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🧵 Black holes aren’t real

Anonymous No. 16207885

Why do popsci fans and fantasy nerds keep insisting that these digital images are real and shove them down my throat? No black holes don’t exist and even if they did what fucking point or use does that information have for humanity?

Anonymous No. 16207888

The existence of black holes is one of the best and most successful tests of general relativity. They definitely exist.

Anonymous No. 16207894

Prove it nerd

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Anonymous No. 16208093

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Anonymous No. 16208102

>The existence of black holes is one of the best and most successful tests of general relativity
Pretty on the nose, considering general relativity is just a pilpul "explanation" of a null result.
>They definitely exist.
Your example is another proof they don't, not that you should be expected to prove what never had a basis in reality in the first place,

🗑️ Anonymous No. 16208108

Im trans btw, and GR filters me

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Anonymous No. 16208110

>Why do popsci fans and fantasy nerds keep insisting that these digital images are real
Look at this fake digital image I took of a fake digital lizard in a fake digital zoo in a fake digital universe

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Anonymous No. 16208119

>No black holes don’t exist
And I'm sure you have a model that can fit all this orbital data without a black hole (or something stranger).
Please link the analysis.
>even if they did what fucking point or use does that information have for humanity?
If it's so irrelevant then why make this thread at all? All you've done is make a statement about your own prejudice, which you dogmatically proclaimed as absolute truth.

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Sun Motion Around....jpg

Anonymous No. 16208122

There a giant black hole at the center of the solar system too

Anonymous No. 16208138

Nope. We've been over this. As I proved to you if you make the same assumptions in the Solar system there is no compact mass peak.
By Kepler's laws the closest planets should orbit fastest. The Sun is closest, but orbits slower than Mercury. The Sun would have to orbit 34,000 times after if it followed the same Keplerian law. It doesn't. This is not the case in the Galactic Center, the closest stars are moving the fastest.

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Anonymous No. 16208140

>Oh look, "nothing"

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Anonymous No. 16208141

>Why do popsci fans and fantasy nerds keep insisting that these digital images are real and shove them down my throat?
Ah, I'm sure you prefer to look at the data as visibility amplitudes. Even then one can see the data is consistent with a ring, and that something is resolved. This is without any imaging, machine learning or interpolation.

Anonymous No. 16208145

There is something there, it flares from time to time across the EM spectrum.
And stars don't orbit nothing like this.

Anonymous No. 16208147


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Anonymous No. 16208159

>stars don't orbit nothing
so you're saying theres a black hole between every binary star pair?

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Anonymous No. 16208160

>It's a magnetic fart
>And stars don't orbit nothing like this.
It's like saying the shit in your toilet bowl "orbits" the drain.

Anonymous No. 16208162

JWST orbits a Lagrange point, there must be a black hole there otherwise JWST couldn't be orbiting there

Anonymous No. 16208163

Now do the same for 20 stars, you'll find that this orbit does not hold

Anonymous No. 16208165

>JWST orbits a Lagrange point
Yes and tell us what is at this "null point" these mutual masses "orbit"?

Barkon No. 16208182

*dog fart*

>Perfect for your pseudo-intellectual discussion

Anonymous No. 16208276

Not the same. Apply Kepler's laws and see them fail, because it's not in the regime where there is one big central mass.

Anonymous No. 16208284

L2 orbits the Sun.

Anonymous No. 16208299

if yall even take a rudimentary astrophysics course on mechanics you wont be making these retarded comments on the internet lmfao

Anonymous No. 16208310

Ok let’s entertain your argument. Say yes I can measure different waves on the electromagnetic spectrum from the distant universe.

And say for example we know we can measure density of formations with the Doppler effect.

That still doesn’t explain what the hell your looking at if you can’t actually travel to what your trying to observe.

Your just making assumptions and guessing on the data your acquiring and stating it as an absolute fact. When it’s just a guess.

Astrophysicist are delusional ego maniacs

Anonymous No. 16208324

>Not the same
weak cope, it is the same. everything orbits the center of mass. just because an object is orbiting a point does not mean there is a mass at that point.

Anonymous No. 16208326

if there was really a large mass at the center of that pic then the pic would have massive evidence of gravitational lensing, but it shows none, which proves that those objects are just orbiting the galaxy's barycenter

Anonymous No. 16208334

Bahahahahahahahaha gravitational lensing hahahahahaha how do you know this effect isn’t caused by the optical telescopes themselves? Bro you do know these images they are looking at are very blurry. Also outside the solar systems celestial mechanics, it’s just pure speculation from these so called scientists.

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Anonymous No. 16208335

Strawman argument. You're trying to pretend all that is known is that a star orbits a point. In reality the whole orbit is known over years for many stars, and so one can easily fit the orbits for different mass distributions.
If you can quantitatively fit those data without any central mass, please show it.

