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🧵 I have fibromyalgia

Anonymous No. 16207374

And when I look it up it seems like a made up disorder. It seems to me that fibromyalgia is a diagnosis given once testing has been exhausted and specialists have given up. Now I am on 300mg of lyrica and 150mg of tapendatol per day permanently for the rest of my life. It's both embarrassing to have this disorder and dishearting that my doctors gave up on finding the cause. How can I be diagnosed with something that has no standardised test?

Is fibromyalgia just a made up condition to explain chronic pain by lazy doctors?

Anonymous No. 16207378

Bruh, just get a bit of exercise, drink a lot of water, eat clean and get that sun man. All you need.

Anonymous No. 16207383

>, just get a bit of exercise, drink a lot of water, eat clean
I'm a semi professional athlete and I've won national level events I am extremely healthy.

Anonymous No. 16207390

you went too hard
all the fibers connecting all the bits together are myalgic

Anonymous No. 16207393

Come on. I'm semi pro I'm not pro.

Anonymous No. 16207501

>i have a fake disease i saw on cnn

Anonymous No. 16207515

I'm not American.

Anonymous No. 16207568

Why do you take meme pills that don't work, if amphetamines exist?

Anonymous No. 16208211

you sure do seem to like talking about yourself on social media

Anonymous No. 16208221

Vaxx status?

Anonymous No. 16209297

chronic lyme, POTS, EDS, fibro, etc. are all fake. they're diagnosed solely to appease doctor shopping terminally online hypochondriacs who base their identity around being sick

Anonymous No. 16209300

>I'm a semi professional athlete and I've won national level events I am extremely healthy
contrary to popular perception, high-level athletes are not in fact healthy

Anonymous No. 16209617

That's exactly why you're unhealthy retard. Go stress your body out some more, faggot try hard redditor.

Anonymous No. 16209622

There's a reason the first line treatment is an antidepressant, bro. You are taking pain medicines for a psychological disorder

Anonymous No. 16209624

Agree with POTS and fibro. Never seen someone malingering claiming to have chronic lyme disease or ehlers danlos.

Anonymous No. 16209668

Are you fat? Fibromyalgia almost exclusively affect overweight and obese women. The symptoms of Fibromyalgia are almost synonymous with the symptoms of obesity. Almost no women who are a healthy weight suffer the symptoms of Fibromyalgia.
I am undeniably convinced that Fibromyalgia is just a word syndrome invented to tell fat women who don't want to fix themselves that their suffering is chronic rather than by their own hand. Saves everyone a headache and a tough conversation.
>tldr lose some fucking weight, fatty.

Anonymous No. 16209981

EDSfags are probably the worst offenders of the bunch, though.
>opens door
>hello new patient
>ummm my facebook EDS support group told me to print out this chart and have you read it to confirm that you're EDS-informed, okay?

Anonymous No. 16209992

Just eat that stuff like candy. Try 1200mg.

Anonymous No. 16210115

Its not made up. I mean, the symptoms are all internal and wont show up in some X rays. You just feel tired. Its entirely possible for someone to just be tired, and permanently so to the point it can be considered a disease.
Why is that so hard to understand, that a person can just be tired? Its a form of brain damage, since the feeling of tiredness is generated by the brain.
Other people have brain disorders where they just feel pain. It cant be proven to exist, but its completely possible that it is real. Brain part that controls pain goes nuts. How is that hard to conceive as a thing?

Anonymous No. 16210766

you are a woman i understand

Anonymous No. 16210769

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Anonymous No. 16210783


Anonymous No. 16211018

i diagnose OP with blogposteritis, unfortunately therre is no cure

Anonymous No. 16211228

my mom had fibromyalgia when I was a kid and it went away when her bf got her to smoke weed once. She'd only smoked like once ever before. Your nerves are the "real you" and if there is a problem it can be pretty debilitating. It's why kids with tooth aches got to be the human sacrifices in old times. There is psychosomatic (and also somatopsychic) issues and maybe the cause is somewhat in the head. If you are even just stressed you get soaked in cortisol. Also she got it while she was not an alcoholic. Gotta do what feels good lol. Go fishing, take xanax. exercise, tan your balls, get laid.

Anonymous No. 16211233

I read EDS as electrostatic discharge, was expecting a ZAP in the greentext

Anonymous No. 16211262

>Only Americans read cnn

Anonymous No. 16211264

You just need a good fuck

Anonymous No. 16211271

it's long covid due to virus and/or vaccine injury.

Anonymous No. 16211280

try trazodone. gives you night boners but it binds to histamine receptors and removes autoimmune shit.

Anonymous No. 16211392

you sure seem to love talking about yourself on social media

Anonymous No. 16214592

That is a funny way of saying you were boosted.

Anonymous No. 16217193

Im not a woman. I also dont have frybromyalgia, but i can understand the disease. Its not difficult to understand as a concept, its just brain damage. I get that people cant feel sympathy for the sufferers unless they themselves have had the disease, but is it really impossible to understand, intellctually?
A person has brain damage so they feel tired or in pain, permanently. This is completely easy to understand.
Besides, im being facetious because there are physical tests for the disease
>Passive transfer of fibromyalgia symptoms from patients to mice

Anonymous No. 16219390

Yall are mean.

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Anonymous No. 16220588


Anonymous No. 16220657

Why the fuck would a Non-American ever watch CNN? If they catch one stream of them when a plane crashes or something every couple years that doesn’t make them a “cnn watcher”.