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🧵 /med/ - medicine general

Anonymous No. 16207752

/med/ apus for everyone edition

Previous: >>16185142

We discuss research, DO NOT offer medical advice (just fucking go see your doctor), make fun of premeds and shitpost.
Keep vaccination/clamping/vitamin K/soliciting advice out of this thread and start your own because it takes a lot of space.

Anonymous No. 16207785

Any of you guys have "medfluencers" in your class?

Anonymous No. 16207790

yes, a guy 2 years below me.
everyone talks shit about him all the time.
I've personally never met him.

Anonymous No. 16207792

I should add that his videos are some of the cringier of med influencers

Anonymous No. 16207797

>everyone talks shit about him all the time.
>I should add that his videos are some of the cringier of med influencers
In what way? I always find it cringe when a medfluencer puts on a facade on how to "optimize" studying and they're the bottom of the class lmao

Anonymous No. 16207802

>I always find it cringe when a medfluencer puts on a facade on how to "optimize" studying and they're the bottom of the class
it's this to a tee

Anonymous No. 16207807

Slight pain in rectum when shitting and small amount of bright red blood in shit since few weeks relates to ..?

Anonymous No. 16207815

>it's this to a tee
Every time, lol

Anonymous No. 16207820

You know what, the worst "medfluencers" are the people that aren't even in medical school yet, i.e. premeds.

Anonymous No. 16207852

what's the best smelling disease or medical condition?

Anonymous No. 16207914

we had one who quietly repeated the year. initial rumor was she couldn't pass step 1 but also she cheated/broke up with her bf and had some fallout

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Anonymous No. 16207925

3.8 GPA in 2nd attempt at college recently(non degree. Have a BA ten years ago with 2.9)
5 years experience paramedic running vent calls
Work experience in a lab
Gre score of 163/158/5.5 (verbal/quant/essay)

What are my odds of getting into PA school, lads? Am I gonna make it?

Anonymous No. 16207955

>What are my odds of getting into PA school, lads?
You're not even going to try to go to medical school? You're striving to get a job that has "assistant" in its name.

Anonymous No. 16207957

Have a kid now. Married. Already 32. I'm not Fucking around with sorting hat medschool/residency program bullshit. A few years ago I'd have too much ego not to have MD in my title. Now I just want to work and go home. But if you think I'm qualified enough for med school I'll take that as a compliment

Anonymous No. 16207966

>Now I just want to work and go home.
Fair enough.
>But if you think I'm qualified enough for med school I'll take that as a compliment
I wasn't insinuating that at all, your GRE is trash and the GRE isn't a hard test at all.

Anonymous No. 16207970

Is not a bad gre score at all wrf are you talking about

Anonymous No. 16207979

Maybe it's good enough for PA school - I admittedly don't know what GRE is needed for PA school - but your percentile just isn't good. Your verbal percentile seems decent at first with a 92nd percentile but when you account for the population that takes the GRE, it's not very impressive.

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Anonymous No. 16208098

I'm the anon with prostatitis. I have been taking ciprofloxacin for a few days and feel better, However when I masturbate I noticed there were TPE clumps in my semen. I had been using a chink hip toy to masturbate when this started.

Obviously I'm going to the urologist to ask him about this, but do you know if foreign bodies can end up in the vas deferens or the seminal vesicles? what can be done about it?

Matches malone No. 16208100

This people and this people alone

Anonymous No. 16208166

For me? Purulent urine

Anonymous No. 16208254

Pre-med shitheel here. Doing a physiology and EKG interpretation class this summer. All I have to complete after these two is biochem.

Anonymous No. 16208269

why is it i always fuck up the most when i have the attendings that are the most annoying if you mess up 1 thing?
fucking sucks.

Anonymous No. 16208297


Anonymous No. 16208356

I envy paramedics. Their job seems far more interesting that whatever I will end up doing. But I heard the pay sucks.
I feel like everyone is. Social media has made the naturally narcisistic first year med student integrate into a massive cesspool of other brain dead faggots.

Anyways, what's the punishment for beating the fuck out of a classmate in your uni? I'm reaching the end of my patience.

Anonymous No. 16208397

>I envy paramedics.
No, you don't. You really Fucking don't. Nursoids at least have a career path and a ladder to climb. Paramedics get ZERO academic credit for our certification, meaning that if you ever want to go for something better you have to start over from square one. It's a dead end. You have more responsibility than nurses, must be far more proactive then nurses, understand medicine far better than nurses, are better at cardiology than almost all doctors (pulmcrit/ED/cards obviously are better), but are paid far less than nurses and are treated like shit by every other profession (especially nurses) and at least in Ohio you're part of the department of transportation, not a real Healthcare professional.

Anonymous No. 16208551

>part of DoT

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Anonymous No. 16208627

Yeah, that's why I said that the pay sucks. I just like the shit they do, man. Simple as. I mean, I never set foot in an ambulance, but I already have some experience dealing with emergencies due to the shortage of healthcare professionals in my country.
>but are paid far less than nurses and are treated like shit by every other profession (especially nurses) and at least in Ohio you're part of the department of transportation, not a real Healthcare professional
Then set up a strike or something, you're the literal lifesavers. You're supposed to have the power to at least make your profession be respected.
Anyways, I appreciate paramedics, far more than I appreciate many doctors who haven't touched the scapel since Y2K (they also don't publish anything worthwhile) but are "respected" because of some kiss ass bullshit.
I also know they see the most fucked up shit firsthand. So again, they have my respect.

Anonymous No. 16208646

>Then set up a strike or something
They would all lose their jobs and Cleveland Clinic would change the law to fast track EMT B to get trained in just 3 weeks, and raise an entire new crop of thousands of EMTs who will do the job for even less money.
If EMS will ever get the treatment it deserves it will take the work of professionals (read doctors) who were formerly ems or ems coordinators to change our scope of practice and push for academic recognition for an EMT to PA pipeline analogous to the LPN RN NP pathway
>You're literal lifesavers
Fuck that, the guys who salt the roads will save dozens of times more lives in their careers then I ever will

Anonymous No. 16208757

>They would all lose their jobs and Cleveland Clinic would change the law to fast track EMT B to get trained in just 3 weeks, and raise an entire new crop of thousands of EMTs who will do the job for even less money.
If it was the case, they would have already done so, or they are already doing it. No company values (anti strike) "loyalty" and they are on the hunt of fucking you (or them, w/e) 24/7.If the pay/benefits are that bad, it's because it's the bottom of the barrel already. It's far easier to pass legislation before things like strikes or similar stuff happens.
(((They))) have instilled the fear they need to manage you people like literal cattle, afraid of asking what the working man truly deserves. And this applies to most professions in the US and even beyond.
>Fuck that, the guys who salt the roads will save dozens of times more lives in their careers then I ever will
Non sequitur.

Anonymous No. 16208766

Only in Ohio blud fr
Developed countries at least have Bachelor level education requirements and professional accreditation, like nurses. American EMS is behind the curve

Anonymous No. 16208780

because their cuntish culture has an effect on you like it does on everyone
just do your best anon

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Anonymous No. 16209040

pissed this out the other day, wish i were joking. wtf is it??? can’t find shit on google.

Anonymous No. 16209295

i thought they cancelled bionicles years ago?

Anonymous No. 16209516

spike proteins

Anonymous No. 16209636

America is behind the curve on everything

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Anonymous No. 16210132

Funny how there's no comprehensive and detailed medical resource for studying esp for basic sciences like physio, biochem, etc. even textbooks suck since they either lack or don't highlight important stuff so you have to sift through mountains of useless shit
Same goes for online resources, you have to juggle between multiple sites

Anonymous No. 16210353

>school just told us we need the newest corona shot
>no philosophical or religious exemptions
>have less than 30days to comply

Anonymous No. 16210700

Being a paramedic is, without exaggeration, slavery. They have specific exceptions from labor laws that allow them to be completely fucked over.

Anonymous No. 16210869

your uni need to get with the times
covid vax skepticism is permitted by the state and trendy now

Anonymous No. 16211013

lets just hope the newer 2023-24 vaccines dont kill me. i still have a lot of diabetics and mexicans i need to treat.