Anonymous No. 16208360

No it wouldn't. Normal lensing happens when the lensing mass is between the source and the observer. The closer the mass is to the source or the observer the less the deflection. It is best when it's half way. In this case the stars are all pretty much at the same distance as the mass. Lensing can be estimated by the thin lens approximation, where the deflection happens in the plane of the mass. If we apply that approximation in this case there is zero apparent lensing, because it just moves the rays around. It doesn't change the apparent position of any of the sources. To first order there is no lensing.

You can work out the Einstein radius. Which is the angle a perfect lensing ring would be. Also the limit of how close a star would have to be to be lensed. It comes out as 0.5 miliarcseconds. Much smaller than a pixel. None of the stars are this close in projection, and they would have to be right behind the black hole.

People have calculated the effect of lensing in the Galactic Center. It's currently too small to be detected.

Anonymous No. 16208385

you didn't do that fit and you couldn't reproduce it, you have zero education in physics if you think a fit around a barycenter would be any different from a fit around a central mass.

its like admitting you have no idea what you're talking about

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Anonymous No. 16208438

>you didn't do that fit and you couldn't reproduce it, you have zero education in physics if you think a fit around a barycenter would be any different from a fit around a central mass.
I already proved it is. The periods do not follow Kepler's law if the mass is resolved. You haven't been paying attention.
Funny when I posted that you didn't bother replying. And you ignored it again here today. You are afraid of talking actual physics.

Also from the different stars one can work out the enclosed mass. For the very farthest stars the enclosed mass decades with distance from the black hole, because this mass is dominated by the stars. Then it flattens out, the enclosed mass is constant because it's a compact object. The stars are negligible.

Anonymous No. 16208703

This, the lack of any lensing proves that there really is nothing there

Anonymous No. 16208710

Why don't you calculate how much the lensing deflection is?

Anonymous No. 16209191

There isn't any lensing because there isn't anything there to do the lensing

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black hole observ....jpg

Anonymous No. 16209442


There are far too many complex phenomena observed to get into detailed conversations regarding each of them in a single thread, but here is a list to get you started on your reading.
If you have specific questions about any of these phenomena, you should start a separate thread regarding it.

Anonymous No. 16210348

neutrons aren't a fundamental particle moron, pushing neutrons past their degeneracy pressure limit will never produce your sci-fi black hole meme no matter how much you want it to.
>angular momentum? whats that? never heard of it before because I've never studied physics

Anonymous No. 16210358

>Sagittarius A** hole

Anonymous No. 16210374


Anonymous No. 16210389

Look moron we already know particle physics is incomplete. And we can’t unify classical and particle physics.

Bayron-asymmetry tells us that big bang is incorrect because astrophysicists can’t even figure it out in their own calculations.

So why do I have to trust black holes too?

🗑️ Anonymous No. 16210434

People looooooove to praise science.

Science is just religion.

There's no reason to think black holes exist. The universe as you see it does not even exist. It is quite literally not real. Everything is just a dream in the mind of God.

Anonymous No. 16210499

>Why do popsci fans and fantasy nerds keep insisting that these digital images are real and shove them down my throat?
Only thing shoved down your throat is a dick, m8.

Anonymous No. 16210509



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Anonymous No. 16211091


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Anonymous No. 16211199


Anonymous No. 16211384

Gaya telescope failed to detect any

Barkon. No. 16211388

I will move onto that if this doesn't work and I know what you mean I have discovered it.

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🗑️ Anonymous No. 16212569


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Anonymous No. 16212623


Anonymous No. 16212633

are these "black holes" in the thread with us now?

Anonymous No. 16212642


Anonymous No. 16214878

Go outside freak

🗑️ Anonymous No. 16214981

lol we all you have to do is look at Schwartzchilds work

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Anonymous No. 16215957

Madame H. P. Blavatsky informed about existence of invisible dark sun in middle of milky way in 1800's

white science is 150 years ahead of others

Anonymous No. 16216026

black holes solely can't proof general relativity. you can find the required mass and radius for escape speed c in pure Newtonian physics.

Anonymous No. 16217257

Because you are addicted to BBC

Anonymous No. 16217267

2-body problems dont follow kepler's laws

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Black Hole Side V....jpg

Anonymous No. 16217537

Sure is lucky the black hole is facing directly toward us or it would be a lot harder to convince the public that's actually a picture of a black hole!
That might endanger future funding.

Anonymous No. 16217546

(For anyone wondering, I made that picture myself, but NASA would never, ever do that.)

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totally real blac....jpg

Anonymous No. 16217682

Anonymous No. 16217703

There was no luck involved. We already knew the orientation of the accretion disc, that is part of the reason that particular blackhole was chosen.

