing you from leaving this website since you hate it so much?

sage No. 16208617

and then here's you, with the gayest thread on this board

Anonymous No. 16208620

It's not hard to see. Boomers shit up everywhere on the internet with climate change denial. Go to youtube, Fox news, etc. It's all the same profile pics of old white guys in golf shorts.

Tbh I don't even think actual paid shills for oil companies exist.

Anonymous No. 16208621

No, they just haven't invested billions of dollars to combat (You). If anything you're more of a fart in the wind. Acknowledged. At most your biggest adversary are other terminally online retards.

sage No. 16208623

>hmmm i wonder why everyone is skeptical of science in 2024

bodhi No. 16208634

I am so alpha my pheromones make you shit and piss yourself when you are in my presence

Anonymous No. 16208639

>billions of dollars to combat (You)
I'm confused, are you talkling about (me) specifically or millions of patriots across the country? Because the latter pretty clearly isn't a 'fart in the wind' considering that they stormed the capitol a few years ago

bodhi No. 16208642

So what are you pro-germ you fucking germ simping cuck?

Anonymous No. 16208648

Are all of you connected to one brain? Obviously, you represent you in this conversation. The insurrection is the perfect metaphor for a fart in the wind so it's ironic you thought that would bolster your point. As for patriot, who the fuck are you kidding? You retards abandoned all your standards rallying around a twice divorced con artist who only shitposted while in office as he gave the rich more room in taxes exacerbating the core issue. It's actually pathetic.

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Anonymous No. 16208656

larpers and undergrads. Once you reach grad school you realize this place is basically a waste of time.

Anonymous No. 16208659

Considering that I said
>is the state investing billions into infiltrating and destroying political dissident groups?
I assumed we were talking about freethinkers in general. I apologize for overestimating your reading comprehension abilities
>You retards abandoned all your standards rallying around a twice divorced con artist who only shitposted while in office as he gave the rich more room in taxes exacerbating the core issue
I don't really care about trump honestly, I just sort of like open and honest elections

Anonymous No. 16208660

>I'm sooooooo superior
>I'm way too good for /sci/
why are you here?

Anonymous No. 16208662

I like to mentor people.

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consensus says gl....jpg

Anonymous No. 16208663

>more insane conspiracy paranoid
the majority of people know that global warming is fake, thats why you see a lot of people saying its fake. it really is that simple and you really are that deluded

Anonymous No. 16208667

If it took you until grad school to realize that you might be a bit slow

Anonymous No. 16208668

>. I apologize for overestimating your reading comprehension abilities
Don't fret it. You should be worried about overestimating your thinking abilities given that we (people in the thread) were talking about /pol/ when you arrived with your free thinker dialogue.
>I don't really care about trump honestly,
I don't believe you given that you've presented the morons of Jan6 as patriots.
> I just sort of like open and honest elections
No, you don't.

Anonymous No. 16208672

This board died during the pandemic, now it's just filled with /pol/ and /x/ posters.
I wish I could go back to 2017 when Tooker was the worst thing that had happened to the board. That shit was mild compared to today

Anonymous No. 16208673

I could say the same.

bodhi No. 16208684

you can also just go back to redit instead

Anonymous No. 16208699

>muh boomers
>muh white guys
Please delete yourself.

Anonymous No. 16208706

It's not hard to see. Jeets shit up everywhere on the internet with their inferiority complex and shit code. Go to Facebook, instagram, etc. It's all the same sexually frustrated jeets posting at pics of hot white girls in shorts and bikinis.

Tbh I don't even think actual paid shills for jeets exist.

Anonymous No. 16208712

go fuck a queen you tea suckling fuck

Anonymous No. 16208723

>political dissident
yes, its politics. Now shut the fuck up. I want to talk about machines and stuff on /sci/, fuck off to the board that exists for politics

Anonymous No. 16209076

>I have no response: the post

Anonymous No. 16209085

Wow, literally a fallacy

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Anonymous No. 16209134


Anonymous No. 16209256

Anonymous No. 16209274

this thread is full of seething trannies who cant help but bitch about le hecking evil /pol/

Anonymous No. 16209276

They bring it up for no reason at all.
>Let's keep politics out of science.
>WAAAAAAAA /pol/ is attacking me!!!!

Anonymous No. 16209279


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Anonymous No. 16209283

Get gud faggot. [math]\mathbb{Z}[/math]

Anonymous No. 16209313

When they say
>Let's keep politics out of science.
What they mean is
>Let's keep everyone else's politics out of science except my own.

Anonymous No. 16209359

So you come here from reddit, so that we should leave and go to reddit?

Anonymous No. 16209361

>there are no /pol/ tourists here
>tranny tranny tranny tranny
yeah, making a strong case there

Anonymous No. 16209363

Transphobia isn't exclusively /pol/. Maybe they're just /lit/ posters who've read JK Rowling.

Anonymous No. 16209365

This is 4chan's great replacement. All 4channers get replaced by redditors.

Anonymous No. 16209376

Gallups latest polling shows that roughly 2/3 of people hate trannys, so not only does that mean its a commonly held believe, it also means that you should kys