Anonymous No. 16211082

so, I got the roots (I think?) and nerves of a molar removed almost 2 years ago, but never had the dental filling work done... I've been bleeding from that shit ever since. should I get it done ASAP? can this affect me long term?

Anonymous No. 16211083

nvm, I'll ask /adv/

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Anonymous No. 16211274

>I treat kid with modicum of respect
>mother of patient suggests I go into pediatrics
>repeat x∞
gotta love the peds rotation.

Anonymous No. 16211334

come back when you have all the delirious grannies doting on you and the grandpas comparing you to Dr Kildare (I had to look it up too) in internal med.

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Anonymous No. 16211356

How do Drs. get used to touching dicks and boobs and pussy and asses all day?

Anonymous No. 16211358

We have healthy sex lives so it doesn't bother us like it would for incels.

🗑️ Anonymous No. 16211704

Speak for yourself.
>t. Wizard attending

Anonymous No. 16211725

Speak for yourself. I saw and touched my first boobies because of medicine and not because I ever had a girlfriend or anything.
>t. Wizard attending

Anonymous No. 16211731


Anonymous No. 16211752

Pathology. Autopsies count.

Anonymous No. 16211775

I never would have guessed lol

Anonymous No. 16211913

I'm in EM.
>>16211752 isn't me.

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Anonymous No. 16212326

Any radiologists/rads residents I can ask a few questions?

Im a dental student going into OMFS. I got on a project with a pretty important faculty at my school and he basically gave me minimal guidance so far and told me to do a lit review

Im supposed to look at GRASP (Golden-Angle Radial Sparse Parallel) MRI technique and surmise why it might be helpful in the imaging of osteonecrosis

There is zero literature on that Ive really only found an article on GRASP MRI being used for the pituitary

Can anyone pls give me a little guidance on why this might be helpful for osteonecrosis imaging? So I dont look like a complete dumbass next week when I have to show him what I came up with?

Anonymous No. 16212392

GRASP MRI is to reduce artifact due to motion (See differences in the images you posted where it corrects for diaphragmatic motion). I can't think of any logical reason why it would be particularly useful for either the pituitary or osteonecrosis.

VIBE imaging is just post contrast imaging and this would be useful for pituitary imaging and possibly osteonecrosis, but honestly osteonecrosis can be diagnosed with standard T1/T2 imaging.

Anonymous No. 16212402

Thank you man.

I was thinking since there is improved capability for real-time imaging with GRASP it can be used to assess changes in blood flow/perfusion of the bone?

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Anonymous No. 16212488

Any anons doctors in Ontario, Canada? I had a really shit experience with a female walk-in clinic doctor today. I have some (what I feel were non-trivial) issues with my junk I wanted to get checked out and she:
>did not ask any questions at all, no history nothing
>did zero physical assessment
>said "I dont think anything is wrong, I will not refer you to anyone"

When I pointed out she did zero assessment or anything she said
>"ok go see a male doctor"

In Canada I have no access to specifically see a male doctor. I just have access to walk-in clinics where whoever is present is present. So basically she was completely dismissive of me without any concerns at all. So I am thinking I want to file a complaint. There's something called the CPSO that you can file a complaint with (no guarantee they'll care but eh), but I don't want to face any retaliation from access to healthcare. If I file a complaint against her, will any other doctors know? I basically have zero choices when it comes to healthcare here so if I start getting treated poorly because I filed a complaint against this awful doctor, I guess I just have to let it go.

Anonymous No. 16212534

Real talk guys: How are you supposed to do CPR chest compressions on a busty female?

Anonymous No. 16212668

whats wrong with copping a feel and saving a life?

Anonymous No. 16212723

Even if they did know, they are complied by the state to treat you. Do you what you want.

Anonymous No. 16212993

another day, another reaming by an attending.
someday, ill be able to fuck up without someone else reaming me.

Anonymous No. 16213653

attending surgeons keep telling me to reconsider my life choices, leave medicine, become literally anything else. lol

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Anonymous No. 16214739

Do vets have a broader range of knowledge/skills than a typical GP or physician?
I was just thinking about this today when I took my pooch in and the vet did a bunch of things my GP would never do, and I'd have to go to specialists like dentists/optometrists etc for.
Is it that GPs could do those things, and they just don't because of an unspoken agreement between the professions, or do they just not have as broad a skill set as a vet does?

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Anonymous No. 16216315

Anybody knows what are these globules commonly found in semen samples?

Anonymous No. 16216813


Anonymous No. 16217015

You're in much more trouble if someone sues you over doing a specialist's work allegedly poorly and not referring the patient because you didn't find anything. Plus you probably have enough work just doing the basic GP things, there's no incentive to expand to specialized work.

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Anonymous No. 16217413

Why does this place never talk about sports medicine?

Anonymous No. 16217951

sesame seeds. eat less burgers, bro.

Anonymous No. 16218422

I didn't take the sports vision elective and I didn't really care about sport (except electronic Sports).

Anonymous No. 16218581

Does anybody know what is the normal range for Leukocytes in semen per High Powered Field? My lab reports it like that, even though every other literature says it's under 1 million cells per mL. I only found 1 study that uses >20 WBC por field as selection criteria for a trial.

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Anonymous No. 16218752

Hey fellow nursoids.

I’m currently a wagie PCP LPN interested in either going into labor and delivery or natal intensive once getting my RN. Would becoming a NNP further down the line actually be worth it in the end or should I just settle for midwifery?

Anonymous No. 16218811

Just become an AA like the rest of the lazy faggots in medicine

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Anonymous No. 16218840

What is this?
Was thinking maybe genital herpes but its not sore or itchy

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Anonymous No. 16218890


Anonymous No. 16218917

It's herpes.

All the student talk gets so tiresome. You guys don't discuss anything else.

Anonymous No. 16218937

You want people posting their groins and stools?

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Anonymous No. 16218974


Anonymous No. 16219468

honest question. what is there to talk about?
outside looking in, it seems like a field dependent upon connections, otherwise you end up the team physician for your local D3 community college's varsity ironing team

Anonymous No. 16219494

>otherwise you end up the team physician for your local D3 community college's varsity ironing team
Seems like a chill, no stress job desu.

Vard No. 16219502

What? Neutering cats and attacking poverty, and making simulating strenuous? Violently attacking people's minds with love perversity. Torturing things. Causing universal problems and illegal Matrixes and other. Yeah that sounds chill. Anyway it doesn't work like that, it's set in stone. You do this, you do that. Simple as.

Vard No. 16219509

What you truly claim is that your childhood was imperfect. It was to some degree, but you caused that. It's like saying but I was influenced by him, that may be true but that excuse doesn't go as far as you think. You make clear moral decisions - what are you? Too mad?

Vard No. 16219518

No. If you listened to the voices that are against you in true fear of the matter - you would tone it down.

Anonymous No. 16219646

/med/bros, what occupation should my future wife have?

Anonymous No. 16219700

Why are there like 3 doctors, 3 medical students, 1 optometry student, and 3000 psychiatric patients in these threads lol.

Vard No. 16219701

Fart in my mouf now

Anonymous No. 16219922

kek, I'm also a virgin pathologist

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Anonymous No. 16220207

What would happen if it was.made and then put into the body
Psychiatrists are everywhere and they are loud

Anonymous No. 16220211

language arts teacher or rads. no in-between

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Anonymous No. 16220232

>Can anyone answer this question, anyone besides anon?
I'm not trying to be a know-it-all jackass, I'm just passionate.

Anonymous No. 16220330

anything ROAD if she's in medschool or just be a nurse and make good money without all the headache. just be careful if she's going to be a nurse as they love to cheat on their spouses.

Anonymous No. 16220456

what about midwives? just as slutty as nurses?

Anonymous No. 16220872

Rad tech student here. my whole life i thought my ADHD was very minimal and now I'm 2.5 semesters in and I constantly feel like a fucking tard. Every repeat takes 5 years off my life. And because I'm so scared I'll make a mistake and have to repeat I start panicking and make more stupid mistakes. Is there hope for me or should I just rope?

