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🧵 IQ filter thread

Anonymous No. 16207527

Post filters, test your mettle.

Anonymous No. 16207538

Why is there a spacing break between the 3rd and 4th rows? Is that image altered from its original?
I'm not going to waste time with something suspicious like that.

Anonymous No. 16207541


Anonymous No. 16207544

The score on these has been increasing as people went from inventing cars and rockets to thinking they can be women and injecting fentanyl.

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Anonymous No. 16207550

Anonymous No. 16207555


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better quality.jpg

Anonymous No. 16207560

was that the shittiest low-quality version you could find?

Anonymous No. 16207579


Boo-ker No. 16207591


🗑️ Anonymous No. 16207600


Anonymous No. 16207606

I guess I wasn't filtered after all

Anonymous No. 16207643

>Japanese kanji on /sci/
I don't even...

Anonymous No. 16207680

is it because of these tests why chinese people are reported to have higher iq?

Anonymous No. 16207688

書 aka f. Sorry I have traditional characters ime

Anonymous No. 16207704

17, but it's more of a math knowledge test

Anonymous No. 16207720


Anonymous No. 16207744

I stand by my 16. The second number is incremented by one. The first number is only a distraction.

Anonymous No. 16207748

Why don't you niggers explain your reasoning? Is it too much effort to write that you are interpreting the question as the Pythagorean theorem?

You retard do you really think it's high IQ to leave out the squared symbols and make a first year middle school problem seem all mysterious and unconventional? Shove the triangles up your ass and write an algorithm for early diagnosis of disease or something useful.

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Anonymous No. 16207750

>Shove the triangles up your ass and write an algorithm for early diagnosis of disease
O anon… I am so, so sorry.

Anonymous No. 16207769


Anonymous No. 16207775

>living at home vs living at work

Anonymous No. 16207806


Anonymous No. 16207818

Why is it even goid to be able to solve this one? It's so little information that you must see patterns everywhere if you see it in this one.

Anonymous No. 16207947

>Proof: It came to me in a dream.

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Anonymous No. 16208001

D? Im only guessing though desu i cant discern the rule
17 probably pythagoeran trips

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Anonymous No. 16208011


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Anonymous No. 16208014


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Anonymous No. 16208018


Anonymous No. 16208030

Green triangle
D and 7

Anonymous No. 16208151

Those are literally just japanese characters.

Anonymous No. 16208504

>D and 7

Anonymous No. 16208600

D, K, and 7. If there is anything but a 3 on the other side of D, the rule has been broken. If the K or 7 card has a D on the other side, the rule has been broken. It doesn't matter what's on the other side of the 3 card.

Anonymous No. 16208615

I thought it was the blue triangle. The square is right out. The yellow circle is right out. That leaves the blue triangle with a unique color.

Anonymous No. 16208625

heres an IQ test: succeed at life
get a wife, make money, raise children. if you can't figure out how to do those three then you're low IQ.

Anonymous No. 16208719

They always add to a prime number, and the result is the predecessor of that prime number.

Anonymous No. 16208868


Anonymous No. 16208902

They will rage at you for this, but of course you're right. 3+4 is NOT 5. Putting a plus sign there is retarded, but it makes stupid people feel smart to play pointless games like that.

Anonymous No. 16208926

>heres an IQ test: succeed at life
>get a wife, make money, raise children. if you can't figure out how to do those three then you're low IQ.
But you're unlikely to see anyone on /sci/ do that.

Anonymous No. 16209001

Since 1B1W|0 + 0|3W = 1B1W|3W = 1B|2W

Anonymous No. 16209008

i cant read chinese

Anonymous No. 16209034

Ok so here two are two important rules I noticed.
in the second row there is a cross and a vertical line meaning they act independently so the unkown should have a vertical line {a,b,d,e,f}
Also there are two slanted sticks in the second row for no reasons so they're duplicating. So it must be d (If you think it might be c the horizontal stick only comes from the cross so actually knowing it's not that alone lets us conclude d without any other information also which is another strategy).

moul matisha No. 16209039


Anonymous No. 16209042

Silly guy anyone with a high IQ knows they are not gonna waste their time solving a useless picture with symbols. What fun is that?

