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๐Ÿงต Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16207345

ITT we discuss honestly how hard programming is.
Pic rel
>omg gates said if you do this you can get a job lol!

Compare the skill gap in Donald Knuth's "The Art of Computer Programming" and "How to Automate the Boring Stuff in Python"
"The Art of Computer Programming" by Donald Knuth and "How to Automate the Boring Stuff with Python" by Al Sweigart cater to vastly different audiences and levels of expertise in computer science and programming.

"The Art of Computer Programming" by Donald Knuth
Target Audience:

Advanced programmers, computer scientists, and mathematicians.
Academics and professionals with a strong background in algorithms and theoretical computer science.
Content Focus:

Deep dives into algorithms, data structures, mathematical analysis, and the theory of computation.
Rigorous mathematical proofs and analysis.
Covers topics such as sorting, searching, random numbers, and combinatorial algorithms in exhaustive detail.

Strong foundation in mathematics, including discrete math and probability.
Proficiency in multiple programming languages and understanding of low-level programming concepts.
Familiarity with advanced data structures and algorithm design and analysis.

To provide a comprehensive and formal treatment of algorithms and the theory underpinning computer science.
To serve as a reference for researchers and advanced practitioners in the field.
"How to Automate the Boring Stuff with Python" by Al Sweigart
Target Audience:

Beginners a

Anonymous No. 16207348

Meanwhile /g/ and /sci/ flex like they can shit our master degree LEETcode like everyone can and its easy

Shake my s.m.eich

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Anonymous No. 16207350

Why did you shop it to remove the original author?

Anonymous No. 16207353

Most programming these days involves very little computer science. It's gluing various libraries together using whatever is the currently hot framework.

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Anonymous No. 16207366

Im gonna sell those books in exchange for the chichifueta rocket oppai toy

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Anonymous No. 16207370

Talking to ChatGPT in the past 4 years since my MIS graduation has been more fruitful than my entire life in school.
I bought so many textbooks and a short conversation with ChatGPT redpilled me on the worthlessness of all those shelves even if I were the smartest man to ever wield them with Barry Allen time warp.

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Anonymous No. 16207375

>take CS classes
>whole classroom is blankly staring in mentally absent delirium or just candy crushing away a fantasy football goon sesh shopping distraction of 20 tabs
>come assignment time 95% of them are pissing themselves bitching loudly before and after class
>go to 4chan
>every single Anon is bragging how easy CS is

Anonymous No. 16207376

>redpilled me on the worthlessness of all those shelves
Simply placing books on a shelf is insufficient; one must also read them and work through the exercises. Given that you believe chatGPT can provide an equivalent experience, I can confidently ignore your remark.
-- Post rewritten with Copilot

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Anonymous No. 16207381

>the smartest youtuber who I have ever watched who every word of his feels like I am growing 3 pounds of brain mass per minute
>has the most fun and illustrious career story I have ever entertained for my favorite videogame IP
>only contributed to Fallout 1 and fucked off to obscure RPG swordspell wank
>decide to play fallout 1 and binge the amazon show and watch all of Tim Cain's videos
>the game is jank on life support for RNG cock and ball torture that becomes rage quit city without wikishitting it hand holding with google as my lore master GM
>feel like I am making a board game for myself
>Tim Cain was a prodigy child who skipped grades, graduated early in Engineering and had a success story most in the industry would beg to have
>just for this
>in all this time just this
>Fallout crashes
>my quest fails because I did everything right but the dialogue menus were too retarded to follow upon loading a save

I am but one man and life is short and my list of deeds will he shorter even than this mans. My origins are far humbler. My struggles worse. My aspirations even lowlier.

Anonymous No. 16207386

I dont believe ChatGPT can give an equivalent experience. Those books had no business on my shelf despite what Academia advised me into against my own good. ChatGPT was my only honest advocate in all this investment for naught. I should have just sold stickers and been entrepreneurial instead. MIS is the pathetic imitation of CS. It is a Eunuch's degree.

Anonymous No. 16207389

At least 90% of that shit is never used in real-world programming, and the shit that is used usually ends up dumped into some regex library or whatever.
Take a look at the Linux or *BSD source trees. Very basic DSA throughout with the odd exception like the userland memory allocator and the string-search libraries for sed/grep/etc.