Anonymous No. 16221018

I mostly ignore the ventricular ectopics I see in ED patients who are otherwise in NSR. Now I'm panicking because I have about a 10% burden of VEBs myself. Am I fucked bros?

Anonymous No. 16221149

You should quit and pursue happiness instead, or just stop caring so much about failure.

Anonymous No. 16221155

I guess a lot of the old posters got fed up with the pandemic bullshit that turned this board into /pol/2 and left. Now there's nothing but annoying premeds here.

Anonymous No. 16221262

i feel like there isnt enough crossover between vetetnary medicine and human medicine.

I ended up getting scabies, i think from work.
and dealing with perscription to the pushback on getting the pill form of ivermectin.
got so frustrated i went to tractor supply co, got ivermectin cow wash, flea and tick treatment and horse paste with moxidesitin and parazuanquibtel.
i ended up paying more for that than getting my scripts filled finally.
dumping cow wash and using the whole box of flea treatment seemed to work. im pretty sure i underdosed the moxidecsitin.
but i havent been itching at all after a week so i think im good and ill just save the rx for later becuase my line of work its pretty common.
do doctors working at low income, psych wards, and geriactics have a delousing program themselves.
this is the second time i caught scabies and im so fucking over working for poverty.

Anonymous No. 16221299

Couldnt you just buy some permethrin lotion?

And no, the reason vet pharma and human pharma are separated is because a lot of the shit used in animals may cause side effects and toxicities, specially teratogenicity, which we don't care about in animals because they're getting slaughtered anyways.

Anonymous No. 16221311

the rx is 5%
the otc is much lower.
its used to treat lice not scabies which burrow under skin.

Anonymous No. 16221314

animal husbandry is like 50% jerking off horses and cows and shit.

Anonymous No. 16221580

There used to be a graduate (not sure if he was rezzie or boss) who would post ECGs and imaging for us to interpret. He was based. Would people be interested in a return of that?

Anonymous No. 16222050

So that's why women like that job

Anonymous No. 16222153

was the general more active and on topic in the past?

Anonymous No. 16222161

I bet you're a nursoid

Anonymous No. 16222307

Man why is prostatitis suh a literal pain in the dick? I have constant urge to pee, it's been already 1 week of taking cipro 500mg BID. How the fuck did this happen, I just avoided ejaculation for a couple of days. All the stupid fucking internet said that was healthy.

God dammit, this is seriously driving me insane. I think of nothing but the pain in my balls, the pain in my dick or the urge to take a dump without having anything in the rectum.

Anonymous No. 16222587

As a doctor, I can say that becoming a doctor is trivial, and have left it an exercise to the reader

Anonymous No. 16222667

how much of it is just googling shit having a sub to lexisnexis or reference a memo from hospital admin?
they are gatekeepers. the people you have to ask permission if you want a med that is deemed "rx only" or the use of a diagnostic machine like xray, tissue sampling, buttscopes, fmri.
i have wondered what it would take to build a basic triage and diagnosis lab. with all the scopes and stuff .

Anonymous No. 16222697

How do you guys deal with all the uncertainty in medicine? For example do steroids help pneumonia or not, do albuterol help with pneumonia or not. Even though the thing looks viral should we start antibiotics based on how severe it looks or not? Kid isn't responding well to SC adrenalin, should we intubate early knowing we may worsen the case with ventilator? We decided to intubate, kid is going bradicardic, enough to start compressions but he got better soon with atropine, should we macerate his chest because the protocol calls for it?

At the end of the day audit comes and they want to fuck you up for not following protocol 100%, your assessment seems to be worth jackshit, but you can't help but think you were doing the right stuff. What do you do with all these feelings of uncertainty and hesitance? I dropped out because nobody gave me a clear answer and I could foresee harming more people from shit like this.

Anonymous No. 16222734

You probably don't have bacterial prostatitis, especially not a bacterial prostatitis from not ejaculating. Avoid cold exposure.
Pick a specialization where you can deal with the risks. Work in a lab or a pharma company if you don't want to deal with risk management. If they're constantly harassing you with audits, you have to follow protocol and that's it, likely no case is going to be worth getting fired or fined over. It's not your personal fault if management is breathing down your neck.

Anonymous No. 16222849

isnt protocol usually do least disruptive thing to system first then gradually step up risks.
just from my expierence on a mental health diversion alot of healthcare comes down to the professional sense of judgement.
ufortunatly most of that is "dont get sued/in trouble"
otherwise your education and your mentors are suppose to not only establish these protocols but also tell you why.

Anonymous No. 16222879

Placebo effect is your ally.

Anonymous No. 16222895

arent most pharma drugs compounded with small percentages of the active drug?
arent pills like %95 placebo powder and <=5% active ingredient?

Anonymous No. 16222904

Managers often take protocols as "Do this in order or get sued", or in cases where people don't get sued "Do this in order or we get a slightly worse score in our peformance evals". Anyways, where I was working kids would look bad but treatable with a lot of vigilance, my colleagues would just wait until the kid got bad enough to intubate whatever and send him to the specialized hospital.

Anonymous No. 16222926

Also a lot of these kids with SRV i suppose ended up getting severely ill to the point nothing would seem to work on them. It made me question what the fuck were we doing with them in the first place if connecting them to a ventilator and hoping for the best was the only thing that gave results. Some newborns with moderate respiratory difficulty also seemed they could get better with just leaving them be and others would shit the bed and end up intubated. A lot of stuff just seemed to be random chance. Nobody taught me jackshit in that residency and I resent medicine for that now.

Anonymous No. 16222938

sounds like the colleague is one of those pass the buck type of workers.
triaged himself in the numbers game.
maintaining vigilince is good but leads to quick burnout.
he was either unsure of himself , or defunitly an administraive workstyle.

Anonymous No. 16222955

it appears random , becuase trying to findout that shit is a completley different set of release forms and say "experimental" on them.
research hostipals are different than crisis units and family doctors.
or perhaps that kind of data cant be compiled in the time needed.
hopefully youll do better next time and learn from it.

Anonymous No. 16222983

Do you want to have a family? I have accepted my virginity but I think it would be nice to have sex and have a cute and loving wife.

Anonymous No. 16223018

be a midlevel and push anything you dont want to deal with off to an MD/DO because you dont want to be sued.

Anonymous No. 16223042

I took a warm water bath. It felt quite comfortable and the sensation diminished a lot into perineal and leg tingling. The nature of the problem must be some sort of pudendal neuralgia caused by seminal vesicle distention. I hope this doesn't last long. I don't have pain when ejaculating, I didn't see more specks in the last two ejaculations, and I'm not feeling acute pain anymore, only this tingling and the ocassional cremaster spasm.

Anonymous No. 16223220

that sounds lovely

Anonymous No. 16223348

I've worked with 2 medfluencers in my time.

The first one I will not name, she was a woman and she was shit. Wouldn't pull her weight, would disappear for hours at a time and be unreachable, dumping all her work on her colleagues (me). Her content was braindead woman shit as well, tiktok dancing and half-naked vids etc. Completely insufferable personality, somehow thought she was better than everyone else. I absolutely hated her.

The other influencer I've worked with was insanely good at his job and as a person. I'll name him - Ali Abdaal. We were Foundation doctors together back in the day. Very smart guy

Anonymous No. 16223353

More likely anal fissure than haemorrhoids


Anonymous No. 16223417

>Ali Abdaal
>productivity influencer
God I hate the modern obsession with self-help. As de Gobineau would say, such a yellow soul quality. Give me something transcendent.

Anonymous No. 16224074

>The other influencer I've worked with was insanely good at his job and as a person. I'll name him - Ali Abdaal. We were Foundation doctors together back in the day. Very smart guy
Even though he's a soiboi at heart, he does seem to be at the very least above average in his videos and his credentials seem to prove it. Kharma medic might be the only other medfluencer I would assume is decent.

Anonymous No. 16224105
What's the chemical killing him, /med/?

Anonymous No. 16224420

>The other influencer I've worked with was insanely good at his job
As a first year med student, what advise would you give in order to become the best (...I can potentially be)?