Anonymous No. 16209079

It's just puzzles man. Like a sudoku, or a rando math problem

Anonymous No. 16209112

I bet it's a fake question with a fake answer in the sheet , but anybody licenced to administer the test is told that it's fake, to detect cheaters who would memorize the answers.

Anonymous No. 16209133

The blue triangle is ruled out because of the blue square being ruled out in round 1.
1st round: Yellow Circle and Blue Square out
2nd round: Green Circle and Blue triangle out

Anonymous No. 16209136

While already on the subject, is Mensa Denmark legit?

Anonymous No. 16209284

green triangle
cannot be done

Anonymous No. 16209305

it's simplified chinese

Anonymous No. 16209415

is this an elaborate loss?

Anonymous No. 16209466

What's the answer, OP, and why?

Anonymous No. 16209485

normie cope

Anonymous No. 16209685

>ching chao chong boiled dog taste rice? quiet grass is sleeping

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Anonymous No. 16209883

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Anonymous No. 16209894

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Anonymous No. 16209902

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Anonymous No. 16209926


Anonymous No. 16209945

Since it's a fair coin in the first run it's just as likely that:
1) Bob and Jane land equal amounts of heads and tails before they land heads/tails 3 times in a row;
2) Bob and Jane don't land equal amounts of heads and tails before they land heads/tails 3 times in a row.
Since it's a fair coin in the second run it's just as likely that Bob lands the same amount of heads and tails as he did in the first run as it is likely that he doesn't.
So far the answer should be no. However: although it's a fair coin it is wrong to assume that for any amount of coin flips the total amount of heads and tails should be equal. It is to be expected that the percentage of heads and tails can change every coin flip and the 3-in-a-row phenomenon can happen within any amount of coin flips. Ultimately the answer should be yes.

Anonymous No. 16209971


Anonymous No. 16209975

graph theoretically provably impossible ( )
each room is a vertex (including the outside, which is one vertex as well). Each door is an edge connecting two vertices. A room traversal always deletes two edges. By conclusion only the starting and ending room may have an odd number of doors such that these doors will be deleted at the start and finish.
Four rooms have an odd number of doors -> impossible

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Anonymous No. 16210125

Anonymous No. 16210260

You niggers have been posting this for 8 years now and it's what convinced me that RPM (or IQ in general) questions beyond the 2 SD range become more subjective and bullshit.

Anonymous No. 16210279

Sum the numbers and you get a prime number, to the right is the prime number that precedes it. The puzzle should have used the triplet 9+40=41, or 9+4=11 to avoid ambiguity.

Anonymous No. 16210464


Only works if you go through a wall

Anonymous No. 16210494

Also being able to save/invest money.
Theres no point in being smart if you can’t get a good job and invest your income properly.

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Anonymous No. 16210666


Anonymous No. 16210688

Yep. The only way to solve it is to break a wall or to get over it (they never said you cannot do that, but they gave a hint: hard, but possible)

Anonymous No. 16210691

very elegant, beastie

Anonymous No. 16210743

F. It's just a quiz on Chinese counting words 四本书

Anonymous No. 16210752

My iq is 65 :o

Anonymous No. 16210779

> that was 四
I wouldn't know!
What are the other two lines?

Anonymous No. 16210807

okay, I figured out myself 十口人 (ten-mouth-man, man of ten mouths (family of ten))
八个田 (eight individual field (eight fields))

Anonymous No. 16211153


Anonymous No. 16211314

>man of ten mouths
more like “ten mouths of people”. similar to “ten head of cattle” in engish
back at you OP


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Anonymous No. 16211364


Get on my level

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Anonymous No. 16211376

>one line through all of the doors

Anonymous No. 16211381

That's not a line trough.

Anonymous No. 16211386

It's one line through each door

Anonymous No. 16211395

Nobody said anything about one line through each door.

Barkon. No. 16211400

If someone gets farted on soon it is an ordinance I set to diminish on its own.

