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Anonymous No. 16207395

Has medical science cured anything at all in the last 10 years? 20 years? I see a lot about gender-affirming care but very little about breakthroughs in curing disease.

Anonymous No. 16207475

They cured covid quite nicely with the vaccine schizos refuse to take because of something they read on redit

Anonymous No. 16207722

Every single days medical science cures thousands of people. What you meant to say is did medical research come up with any new treatment. Off the top of my head new oral antocoagulants, sglt2 inhibitors, glp 1 agonists are all new classes that have significantly improved treatment for a variety of diseases like kidney disease, heart disease, diabetes, arythmia, pulmonary embolism

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Anonymous No. 16207936


Anonymous No. 16207940

It also kills thousands of people. Sometimes treatments work but more often times they donโ€™t. But medical professionals get their paycheck wether you live or die

Anonymous No. 16207941

Source for your claim?

Anonymous No. 16207950

>medical student but doesn't know the difference between treatments and cures
It should be illegal for you to ever practice medicine nor should you be allowed to do lab work. At best you may become an assistent policy advisor who writes minutes of meetings between professionals who do know what they are talking about.

Anonymous No. 16207962

I am not a medical student I am a practicing doctor, stop talking like you know and decide everything, get your diploma then get back to me. I thought you might say that but it is a very naive view of medicine and the world in general. It is like saying "what is the point of improving your bandwith if you still can download files instantly" . Medicine and science is improved step by step and there are certainly a number of disease for which there cant really be a permanent cure. How do you permanently cure an aged heart, kidney, pancreas, brain ? You can only help it function better, slow the disease progress, sometimes replace it with transplants, there are some distant concepts like autotransplants and gene therapy but even those wouldnt solve everything. Anyway, to play your game, most forms of hepatitis C have now a cure which didnt exist 20 years ago. Even HIV is thought to be possible to cure, it is on going I guess there are a few cases I think but I m not familiar with the details.

Anonymous No. 16208103

>in the last 10 years? 20 years?
Over that timespan modern medicine has managed to transform medical errors from a cause of death that wasn't even in the top 10 leading causes of death into the #1 leading cause of death.

Anonymous No. 16208277


Anonymous No. 16209195

>They cured covid quite nicely with the vaccine
They don't even claim this themselves. Vaccines -- when they do what they're supposed to do, which is questionable with the COVID vaxes -- are prophylactics, not cures. Something closer to a cure would be the antivirals, but they're still more treatment than cure.

Anonymous No. 16209206

Doctors aren't in the business of curing disease, they're in business to make money for themselves