Anonymous No. 16218801

you don't have even a tiny grasp of physics, you've never studied at even an undergrad level, thats why you're confused and its also the only reason why you think black holes could possibly exist.

Anonymous No. 16218807

But relativity is fake. Circular logic is retarded.
>black roles are real because relativity says so
>relativity is real because black holes say so

Anonymous No. 16220893

people who spend their lives daydreaming about space are people who are avoiding thinking about their failure and inability to provide a satisfactory life for themselves here on earth with the rest of the humans. its a massive escapist cope for cringey losers with personality disorders that they're unwilling to correct.

Anonymous No. 16220898

I think about space a lot. I also have a 7" dick and a sexy wife and a lot of money.

Anonymous No. 16220943

Says the anonymous guy on the internet

Anonymous No. 16221068

horrible board

Anonymous No. 16221302

>that is part of the reason that particular blackhole was chosen
Well if it weren't, we would have had to choose one of the other black holes at the center of our galaxy. It sure is convenient!

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Anonymous No. 16221522

The effect of orientation isn't as much as you would think. Pic related, you can still see the shadow.

Anonymous No. 16221771

I'm sorry we popped your gay sci fi bubbel

🗑️ Anonymous No. 16221854

>Nigger brings his intellectual contribution to the thread.

Anonymous No. 16221860

You think those photoshops prove anything?

Anonymous No. 16221866

Read the text that is on the image, dumbfuck.

Anonymous No. 16221888

As opposed to a literal cartoon? Yes.
>For anyone wondering, I made that picture myself

Anonymous No. 16221908

>if that were not a good one, we would have looked for another one
Brilliant anon, you're progressing.
well done.

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black hole.jpg

🗑️ Anonymous No. 16222970


Anonymous No. 16224092

thats how you know its fake

Anonymous No. 16224122

so the "edge on" case just did not happen for pure coincidence!?

Anonymous No. 16224268

No, it didn't happen because we specifically chose to image a black hole we know is pointing at us, because we can see the direction its relativistic jets are pointing.

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Anonymous No. 16224330

Anonymous No. 16225230

But we can't see it. This was chosen cause it is in centre of our galaxy

Anonymous No. 16225256

Well they've only looked at 2 objects so far.

Anonymous No. 16225353

you didnt pop shit, drooling monkey

Anonymous No. 16226288

They're too dumb to tell the difference between AI generated slop and actual images, they don't understand optics or diffraction limits so they can't tell when they're being lied to so they'll believe anything

Anonymous No. 16226403

say you don't know what the EHT is without saying it. The telescope was effectively 2 AU in diameter.

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Anonymous No. 16226446

Ok. build a effectively 2 meter telescope with two of these
It should be trivial for someone with your level of knowledge in optics

Anonymous No. 16226481

No, it just gathered some data in that range. The rest is computer generated fact+fiction. The question is how much is fiction.

Anonymous No. 16227132

>Dunning-Kruger anons thinking they're the only ones who know the truth
Many such cases.
>"It's photoshopped, because it doesn't make sense."
>"They're too dumb to know the REAL truth."
>"The odds are so low, it has to be fake."
>"Can't see it, so it doesn't exist."
>"I think the experts are faking it to trick people. Not me though, I'm a genius."
>"If [theory] isn't in line with [belief] it's a jewish plot."
>"Big bang theory is fake because I think physicists are stupid and arrogant."

You niggas don't understand object permanence, much less conditional hypotheticals. Endless entertainment. None of the people here actually matter either, since this board is fucking trash.

Anonymous No. 16227704

>thing above ground, think about it mean want escape ground ! ! !

Anonymous No. 16228776

you're only upset because you've been accurately characterized

Anonymous No. 16229796


🗑️ Anonymous No. 16229803

Monumental retardation

Anonymous No. 16229811

He cute

Anonymous No. 16230799

you're only upset because you've been accurately characterized

Anonymous No. 16231871

Kepler didn't understand Newtonian gravity because he died before Newton was born. Thats why his laws don't really tend to work all that well

🗑️ Anonymous No. 16231974

Nope, they work just fine in the classical limit. They were empirically derived, and can be derived from Newtonian gravity.

Anonymous No. 16231991

Nope, they work just fine in the one-body limit. They were empirically derived, and can be derived from Newtonian gravity.

🗑️ Barkon. No. 16231994

Barkon does love you

Anonymous No. 16233644

>I understand how the universe works
>thats why I need to I rely on 1500s science
how much longer until you graduate from high school

Anonymous No. 16233660

It is literally impossible to take a photograph of any supposed black holes from Earth. The entire image is computer generated and people are retarded for acting like it's a real photo.

