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Anonymous No. 16207740

Can someone explain why real life doesn't have FPS drops or stuttering?
Like how does the universe process the information when tonnes of people are walking around a city? Why doesn't the universe have issues with such a high density of information it has to deal with?

Anonymous No. 16207745

it does, thats why light speed is the univeral limit. the universe can process every atom at once at this speed but no higher.

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Anonymous No. 16207794

More philosophical questions that will never be answered. Meaningless questions anon, don't torture yourself with the unanswerable. Newton's Flaming Laser Sword

Anonymous No. 16207800

yes, and Planck limits, but there will always be a "why?" gyrating in our heads, but "why?" is really a verbal expression of the feeling of curiosity, and therefore a perception, which has no proper answer but "it is just so".
One either has fun with unanswerable philosophical questions, or is tormented by them. If the latter, it is best to just accept is "it is so, otherwise it would no be", and move on.

Anonymous No. 16207804

every person has its own processor, including you.
so it doesnt matter if its a 1000 people of 10 billion people, the Unverse doesnt need to process anything.

Anonymous No. 16207817

A single molecule of O2 oxygen moves at thousands of miles an hour and collides frequently enough to create room temperature. Many phenomenon are not fluid but look like stop motion. Observing insects and plants is jagged with the best camera work. Pneumatic systems or anything turgid do a lot to smooth motion in between extremes. Consider the pneumatic fire man's pole. It's like stepping on a syringe and smoothly descending. That accounts for most moving machines and living beings.
Now electrical phenomenon changes state largely outside our perceptive abilities without good instrumentation.

Anonymous No. 16207837

Oh my god, what a retarded thing to ask. I know you lurve your computer, but real life is real life, not your widdle PC. The universe doesn't process. Stuff just happens. For real. With real interactions and consequences, in real time.

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Anonymous No. 16207886

we live in a simulation

Anonymous No. 16207889

Cause god isn't stupid enough to use chinese manufactured hardware that suffers from bullshit like queueing and threading

Anonymous No. 16207920

>forced log out every night, reconnect hours latter with no progress, aparently every mob entity and player suffers connection issue like this
>temporary packet lost in the day too, especially just prior to disconnect for good
>new players are especially laggy, cannot connect for half of the time
>quantum physics? Its all rounding errors.
>appearently every matter will accumulate bit error and turn into iron over time
>cap the speed of signal, and time desync
>gazillions of lifeless dead planets, less effort than noman's sky devs.
>missing more than half of the feature and building block, so called dark matter

Anonymous No. 16208039

Degeneracy coefficients: to offset model degeneracy, some adjustment is applied locally upon the model to lazily correct laziness. A simulated universe will not behave the same everywhere based on process deltas and regression metrics. Exponential models are going to be pegged on some confounding local variable.
This can be used to find minerals.

Anonymous No. 16208233

Because it's not a simulation
Pick a new religion

Anonymous No. 16208247

kek you finally cracked why mammals need to sleep

Anonymous No. 16209269

holy fuck midwits annoy the crap out of me

Anonymous No. 16209660

If it did stutter how would you notice it? Your brain is part of the universe so if it slows down then so does your brain. The reason you notice stutter in video games is specifically because you’re an outside observer.

Anonymous No. 16210827

>this speed but no higher
quantum entanglement is instantaneous with no limits based on distance

Anonymous No. 16210848

Your character wouldn't notice the lag/stutter and so can't (You).

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Anonymous No. 16211122

>what if we’re all just NPCs in a super advanced video game.

Anonymous No. 16211126

c is not the limit, it is only the limit for matter with a certain energy/mass range, anything with less energy than a quanta of electromagnetic impulse would travel faster than c, it's all about what you're trying to move and how much energy you need to move it, the lighter the thing the faster you can make it move with less energy input

Anonymous No. 16211162

well okay your question is stupid but also is half relevant to our understanding of reality. The basis of quantum mechanics is that it is quantum as in quantity and not quality or in a way it is not an analog tape but in fact digital. Even just at the atomic level electrons emit and absorb energy in specific amounts. A plank length is essentially a pixel. The movie the mandela effect explores the idea of overloading the Processor of the universe. The answer of does a tree falling in the woods with nobody around make a sound is no it does not. The experience of this world exists only in one's mind. In a way we are the stuttering of the world bc without us it would fly by like nothing. When an electromagnetic wave is observed it collapses into a single particle. So there is actually a glitch or facet which we call schrodingers cat. And when you put those things all together it does create some spoopy stuff. Because if you arrange a double slit experiment it will seem as if the past is post determined. Like things really didn't happen in the past until you uncover them. Personally I used to think lightning was kinda spoopy like it somehow "knows" a spot a mile away being the very best place to release energy. But another aspect of quantum bullshit is the sorta multidimensional aspect, which is what makes quantum computers interesting. Essentially to answer your question, the world uses process of elimination. It goes through all possible next future moments and crosses out all the ones that are wrong, and leaves questions with multiple possible answers unanswered for the moment.