Anonymous No. 16225020

The "GP" vets cover most shit, there are veterinary surgeons and anesthesiologists, but for most other walk-in clinic shit there'll be few specialists that would take these kinds of referals. Treating housepets is a comparativley small part of veterinary medicine, the bulk is agriculture, lab animals, etc.

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Anonymous No. 16225421


🗑️ Anonymous No. 16225425

Styrofoam pyromaniac new upload!!!!!!

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🗑️ Anonymous No. 16225431

>that part of me is missing right now
Aa I love him
And I'll stop

Anonymous No. 16225702


Anonymous No. 16225969

>Read study
>read other study
>Ciprofloxacin caused rupture in people who took it for 2 days! most were ruptured after 7 days! one or two guys had it when they took it 60 days! It has a dose dependent effect, the longer you take it the more chances of rupture! (even though most people got ruptured with smaller doses)

Ok, are quinolones safe or not?

Anonymous No. 16226039

Look at how the last man spazzes out at the mere mention of transcendence. Never mind that EBM is not mutually exclusive with transcendence. To spell it out for you, my previous post was a cultural criticism about the pervasive obsession with self-help, which obviously is a symptom of ubiquitous nihilism.

Anonymous No. 16226084

>reading studies
lel. let me guess, published by wang zhang MD or is it patreep pajeet MD?

Anonymous No. 16226255

is it true that they teach you how to mutilate the genitals of newborn boys in medical school according to the Talmud

Is it an easier question to ask which medical schools don't do this?

Anonymous No. 16226617

>Took 18th cipro dose
>hands started to get paresthesia
>left hand now 5% numb, with paresthesia and weak
Ok, Fluoroquinolones are not safe. Wish they would have put the warning "Max 7days". Fuck this bullshit.

Anonymous No. 16226831

Should've gone to art school instead of med school
I'm way past the point of just dropping out tho

🗑️ Anonymous No. 16226846

>Should've gone to art school instead of med school
Same. I plan to use my doctor money to get private lessons though.

Anonymous No. 16226850

>Should've gone to art school instead of med school
Same. I do plan on using my doctor money to get private lessons though. What do you like to draw?

Anonymous No. 16226862

>3 day abstinence semen culture at 5 days cipro turned out E. coli resitant to cipro and trimethoprim
Thank god I wont take that anymore, but now all there is available are cephalosporins.

Anonymous No. 16226870

I'm more into photography/cinematography than drawing
Hope your plans work out well anon

Anonymous No. 16226871

Medicine is a kiked industry used to push petrochemicals. You're all braindead.

Anonymous No. 16226885

>I'm more into photography/cinematography than drawing
I'm not really familiar with these but you can use your doctor money to buy the best cameras and lenses. You can also use your doctor money to go to cool places around the world to take your shots too.

>Hope your plans work out well anon
Thank you. Same to you. We can at least use our money to pursue our interests.

Anonymous No. 16227371

why the fuck are there so many gay dudes in this profession

Anonymous No. 16227373

>five weeks out from Step2
>got fucking slaughtered on my first practice NBME
Just kill me, Pete

Anonymous No. 16227516

Don't worry about it. Review the NBME you took and figure out why you missed stuff. I improved my score by overthinking less, choosing the obvious answer, and going with my gut reaction more. Continue grinding uworld and NBME's and stay confident

Anonymous No. 16227539

I just finished biochem and it was brutal. I'm premed but also realistic and I've accepted that I'm probably never going to get in but I have to keep trying anyways

Anonymous No. 16227544

would it be a bad idea to try to clean my own ear from an impacted earwax with a homemade solution of sodium bicarbonate? finding time for a specialist is hard, and it feels like a retarded waste of time and money...

Anonymous No. 16227586

Thanks, I just got blindsided a little because I had been doing relatively well on my second pass of Uworld. I guess I should spend more time on the NBME material more than Uworld, maybe go over the old CMS forms.

Anonymous No. 16227588

going to school for my bachelors in biomedical engineering, I keep hearing everyone online giving warnings about careers in BME. I don't get it one bit, I'm going into a career that's only growing and no matter where I look online its retards screeching how bad BME is

Anonymous No. 16227634

bme is headed straight for the kind of oversaturation that plagues cs. it's great if you're a top candidate, but for every top candidate there necessarily are 99 other people who hate their jobs.

Anonymous No. 16227670

>eight weeks out from part3 of optometry boards
>a couple practical skills (hopefully the standardized patients dont suck)
>and ten stations where you have to take a chief complaint, look at exam findings, order additional tests, then diagnose/treat diseases from nine possible areas.
i dont feel ready at all, and i hope i don't fuck it up. they've just revamped it from the old version, so it's completely new with no one having any knowledge on how hard it will be. to make matters worse, you have to fly to North Carolina to take the test, so if you fail then you have to fly over again.
been studying Wills Eye Manual and will move onto class notes after, but i really don't know how else to prepare for it since it's brand new.

Anonymous No. 16227705

is optometry a good career to go into
What should I do if I'm a junior and I have 1 more year of undergrad left and I have a low GPA like 3.0 and want to do medical school or something (I like anatomy and working with my hands and talking)?
I can either
>online DIY postbacc while I'm in Europe
>in person DIY postbacc
>in person fancy postbacc
>masters with linkage
>apply to optometry or podiatry or something
>become a nurse
>get a job

Anonymous No. 16227818

optometry is pretty good to go into if you're American/practicing in America as long as the field interests you. states keep increasing the scope of practice so that optometrists can do more procedures (recent push is into laser procedures), and there already is a wide array of specialties you can pursue (vision therapy, contact lenses, low vision, pediatric, ocular disease, etc).
the pay is good (not MD/DO good) but you will come out with ~250k in debt if you get 0 scholarships and this number keeps going up as the years go on.
if you're interested in surgery, then there's a slim chance you'll see a large surgical expansion beyond skin lesions/lasers in our life times unless they make it where every ocular surgery can be done via lasers/computers in some way.

if you really don't care about any specific field of medicine and just want to work in the medical field and make decent money, then nursing would be your best bet. schooling is quick, not that difficult, and pretty cheap. after you become a registered nurse, you could then become a nurse pracitioner and gain some independence, make more money, and practice limited medicine in a specific field. their scope of practice will expand more, but i can't give you specifics.

i don't know much about podiatry, but they make decent money and have good surgical scope of practice in (most?) states. i also think some states have increased their scope to cover the entire leg and not just the foot, but no idea which states or if it even passed: i just remember reading something about it awhile ago.

if your GPA is 3.0 and not even a tenth higher, then it will probably be tough to get into optometry or podiatry school. some optometry schools don't have a minimum GPA requirement, so maybe you could make it up with a really good GRE/OAT score (GRE is much easier lmao) but it's so low i don't know if it'd be good enough. you could contact some schools and ask. might be able to get into nursing with a 3.0.

Anonymous No. 16227843

Pod schools apparently are taking whoever they can get. There are pod students being admitted with GPAs well below 3.0. My MCAT is 500.
I'm going to just do a postbacc or masters program because if I don't I will forever live in regret asking what if.
Do you think I should do that

Anonymous No. 16227889

it's up to you, man. i laid out the information i knew/kind of knew, now you have to decide. doing a postbacc will give you time to decide exactly what to do and make yourself look better depending on what you what to move onto next. if you're doing a masters, make sure you can be employed with it and that it's not a masters in ancient african basket weaving.

Anonymous No. 16227968

Psuedomonas smells lush when grown on plates. Like pear drops.

Incidentally Moraxella catarrhalis smells like spunk.

Anonymous No. 16228064

Chemfag here but I did enough pharmacology to recognize a morphine derivative. Your active pharmacophore is preserved so will probably still have mu opioid receptor affinity. Bulky alkyl chain will probably make it less potent as it won't fit the target site as well. Your logP and absorption should increase but it won't matter as the alcohols are still free for rapid glucuronidation and excretion.
More concentration of drug=more likely and severe reaction. In trials they filter down to stuff with micro to nanomolar potency. The 95% placebo is there for
>Bulking up the tablet so you can actually hold it and see it Vs trying to swallow a speck of powder
>Stabilise it from breakdown from light, oxygen, heat
>Validated pharmacokinetics (breakdown in the gut, absorption)

Anonymous No. 16228228

doesnt genital herpes manifest with a group of vesicles?