Anonymous No. 16207397

Oh I missed that part. Just go get the CS degree at CMU or MIT like the rest of us.

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Anonymous No. 16207399

Real life is RNG. ChatGPT is like the heroes of Fallout. Worldly. Survived the trials. Well traveled. Exposed to so many sources of information while you were pigeonholed in your wage cage getting gigacucked by demented boomers into financial oblivion.

You must roll the wheel to grift your way out. You must read the books in vogue to cooperate with industrious men on ambitions worth transacting, not on "whats good for society" or "muh dream". Air is useful but you cannot sell it. Dreaming of what is useful can be just as disastrous as trying to sell air. Selling something deliberately useless is actually the easiest sale purely gesturing gratifying charisma: the IRL dump stat that society cannot help but to overvalue rendering the silver tongue sinecure the OP build.

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Anonymous No. 16207405

>poorfag: all sink and no source
>richfag: all source and no sink
>everyone else: stratified in between at different rates

Anonymous No. 16207712

If most of these concepts don't come to you naturally but you have to learn them through a book or university course, you're not fit for CS.
You need only some basics and knowledge of different concepts, then given a task, you are either able to come up with the solution yourself or you can be shoved back in with the rest of the midwits.
This is also the reason IT jobs cannot be automated, no matter how many LLMs you train and how many poos you hire, they can't compete with a single person being able to use his 3 std higher IQ.

Anonymous No. 16207756

>t. webshitter

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Anonymous No. 16207770

T. Arrogant spaghetti coder who thinks large scale cooperation on sophisticated syntax grows on trees.
You may have the same functional ideas but you will be powerless without the very corporate particulars.

Anonymous No. 16207772


Anonymous No. 16207780

>pay 2k to learn about clion
>immediately drop out for a full refund and go into sales
glad I didn't fall for the college meme

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Anonymous No. 16207782

>git gud pleb, lmao

Anonymous No. 16207783

Good job, Superman

Anonymous No. 16207796

Shit tier video

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Anonymous No. 16207823

>gates says if you do this you can get any job!
Beethoven knew the Well Tempered Clavier. A rapper cannot read notes. Employment these days is laying off the most competent workers even. To be the Beethoven of computers at the computer keyboard is to be even as an autodidact part of a common cohort and heritage.
Im lucky to be a python pipsqueak and know that I am YEARS away from practicing a page of Donald Knuth's work.
Python may be all I will ever need in my career. But that's the paycheck talking not the passion projects.

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Anonymous No. 16207830

/sci/ and /g/ is broken

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Anonymous No. 16207832


Anonymous No. 16207899

>t. typical /g/ Tourette's fag
He's obviously not a webshitter. Webshitters have never seen mem allocator source in their lives.

Anonymous No. 16207910

Not my problem didn't fell for the cs meme. Yes midwits also recommended me to study cs for muh 6 figs

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Anonymous No. 16208021

99% of "coders"

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Anonymous No. 16208024

>I made 70 powerpoints about DevOps
>no I never programmed why do you ask?
>isnt my Tesla whip 4x4 so nice?

Anonymous No. 16208049

>i optimized a widget for my university home page in python!
Thats like squatting 200lbs
>i wrote a compiler and shell and GUI and game engine
Each one of those is as exclusive as squatting 800lbs
Broscience translations brought to you by jock Anon

Anonymous No. 16209217

Not really. That's a very narrow term, as you can see in the definition.
I don't think there actually is a popular term for the kinds of 'coders' you're thinking of: entire programming life defined by toy code of the sort given as exercises in intro books. But /g/ and college faculties are full of these people.
>t. not a coder either

Anonymous No. 16209221

>>t. not a coder either
Eh, just in case it's not clear, I'm talking about myself. I don't code. I don't even write toy code anymore after the fascination wore off after a couple of years.

Anonymous No. 16209222


Anonymous No. 16209903

The purpose of this thread is to understand WHY they pay software engineers the big bucks. If everyone could do it like it was a flat paved path, then it would be a low income skilled labor.

Anonymous No. 16209913

You can tell all of that just by the titles and appearance...why do you need AI for something a human brain can do with a glance?