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๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ ๐Ÿงต Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16207431

science says you'll live longer if you cut your balls off, are you going to do it?

Anonymous No. 16207438

I would let her have my nut

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Birds of a feather.jpg

Anonymous No. 16207452

Anonymous No. 16207455

Women live longer if they donโ€™t piss me off.

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Anonymous No. 16207456

>article about one opinion
>"science says" thread
Come on anon, you can do better.

Anonymous No. 16207462

What's the evolutionary purpose of living longer if you can't pass your genes? It's an evolutionary dead end.

Anonymous No. 16207466

Permanently lowered endogenous sex hormones means for the rest of their lives men aren't as anabolic, don't grow as big, strong, vigorous, muscular, etc.
It's well known that mTor pathways that are downregulated by calorie restriction etc lead to higher all-cause mortality, either through increasing chances of cancer or through accelerated cellular senescence, or some combination of these and other factors.
No shit you'll find a correlation between lifespan and ball-removing, but if the underlying cause is just that meek, timid, stunted creatures live a bit longer but not necessarily any better lives, then that's worth attending to.
I would probably live longer if I never consumed alcohol and never spent any more time in the sun than the bare minimum for vitamin D synthesis, or the use of supplements. But my life wouldn't necessarily be any richer, more meaningful, or more productive.
Obsession with mere lifespan at the expense of all other considerations will take us quickly to Hell. Hell, after all, is also a form of everlasting life.

Anonymous No. 16207470

testicle envy

Anonymous No. 16207701

Now post her phd

Anonymous No. 16208212

Trust the science

Anonymous No. 16208234

Low IQ detected. Eunuchs, gays, asexuals, celibate priests, self-sacrificers and other such non-reproductive organisms can still be evolutionary advantageous by helping their reproductive brothers and sisters thus it makes sense for parents to produce offspring with such non-reproductive tendencies to ensure that at least one of the other children survive and reproduce. This is such basic understanding of evolution that you raise the suspicion that you've never read a book even once in your life.

Anonymous No. 16208245

>literally significantly higher all cause mortality rates
>but you'll live longer
>you die sooner, but you live longer
This is why women should not be allowed to do "science"

Anonymous No. 16209152

nice cope, but you're still a genetic dead end and its still because you're genetically inferior

Anonymous No. 16209210

So basically, clown world justice punishes pedos by making them live significantly longer?

Anonymous No. 16209213

He is not the one proud of trapping himself in shit for another generation. Genetics are inferior anyway, cybernetics and gene engineering are going to wipe out every genetic line within three generations.

Anonymous No. 16209227

Sci-fi nerd spotted

Anonymous No. 16209237

Cyber implants and crispr are no longer fiction, you might as well call logging onto the internet scifi.

Anonymous No. 16209244

Same thing happens with ovaries in women

Anonymous No. 16209296

Reminds me of this one time someone was trying to pass "consensus" as a book review and a CNN article.
It was, in fact, the supposed consensus of Leo Frank being wrongfully convicted.

Anonymous No. 16210540

>the supposed consensus of Leo Frank being wrongfully convicted.
The consensus was that he was rightfully sentenced to death, thats why he was lynched without any significant public outcry.
There was never any question over his conviction, the controversy was the corrupt governor being paid off to reduce his sentence.

Anonymous No. 16210572

I would remove a testicle to marry a sufficiently attractive woman, but I don't care to simply live as a eunuch just to stretch out a timeline that will remain a question mark regardless.

Anonymous No. 16210820


Anonymous No. 16210883

>For there are some eunuchs, which were so born from their mother's womb: and there are some eunuchs, which were made eunuchs of men: and there be eunuchs, which have made themselves eunuchs for the kingdom of heaven's sake. He that is able to receive it, let him receive it.

Women already live longer because this happens to them in menopause. Their hormones switch off and they become infertile and live for another 50+ years. The group evolutionary advantage is called the granny hypothesis, children of the group survive and excel more because an extra caregiver and educator invests in them:

Anonymous No. 16210935

Well put. Grandmother made it to 98, her brothers wife to 99. Learned a lot about advanced old age from them and their friends. All humans are infirm to some degree past 90 and they usually have to deal with outliving all of their friends, their spouse and sometimes even their own kids. Dying young is a tragedy but living too long is a sorrow of its own.

sage No. 16210957

Read a book balkanshit

Anonymous No. 16211039

>there be eunuchs, which have made themselves eunuchs for the kingdom of heaven's sake
Just never marry nor reproduce goyim
Heh heh

Anonymous No. 16211059

I personally feel that enlightenment and the fruits of God's divine program here on earth is such in that way, that humankind's basic sphere of consciousness is inadequate to the superior fruits. 'Enlightenment is incompatible with sexual programming, wishful thinking, passionate desire.' Hence, practicing enlightenment.

Anonymous No. 16211060

"Modern researchers generally agree that Frank was wrongly convicted.[n 1][2]".
It's right there, unchanged on the Wikipedia page.
There's a certain organization hell-bent on ensuring that he's at least perceived by the masses as a wrongfully convicted victim of lynching.

Anonymous No. 16211073

On the surface this makes sense but not for the reasons OP may presume. A lower level of testosterone would mean a reduce in risk-taking activities. If you assembled a graph of average lifespans by age and testosterone level you would probably find that a reduce in risk-taking behaviors correlates with a longer lifespan as testosterone approaches zero. However risk-taking activities are extremely common in our day-to-world so having half of our species being inclined toward these activities while our lower testosterone female counterparts focus on less risky activities makes sense evolutionarily. Of course everything I've said is purely my own conjecture but I think it makes sense.

Anonymous No. 16211092

>Cat Bohannon is a researcher and author with a Ph.D. from Columbia University in the evolution of narrative and cognition.
>Academic Units
>English and Comparative Literature
lol lmao even

Anonymous No. 16211429

Amazing thread

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Anonymous No. 16211519

You are supposed to impale and burn those things alive.

Anonymous No. 16211544

Basically this, but obviously we only do this to animals... Because they're animals

Anonymous No. 16212251

Surely adult women can live longer with mastectomy and hysterectomy interventions, with all that cancer possibilities averted. But any serious person would not be stupid enough to suggest that as a public health strategy.

That Bohannon gal is just rage baiting or doing stand-up jokes. 'Cut your balls' is the male equivalent of 'go to the kitchen and breed babies' female baiting.

Anonymous No. 16213286

>you're less likely to die of leg cancer if you cut off your legs
>you're less likely to die of eye cancer if you cut out your eyes

Anonymous No. 16218175

We should remove the testicles of every negro, jew, jeet, mexican and listerine drinker on the planet, that way they'll live longer. We could pay off the reparations we owe them by doing so if we didn't charge them for the service.

Anonymous No. 16218690

That seems fair