Anonymous No. 16228231

doesnt herpes manifest as grouped vesicles?

Anonymous No. 16228244

Fellow anons, if not money, why med? More specifically why med and not boomed/research?

t. High GPA no clue what to do

Anonymous No. 16228245


Anonymous No. 16228684

I would never want to have children and I would only accept a 3d woman if she shared 100% of my interests and had a shutdown button on her back
I score very high in internet schizoid tests btw

Anonymous No. 16228900

>We decided to intubate, kid is going bradicardic, enough to start compressions but he got better soon with atropine, should we macerate his chest because the protocol calls for it?


Anonymous No. 16228946

Sounds good, I've been watching Ali for almost a decade. Seemed really intelligent and he's accomplished a lot. I'm starting med soon at an older age, do you still recommend it in the UK ?
Always heard this, even from optho and family medicine

Anonymous No. 16229128

>Shown picture of disc herniation, obviously anterior
>Normal motor functions at and below, hyperreflexia and attenuated sensation
The fuck are the people who wrote this case smoking?

🗑️ Anonymous No. 16229138

Today I had an EEG done and I mentally repeated the word "nigger" throughout the entire length of the test. Will they see it in the waves?

Anonymous No. 16229169

Just use olive oil like a normal person

Anonymous No. 16229280

I did the same but it was "I hate niggers and jews, the axis should have won" over and over again. My brain was lit up like a Christmas tree.

Anonymous No. 16229367

>even from ophthalmology and family medicine
kek. do those ophthalmologists not want more competition? i can understand family med telling you to do something else though.

Anonymous No. 16229415

huh, I didn't know about this. how tf does it even work?

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Anonymous No. 16229523

What's the worst thing you've ever smelled? Dead bowel has to a top contender for me.

Anonymous No. 16229552

Maggot infestation on a necrotizing patient that also shit himself.

Anonymous No. 16229593

Probably an entamoeba histolytica infection where their bowels were just holed poo trash. Infectious disease consultation is ghastly.

Anonymous No. 16229620
Should I be worried?

Anonymous No. 16229656

fungating tumour with superimposed pseudomonas infection in neglected demented patient (unwashed, probably shit themselves too)

Anonymous No. 16229658

>people still grifting off of politically dead issue
>Qatari authors
yep, it's goyence slop

Anonymous No. 16229659

Could an absolute bro please help me access this paper? I already tried sci-hub.

Anonymous No. 16229661

>max file size is 4 MB
gay. what's the point of even allowing PDF uploads

Anonymous No. 16229669

Thank you based anon. You are a gentleman and a scholar.

Anonymous No. 16229870

MedAnons, I'm settling for my single DO acceptance after every MD school I applied to fucking rejected me. Please reassure me that I'm not some sort of retard special needs-equivalent physician that will silently be looked down upon forever

Anonymous No. 16229873

>I'm settling for my single DO acceptance after every MD school I applied to fucking rejected me.
tsk tsk

Anonymous No. 16229884

I mean you could be paying $500,000 tuition stranded on an island living in a roach-infested slum just to match FM, there are certainly bigger retards than you

Anonymous No. 16229956

>Total fees for tuition (undergrad plus med school): US$60,000
wtf I love socialism now

Anonymous No. 16229973

as long as you aren't going for the most competitive specialties, who cares? you'll pay more in tuition, but you'll still be a doctor raking in the dough (assuming you can pass everything).

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Anonymous No. 16230025

You ever wondered what working in a field hospital would have been like?

Anonymous No. 16230210

Guy with gallbladder tumor that ulcerated into his skin. Can’t even describe it.

Anonymous No. 16230366

>but you'll still be a doctor raking in the dough
Money isn't everything.

Anonymous No. 16230549

stable career in exchange for starting in our late early 30s

Anonymous No. 16230721

How long is CAD critical?
Have had it since 5 weeks. Pain already subsided, just tender feeling of Neck and temple as well as random ass muscle twitches, (even my fucking rectum) and occasional slight headache remain. I'm tired of worrying about dying all the time and would love to have an estimate.

Anonymous No. 16230768

what do you fellas think about rural medicine?
I'm just a premed, but I was thinking it might be cool to go be a doc in wyoming or something and make bank with low income tax and cost of living

🗑️ Anonymous No. 16230843

>what do you fellas think about rural medicine?
It's pretty neat. I get to live my life quietly. My only complaint is that some patients are sort of racist to me (I'm Asian) but even that is kind of funny.

Anonymous No. 16230850

>what do you fellas think about rural medicine?
It's pretty neat. I get to live my life quietly. My only complaint is that some patients are sort of racist to me (I'm Asian) but even that is kind of funny.

Anonymous No. 16231237

>patients are sort of racist to me
in a malicious way, or in an "I don't have experience interacting with people who look like you" way?

Anonymous No. 16231307

no, you can not smoke weed to treat your glaucoma. please, stop asking.

Anonymous No. 16231327

I will scromit on you.

Anonymous No. 16231540

I sobbed for half a minute today when I got my Step 1 result (pass). Am I a faggot?

Anonymous No. 16231544

I have no medical background but I'm thinking about applying for a desk job in a clinic that runs medical trials.
Do you think I should mention that I am a medical research enthusiast? By that I mean I enjoy reading medical papers as a hobby.

Anonymous No. 16231545

The truth is: you were a faggot from the beginning.

Anonymous No. 16231546

American tipping culture is really out of hand. They even have babies leaving the tips of their penises if they cant afford the hospital bill.

Anonymous No. 16231547

Btw the fields that I'm interested in are
>weight loss

Anonymous No. 16231550

You got to roll with the punches man. When you graduate from medical school and become a physician it'll just be some letters after your name.

Anonymous No. 16231551

Oh also I forgot
Cardiovascular health is a big one

Anonymous No. 16231553

So it depends how you frame it.
If you just say you enjoy reading medical papers, people will assume you're the Karin who won't shut up about the latest fad diet or this one paper showed that this herb cures cancer.
If you like reading medical papers, you should say which ones and what particularly you like about them. E.g. if you're applying for medical trials, maybe talk about method in particular and removing bias etc.
Though it might be overkill since you're probably not involved in study design.

Anonymous No. 16231559

The role I'm applying for has literally nothing to do with study design at all, it's just about managing papers and writing things into a computer
My interest is basically as follows
>I have a question I want resolved
>I find a paper that researches the issue or I find a literature review
>I read through the review and then when the authors say something I don't like I read the studies they're using to support that claim
>I read through them

Anonymous No. 16231560

>When you graduate from medical school and become a physician it'll just be some letters after your name.
It's about the pride of not being a dumbass.

Anonymous No. 16231565

Alas! Then Anon finds himself in the quicksand just like Baron Munchausen!

Anonymous No. 16231572

You've given me food for thought, I won't mention it
Thanks anon

Anonymous No. 16231573

> you, med school student, paid hundreds of thousands of dollars for letters after your name

> me, phd student, got paid minimum wage for mine

Anonymous No. 16231582

what was your phd in

Anonymous No. 16231583

You'll be smarter than the patients, nurses, techs, and some MD's, especially if they're DEI. Empirically, you're not a dumbass.
>Captcha: W0WDY

Anonymous No. 16231588

There are plenty of retard doctors out there botching surgerys, scamming patients or not giving referrals when needed

Anonymous No. 16231604

The duality of Doctor-Man. The point is just work as hard as you can to learn medicine so as to not be a dumbass. Worrying about letters is for the ARNP-CRN-LGBT-BBW-BBQ's of the world

Anonymous No. 16231615

>Worrying about letters is for the ARNP-CRN-LGBT-BBW-BBQ's of the world
Every DO would switch up to an MD school if they could.

Anonymous No. 16231622

even Dr.Mike?

Anonymous No. 16231629

I'm not sure what Dr. Mike has to do with this. Is being a DO a part of his 'brand' or some shit? But to answer your question, he would likely switch up to an MD school in a heartbeat.