Anonymous No. 16211430

Yes, it would be clever if really it asked for drawing a "line trough", but the grammar makes no sense then so we have to assume it's a typo.

Anonymous No. 16211500

AI will shamelessly give you those answers. If you are not careful to put limits in what it can do it will cheat like a mofo.

Anonymous No. 16211507

>more like “ten mouths of people”
I know only little chinese, but I think they have it like you have it in english: defined word is followed by defining word.
May our Taiwanese brothers correct me if I'm wrong, but I think they consider family one man.

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Anonymous No. 16211518

I hate how much it looks life a face.

Anonymous No. 16211965

Haven't browsed /sci/ in a long time. I hope none of you are over the age of 25. Seriously pathetic stuff here. Really, nobody gives a shit about your IQ. You're a nobody. Get over yourself. Christ.

Anonymous No. 16212576

post skull shape

Anonymous No. 16212666

>I know only little chinese, but
You should learn!

Anonymous No. 16212697

>defined word is followed by defining word
I wanted to put it the other way around
Like crystal castles is about castles, which are only made of crystals, not about crystal from the castle, which would be castle crystal.
Am I right now? Also your digits made me recall that I woke up thinking about how satan being enemy of the peole is a metaphor about whites being the people and darkies being the beast..

Anonymous No. 16212704


Anonymous No. 16213164

Based. Procreating is the ultimate IQ test.

Anonymous No. 16218144

I hate shit like that, this one's easy (Its C because its simple addition/subtraction), and other possible patterns that I can currently think of exist as possible solutions.
But IQ is about pattern recognicion
So if some autist went.
>well there are 4 white squares and 4 black squares in the first line
>there are 4 white squares and only 2 black squares in the second line
>the number of white squares remains the same, the number of black squares gets halfed
>so in the 3rd line there must still be 4 white squares and only 1 black square, if an empty field without any squares exist, thats the correct solution.
Its a shit example because its a super easy pattern and fully ignores what the being left or right of the line means,
But I hope you understand what I'm trying to say.
That to get high IQ points on the test, you not only need to recognize patterns like an autist, you need to recognize the EXACT SAME PATTERN that the moron who created the test came up with when there are sometimes multiple possible patterns, and sometimes multiple of the offered solutions fulfill one or the other pattern that the brainlet test-creator didn't even think off and included by accident.

Anonymous No. 16218662

See >>16212863
Still no one has a solution. The great filter of /sci/.

Anonymous No. 16219118

that’s a general problem with multiple choice tests, and it stop being a problem as soon as there is an examiner around to judge the answers

Anonymous No. 16219128

yeah. in the first situation it’s symmetric enough between Bob and Jane that it’s just 50% overall. In the second situation, well, Tyrone is still 50%, but for Bob there is a bias towards more Tails
>inb4 calculate it
No. No. 16219135

23, and the first two statements are false.
first, second, fourth
A line thick enough to cover the whole picture will work>>16208011
Green triangle
It says all the doors not each door esl

Anonymous No. 16220160

you missed a door dumbass

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Anonymous No. 16220204

If you have one line through each door, then it necessarily follows that for all doors there is one line running through them.

Anonymous No. 16220215

10 mouth person
8 ? rice field
4 book ?
under ground big
small hand ?

Anonymous No. 16220306

>It says all the doors not each door esl
Saying "all the doors" instead of "each door" in no way implies that it must be a continuous line.

Anonymous No. 16220368

>shi kou ren
>ba ge tian
>si ben ?
>xia shang da
>xiao shou? shu
obviously the answer is 书

Anonymous No. 16220379

tian 田 means day in this context, 10 people, 8 days, 4 books, it's just classifiers

Anonymous No. 16220387

idk chinese just japanese

Anonymous No. 16221394

>tian 田 means day in this context
?? are you thinking of tian 天
ironically, the puzzle is wrong, it should be
> 八块田
though that kinda ruins the joke

Anonymous No. 16222186

What is the correct answer?
Can't choose between c and d.