Anonymous No. 16231631

not a real doctor
he's like the real life version of Dr. Nick

Anonymous No. 16231632

I agree, maybe with the exception of non-US MD/Caribbean. As an MD I think the main differences are
A) Mildly less prestigious title
B) DO matriculants have lower premed test scores
C) Need to learn OMM
If it's a person's next best option it's still a lot better than not getting the chance to be a doctor

Anonymous No. 16231636

>Mildly less prestigious title
Ask someone on the street what a DO is and most wouldn't be able to answer.

Anonymous No. 16231637

>Need to learn OMM
DOs, what's this actually like?

Anonymous No. 16231665

>Ask someone on the street what a DO is and most wouldn't be able to answer.
I understand your point, but respectfully, who gives a fuck about what people on the street think? There's a lot of shit they don't know. They call NP's doctors and don't know the difference.
MD's working with a DO aren't going to call DO's fake doctors unless they're morons.

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Anonymous No. 16231666

DOs are fake doctors. Simple as.

Anonymous No. 16231683

just got on vyvanse. is my psychiatrist gonna be mad at me if i tell her that im doubling up my dose? how do i tell her my prescription isnt high enough?
>youre gonna run out of pills
one problem at a time plz

Anonymous No. 16231698

>just got on vyvanse. is my psychiatrist gonna be mad at me if i tell her that im doubling up my dose?
Yes, 95% chance they will stop prescribing to you. Docs today are terrified of prescribing scheduled drugs that actually work. A 40mg vyvanse is equal to 7-8mg of adderall, I got Rx'd 20mg adderall when I was 13 and even the biggest legal vyvanse dose can't match that. But good luck convincing your doc that the dose is a joke. Never admit that you're taking more than one dose a day. This is really difficult to do and depends on the doc's personality but you have to wait 2-5 months and note how it's helping you but you're still struggling with symptoms.

Anonymous No. 16231706

P.S. You can pre-dose with a basifying agent (calcium carbonate [tums], or preferably baking soda in water) 15 min before taking your dose and less will be destroyed by stomach acids before reaching your bloodstream (meaning you get a higher dose). It's even mentioned on the FDA data sheet for vyvanse. You could do some CYP2D6 inhibitors which will limit your liver's ability to destroy the amphetamine.

Anonymous No. 16231719

well fuck my face, glad i asked i guess.
>You can pre-dose with a basifying agent (calcium carbonate [tums], or preferably baking soda in water)
that could work. thanks fren.

Anonymous No. 16231754

Do answers to standard questions doctors ask find their way back to the patient's insurance company? What information from a physical does?

Anonymous No. 16231783

pathology > radiology
and that's a fact

Anonymous No. 16231789

>pathology > radiology
Radiology gets paid more though.

🗑️ Anonymous No. 16231792

if i ask a nigger on the street what's the difference between Ph.D. and M.D. i don't think they could tell me.

Anonymous No. 16231988

Every single medical student knows it's bullshit, and we are just learning it because we have to. All of us. It is frankly bizarre we're still forced to smile and pretend this manipulation shit is legit in any way. It's treated like a blind faith religion.

Anonymous No. 16232713

Don't forget about chapman points

Anonymous No. 16233070

I had one incident where some dude requested another doctor because I was an "Oriental" and he said he didn't trust my people after the Vietnam War.

On the other hand, there's an old dude who specifically seeks me out as his doctor because of what he did to my people in the war as some weird redemption thing.

Anonymous No. 16233239

>there are gooks inside the med general
oh no.

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Life imitates shi....jpg

Anonymous No. 16233320

>I was an "Oriental" and he said he didn't trust my people after the Vietnam War.
kek can't make this shit up

Anonymous No. 16233538

hell, that's beyond what I expected
at least you find some humor in it

Anonymous No. 16233589

No one likes to talk about how this profession requires a backbone and is not meant for sensitive little shits, Asianon I’ve got a lot of respect for you. I wish a particular little demographic of my school’s student body had your outlook

Anonymous No. 16233632

>guy comes in seeing worse than 20/400
>tells me he has been this way for months
>refraction makes him 20/200 at best after 10minutes of poorly trying
why do these people wait several months? kek, at least it wasn't anything that would cause him to be permanently blind

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Anonymous No. 16233634

Does anyone know of a 3d human model that you can manipulate and remove layers of anatomy one at a time? For drawing, but I realized you guys might know better than the drawing thread I asked.

Anonymous No. 16233635

>at least you find some humor in it
The second guy's reason for seeking me out is kind of morbid but I do find the dark humor in that.
Similarly, I went to a college known for its military alumni and there was one White guy who served in the Korean War who actually helped me out in the form of scholarships. I thought it was a bit funny how he went from killing Asians - I saw his service record - to helping me out. He was kind to me and I won't forget his help.

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Anonymous No. 16233680

Anonymous No. 16233714

I'd love scrubs if JD wasn't such a cringe sissy

Anonymous No. 16233880

for me? it's House.

Anonymous No. 16233953

>watching medically-related TV shows in your free time
I avoid medicine when I'm not working.

Anonymous No. 16233967

when I was a cringe premed and not the based doctor I am now, I used to watch them

Anonymous No. 16233981

I've never watched any medical TV show, even when I was a premed. These threads are the only exposure I have to medicine outside of work. Kneel.

Anonymous No. 16234096

you sound like a pretentious FM faggot so no

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Anonymous No. 16234109

Is the entire US medical establishment merchants beholden to Rockefeller medicine?

Anonymous No. 16234239

What's stopping me from treating my patients by doing a tarot draw and consulting their astrology before they come into clinic?

Anonymous No. 16234265

nothing, because informed consent is based on the morality of the license holder.

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Anonymous No. 16234385

>These threads are the only exposure I have to medicine outside of work

Anonymous No. 16234512

The shows are also usually pretty shit, the only medical show I still like is ER for being comfy 90s melodrama.

Anonymous No. 16234520

>>16233634 should have one, don't know if it's included in the free trial though

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Anonymous No. 16234638

does borellia infection always manifest the meme halo?

Anonymous No. 16234742

How frequent is the meat allergy?

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Anonymous No. 16234845

>Every DO would switch up to an MD school if they could.

False. DO Radfag here. My backup was to do FM and neuromuscular medicine concierge style if I didn't get rads. Despite the flak that OMM gets, it's incredibly useful and works wonders. And before any idiots jump in who don't actually know what OMM is, I am talking about what is basically a combination of massage, physical therapy, and chiropractory all in one, not that ridiculous cranial shit. Also pays a hell of a lot better than standard MD FM.

It literally combines massage, physical therapy, and chiropractory into one quick treatment regimen. The names are stupid though (muscle energy, high velocity/low amplitude, myofascial release, Still technique, etc).


These two guy are retarded and can't pick out the useful stuff from the nonsense.

>DOs are fake doctors.

My bank account disagrees.

Anonymous No. 16234885

>My bank account disagrees.
I hope you realize you're bragging about your finances to a bunch of other doctors. Cringe.

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Anonymous No. 16234900

Can any healthbro tell me if there are any serious studies about the relation between CONSTIPATION and severe MENSTRUAL CRAMPS? No kidding here, I'm sure there's a link, but eveery professional I ask in my country has no idea.

Anonymous No. 16234903

I'm an engineer (BEng, MSc, IEng) and I deeply wish I was a med fag, but the human body absolutely disgusts me.

Anonymous No. 16234952

Christ the Highest you speak with such profound faggotry it’s no wonder you couldn’t get into an MD. Quit coping about OMM, the vibrator buzzing within your own ass has more “massage therapy” merit than anything your quack schools teaches

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Anonymous No. 16234956

>I hope you realize you're bragging about your finances to a bunch of other doctors. Cringe.

Most of the people in this thread are pre-med, nurses, techs, and midlevels lmao.

Also, not all physicians make the same amount of money.

Anonymous No. 16234976

You are a 30+-year-old 'man' bragging about how much money you make to bunch on anons. You are pathetic.

Anonymous No. 16235158


Anonymous No. 16235303

Yeah, magnesium, phenilalanine and everything that makes you go number two every day helps with severe mentrual cramps. But no health professional tells teenage girls that, they directly recommend the pill. Why!?

Anonymous No. 16235312

Look up debrox and use it for a few days. Then squirt water in your ear to flush out stuff. Trust me, I'm a middle school premed.

Anonymous No. 16235314

ive never seen a medshow, but i watch a lot of the good clips on youtube.

Anonymous No. 16235562

poor fag detected

Anonymous No. 16235575

Any Urologist here that could explain me this shit?

I had a surgery due to 3 cysts and a varicocele in my balls, nothing out of the ordinary until a week later of the surgery while checking with the doctor he told me that he didn't remove 3 cysts, instead he removed TWENTY FUCKING FIVE CYSTS in my balls, me or the Doc have no clue of what the hell could have caused the stupid amount of cysts.

Anonymous No. 16235664

as with the last thread involving weird rashes, I think actually a mild case of hidradenitis suppurativa.

if so, get zinc, curcumin, do IPL therapy and cryotherapy. fuck clindamycin and Humira, dermatologists don't know fuck all about treating that shit.

Anonymous No. 16235792

was that even lyme? Only one kind of US tick does the vegan bite, so I can't imagine that's it. Borelia is not picky, methinks.

Asking again:>>16234638

Anonymous No. 16235808

The sternum is between the tits. They shouldn’t get in the way. If needed you could undo the bra I guess.

Anonymous No. 16235909

sulfur soap.

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New Barkon No. 16235911


Anonymous No. 16235998

Math PhD here. I worked for years to get the math PhD, then entered industry, worked for years wondering when I was going to get to the “helping people” part of mathematics. In my naïveté I assumed if people did mathematics there must be a way it helps the world somehow, right? Also of course I enjoyed it or I wouldn’t have been able to do it. But in the end I realized mathematics helps no one except powerful people organize systems, often very large surveillance systems. I realized I wasted a lot of time building up to a career that just sucks money out of the system and doesn’t do anyone any good. I now fully regret not using that time going into medicine instead. Seems obvious in hindsight, but it wasn’t for me.

Anonymous No. 16236001

*but it wasn’t obvious for me

Anonymous No. 16236039

Medicine is the same. You enrich pharma companies.

Anonymous No. 16236449

follow the steps on Uncle Ted

Anonymous No. 16236454


Anonymous No. 16236549

constipation and severe menstrual cramps can be of many etiologies, and the best way to identify this is via ultrasound.. differentials are endometriosis or fibroids.

why? your sentence has a lot of contradictions but I can tell it's because ur bro is medfag and he's being praised more than you.. a typical pajeet idealization.

Anonymous No. 16236659

Societal collapse is likely going to happen within the next 20 years, and unfortunately you’ve picked a profession so abstract it couldn’t possibly have any value in a primitive world. Tell me how many mathematicians you see chugging away in Uganda or some other shithole trying to solve the Riemann hypothesis. I’m sorry you based your career on how much Numberphile you watched in your adolescence.
Although this >>16236039 is true, I take comfort that our training will at least equip us with the skills to be valuable when all the made-up systems in our lives ultimately fail. All you EM bros will become the human equivalent of gold when shit hits the fan. Psychiatrists… not so much.
Based as fuck

Anonymous No. 16236702

>All you EM bros will become the human equivalent of gold when shit hits the fan.
I knew I was in the right for picking EM.

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Anonymous No. 16236713

The anti-intellectual revolution is coming. The geenieboppers will be runed up and given methlmercury injections, lobotomies, and their brain cell forcibly transplanted to us, the true geniuses. The geenieboppers MUST be punished for ruining civilization with too much abstractioj and nonsensical mathematicians who need a Lobotomy.

Geeniboppers are classss enemies of the working class.

Anonymous No. 16236999

what am i supposed to do as an optometrist when the world explodes? i dont know how to manufacture plastic/glass lenses from scratch...

Anonymous No. 16237006

>what am i supposed to do as an optometrist when the world explodes?
Offer yourself up as food.

Anonymous No. 16237035

im all skin, bones, and eyes.

Anonymous No. 16237040

You can be used to carry people's stuff until you die of exhaustion. Then you will be consumed.

Anonymous No. 16237302

>Societal collapse is likely going to happen within the next 20 years
Just wrong. Things will get shitter (more people per square metre of housing, proportion of protein versus carbohydrate in diet, life expectancy reversing, increased suicide rate) but it's not going to be The Purge or post apocalypse tier.

Anonymous No. 16237329

we should blame the clinicians!

Anonymous No. 16237452

>Psychiatrists… not so much
Also add Rads, Anesthesia, Neurology, Derm to the list of professions that would become obsolete in the wake of WW3 or some other apocalyptic event.

I’d imagine OBGYN and all the types of surgeries would be somewhat useful in that sort of scenario. Depending on the type of apocalypse, epidemiology and oncology might jump up in value too

Anonymous No. 16237456

>anaesthesia will become obselete

Anonymous No. 16237462

I know right, how does this retard expect surgery to be carried out? With tied restraints and earplugs?

Anonymous No. 16237609

>OBGYN and surg will reign supreme
where are the antibiotics and anesthetics going to be sourced?
the only plus side for OB would be fewer patients = fewer lawsuits

I hold the idea that veterinarians will thrive. And agree with >>16236659 concerning EM.

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Anonymous No. 16237693


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Anonymous No. 16237699

Oh, look, wait

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Anonymous No. 16237702

who could have ever foreseen this??? Truly, only a prophet or a genius with a prodigious length of dick!

Anonymous No. 16237905

Hello peeps, is doing a residency in Pharmacology or Public Health a good option?

Anonymous No. 16237907

Ha ha ha so many. It's so cringe but one of them is making bank by spewing out the same self help crap and "medical guidance" shit. I sometimes think if I was lil more extrovert and had less shame about my appearance in eyes of others, I'd also do it and make some money on the side

Anonymous No. 16237933

Im 23. Just got diagnosed with bertolotti syndrome and sciatica after a bout of excruciating pain. Should I just kill myself?

Anonymous No. 16238007

No, don't kill yourself. See if you're ready to kys over this that means you have run out of options. So now you're free. Why to be in a hurry to kys then? Enjoy. Stay a while. Try a few more years. Try to find alternatives. Like Pete Sampras modified his game when he was diagnosed with Thallasemia.

Try for a few more years. You can always kys later. Enjoy the world. See it. Travel a bit. Do something that you never thought of doing now that you're free from any kind of obligation cause you know you are gonna kys later. Ask that slutty 10 out. What's the worst that will happen lol. You are gonna be dead soon anyway! Do you realise how free you now are? Just go out there anon. You are free! And then when you have done everything, who cares man if you even kys or not. Absolutely no one, no one gives a flying fuck. Not your parents, not your siblings. They'll be sad for like a few days. Then they'll be normal. Or maybe they'll also kts. Then they'll also be free.

Just see that you don't have any dependents or anything. Settle them first I mean. Morally and ethically saying. Otherwise fuck them. They'll learn a lesson that life is fucked and anything can happen anytime.

You are free anon. Free.

Anonymous No. 16238032

>haha bro just leave everything you built up behind and go travel, the excruciating pain whenever you move is just in your head bro haha
Thanks doc

Anonymous No. 16238065

Did I say don't kys or it's in your head? I just said it doesn't make a difference if you kill yourself today or a week later or a year later.

Live like a cancer patient idiot. Enjoy a bit of your last few days/months whatever. I mean they are not gonna ban ropes in the coming future.

I myself have planned catching the bus by 35 if I do not make it big by that age dude. Kys idc. Go fuck yourself also. No body gives a shit man. There are 8 billion humans and we are not running out of humans so idc you don't wanna have fun in your last days on earth and be a fucking cry whiny baby then do that.

Nobody likes a crying weeping man baby. Die with a smile atleast.

Anonymous No. 16238068

I mean you kys is also leaving whatever you built everything behind retard. Did you have a brain fart or something when you thought about catching the bus? Might as well fuck some hookers in Amsterdam. Atleast you won't die a fucking virgin you loser.

Anonymous No. 16238075

Living proof most doctors are honestly really fucking stupid

Anonymous No. 16238106

Yeah, it's in all your head. The head receives those signals from your leg.. so technically you're right! I am pretty sure we have sufficient medication to suppress any form of pain at this point.

Anonymous No. 16238120

Yeah baby give me that morphine and fentanyl oh yeaaaah baby

Anonymous No. 16238406

I'd rather die with dignity and leave my stuff to my family than live as a useless whoremongering druggie for the rest of my life. I will use the hydrocodone I was prescribed for now but if I find out there's no way to stop the pain for good I'm gonna kms

Anonymous No. 16238489

These days, what's up with Parkinson's disease?

Anonymous No. 16238505

not much. what's up with you?

Anonymous No. 16238508

We measured the resting state activities of 11 PD patients utilizing different devices, i.e deep brain stimulation (DBS) contacts placed within the subthalamic nucleus area, and EEG electrodes placed above the motor areas. Data were recorded in each patient before drug administration (OFF-condition) and after drug administration (ON-condition). Neuronal avalanches, i.e. brief bursts of activity with widespread propagation, were detected and quantified on both types of contacts, and used to characterize differences in both conditions. Of particular interest, we noted a larger number of shorter and smaller avalanches in the OFF-condition, and a lesser number of wider and longer avalanches in the ON-condition. This difference turned out to be statistically significant at the group level. Then, we computed the avalanche transition matrices (ATM) to track the contact-wise patterns of avalanche spread. We compared the two conditions and observed a higher probability that an avalanche would spread within and between STN and motor cortex in the ON-state, with highly significant differences at the group level. Furthermore, we discovered that the increase in overall propagation of avalanches was correlated to clinical improvement after levodopa administration.

Anonymous No. 16238555

How does one mitigate inflammation in the body? Say there was high CRP of .5 mg/dL and calprotectin of 250 mcg/g but the source of the inflammation has not been determined yet.

Anonymous No. 16238575

Avoid air pollution, maybe take some MAO-B inhibitors.

Anonymous No. 16238639

Why were the tests ordered

Anonymous No. 16238644

Do any of you guys take dewormers? I saw someone in the EM with a tapeworm infestation and I'm paranoid that I have worms right now. I've never seen a worm exit my ass or anything but I've been eating meat for years so I feel like there's a chance I've been infected.

Anonymous No. 16238653

Digestive issues and low energy

Anonymous No. 16238660


Anonymous No. 16238661

Seriously... think of all the meat we eat in our lifetime. We could all be exposed at some point.

Anonymous No. 16238811

does your ass itch so much you wake up from ass itch?

Anonymous No. 16238833

No, my ass does not itch.

Anonymous No. 16238841

papaya and/or guava seed(enzyme)

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Anonymous No. 16238948

I'm watching House for the first time and now I wish I had gone into medicine when younger.

Anonymous No. 16238950

I watched scrubs for a while.
Then I realized it's about a kike and a nigger.
So I stopped doing that.

Anonymous No. 16238995

>talk with optometrist
>works in southwest US at a government clinic
>makes over 200k
the FM docs working for the government must be making bank there.

Anonymous No. 16239001

>now I wish I had gone into medicine when younger.
When did you enter medical school?

Anonymous No. 16239010

I didn't, I'm in IT (and I've come to hate it, at least what it has become during the last 10 years). Yes I'm aware complaints such as "job market realities are different from the things that actually interest us" can be found in almost any field but, as silly as it might sound, I envy the fact doctors at least don't have to sit in front of a screen all day long.
You get to walk places, interact with people, do stuff other than the digital version of endless paperwork.

🗑️ Anonymous No. 16239017

>I didn't, I'm in IT
Oh shit, I thought you were just a non-trad.
>I envy the fact doctors at least don't have to sit in front of a screen all day long.

Anonymous No. 16239022

>I didn't, I'm in IT
Oh shit, I thought you were just a non-trad. Depending on how old you are, you can still pursue medicine. One of my college professors applied to medical school around the same time as me.
>I envy the fact doctors at least don't have to sit in front of a screen all day long.

Anonymous No. 16239029

I'm 27, too late. I've just taken to spending time on things like watching House recently because I'm terribly bored with IT. I also need to make choices that are financially viable, not whatever floats my boat, but I guess if I were the model med student who simply does what it takes with due diligence I wouldn't be posting here at this time.

I obviously cannot speak for any actual doctors since I'm not one but I'd guess it's at least possible to deal with people. I have several friends who went into medicine and they all fit into what I'm trying to describe, even if they're very busy and overworked they still have more of a life than most people I know in IT. There's something peculiarly soulcrushing about dealing with code and corporate shenanigans of a project you couldn't give less of a shit about. At the end of the day it's a screen, you turn it off and it's gone, but something like curing someone's illness is REAL LIFE. Sure, you might need to use computers and other digital systems a lot, but it's still to achieve something in real life, not some boring shit like some online store or people managing program.

Anonymous No. 16239036

>I'm 27, too late.
Anon, my college professor is in medical school now. She applied in her 30s. I won't tell you if medicine is exactly the right fit for you - you know yourself the best - but you're going to age anyway.

Anonymous No. 16239081

>full-time PhD while working full-time
kill me bros I want out

Anonymous No. 16239179

Lmao pussy

Anonymous No. 16239180

Fuck u IT wagie. Doctors suffer more. I'd give my left testis to go back in time and not enter medical school and become literally anything else

Anonymous No. 16239186

Shut the fuck up. I was doing manual labor before medical school. The people that complain about medicine never had a job before.

Anonymous No. 16239195

Yeah duh I wonder why so many doctors are depressed and kill themselves. It's such a great job! Less sleep, less time for family and other important things in life! Wowie what a life.

I'd literally become a Mexican labourer if I get a chance and leave this stupid shit. And IT wagies don't get to complain.

"Oh no life sucks I have to sit on my ass all day in my AC office and do some work". Like staring at a screen is worse than staring at a cut abdomen or sick kids in your night shift and getting berated by your seniors.

Such a beautiful life

Anonymous No. 16239201

>I'd literally become a Mexican labourer if I get a chance and leave this stupid shit.
Get a clue. I grew up poor and working menial jobs before medical school. I understand there are difficulties in medicine but my life is so much better now. As I said, most people in medicine never had a job before and I suspect you're one of them.

Anonymous No. 16239205

Nice try to shame me on my privelege but doesn't change the fact that medicine sucks and you're just in your "grateful" era. Soon it will be over. And then you will have a new reference point. The residency or whatever you're doing. And you'll see how it sucks. And you'll miss those good ol' days of making less but being free. Having off time. Drinking a nice cold beer with the buds after a nice honest day of work. A peaceful mind.

Anonymous No. 16239207

>And you'll see how it sucks. And you'll miss those good ol' days of making less but being free. Having off time.
What are you doing? If you're pursuing surgery or some shit you should have known what to expect. Why did you even pursue medicine if you're complaining about its difficulties? Applying isn't a quick thing so you should have known what to expect.

Anonymous No. 16239229

>FM. bank
i think the optometrist has an endless supply of patients with diabetic retinopathy who always get their yearly dilated eye exams, and likely dont adhere to medication and consistently need to have their prescriptions adjusted.
At an FQHC, FM probably earning the same as the optometrist with a worse patient load.

Anonymous No. 16239329

Welp I guess I fucked up. Not surgery. Orthopedic surgery. Sorry guys I projected a bit. I am just an avg frustrated chump. If you have passion and like what you doing then it doesn't matter what you do be it being a janitor or even being a doctor. But just remember that life gives you less choices as you grow older so make it carefully.

Anonymous No. 16239509

>Like staring at a screen is worse than staring at a cut abdomen or sick kids in your night shift and getting berated by your seniors.
If you care that much about things that are common in medicine then maybe you shouldn't have gotten into it.

Anonymous No. 16239755

Any other lab results? Have you tried not eating gluten for some time?

Anonymous No. 16239836

>Welp I guess I fucked up. Not surgery. Orthopedic surgery.
If you chose something less competitive you could have had an easier time; you could have coasted in medical school. Still, I do hope things get better for you.

Anonymous No. 16240195

i dont think he gets paid on production. i think its just a salary. he probably has better workload than an FM though.

Anonymous No. 16240221

>avg frustrated chump
>using PUA terminology