Anonymous No. 16234832

Its just an AI pic, the astromorons are so deluded and low IQ that they think its a real pic LOL

Anonymous No. 16234835

Pictures you take with your phone are computer generated too but that doesn't change the fact that they're useful renderings of real-life stuff.

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Anonymous No. 16234860

This photo is not real idiot. This is a generated image. God idiots like you believe in the tooth fairy and Santa clause

Anonymous No. 16234879

It's not a GENERATED image. It's a COMPUTED image, computed from raw sensor data …just like the pictures you take with your iphone.

Anonymous No. 16234934

>It is literally impossible to take a photograph of any supposed black holes from Earth.
And how is that so?

Anonymous No. 16234938

Not my point. The fact that the approximation breaks down in one case and not the other demonstrated they are not the same.

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Anonymous No. 16234948

Nope. The image is a combination of 3 methods, only one of them using learning methods. Pic related is an independent reanalysis of the same data with standard VLBI techniques (no AI, no training). And yet they get a ring.

Anonymous No. 16235038

it is A PRIORI ASSUMPTION it is ring/disk like

it does not need to be REALLY TOWARDS US the data is just frequencies

Anonymous No. 16235067

midwit detected, shutting down

Anonymous No. 16235092

And where is that implemented in the anaysis?
>it does not need to be REALLY TOWARDS US the data is just frequencies
What does that even mean? No, there is more information than just the frequency. Interferometry has spatial information, not just spectral.

Anonymous No. 16235195

Lemme guess, quantum mechanics is wrong too according to you

Anonymous No. 16235197

Jews didn't believe in black holes until the Aryan followers of Christ dragged the evidence in front of their faces.

Anonymous No. 16235203

That picture is of a black hole in the center of another galaxy, not ours.
If it were facing sideways, we'd have chosen another one.

Anonymous No. 16235210

Your eye generates images for your brain. This is no more, or less real than what you see everyday.

Anonymous No. 16235330

Spatial, but no axis orientation data. So you orient the axes how you like it most. A disk towards you.

Anonymous No. 16235795

>We explore the impact on the final image of different starting models, including the following: a point source, a disk, an annulus, a Gaussian, and an asymmetric double Gaussian.
And then they pick the one that gives a ring and assume that's correct because there should obviously be a ring there because basedence said so

Anonymous No. 16235920

That's also wrong. The axis of an pair of antennas (a baseline) defines the axis of that particular visibility.
Keep reading. The annulus provides the lowest residuals, and even when using a point source model they still get a ring.

Anonymous No. 16235973

And it just happened to be exactly towards us. Kek u stooopid.

Anonymous No. 16235996

Nope. The first black hole that was imaged (in M87) has an inclination angle of 17 degrees. For the Milky Way's black hole it's only constrained to be less than 50 degrees inclined. The accretion disk always forms a ring around the edge due to lensing, from any angle. Stop making shit up.

Anonymous No. 16236073

so now you say there can be even 50 deg incline

why can't scientist be consistent what they claim?

Anonymous No. 16236202

That's what they always said. Read the papers. You're the only one claiming the inclination is zero.

Anonymous No. 16237475

belief in the black hole meme image turns on ignorance of optics. if you're too ignorant optics to know how to calculate diffraction limits then you're ignorant enough to think the meme picture is a legitimate image.

Anonymous No. 16237545

So the wavelength is 1.3 millimeters.

The finest resolution is set by the longest baseline, the longest separation between telescopes. In the case of EHT for the Sagittarius A* run this was from the IRAM telescope in France to the South Pole Telescope. 11384 km.

This gives an inteferometeric diffraction limit (lambda/B) of 23.5 microarcseconds (1.15x10^-10 rad). This is about the same size as the circle in the image, as you can see this resolution is sufficient to resolve the source and match the claims in the paper.

Maybe next time you should check first instead of embarrassing yourself.

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Anonymous No. 16237547


Anonymous No. 16238348

>This gives an inteferometeric diffraction limit
no it doesn't, not with that diffraction pattern. try again simpleton

Anonymous No. 16238500

>not with that diffraction pattern.
You do know how aperture synthesis works right? It's not a snapshot.

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Anonymous No. 16238919

>A long list of all this actual shit with actual properties that we measured that aren't a black hole
Shadow chasing technology. Dare I say "nigga technology". Dumb niggas talking to other dumb niggas about dumb nigga shit.

>They account for the issue with their lenses and equipment, but there's no possible way space is acting like a polarized medium and effectively acting like a polarized lense itself, creating the illusion of a "black hole".

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JWST & olives.jpg

Anonymous No. 16238929

fake and gay
everything about that project was a hoax, they even tried to credit all the work to some dumb jewish bitch who's only contribution was picking out fonts for the software they used to make that fake image.
the only people who think that was real are the same idiots who were gullible enough to believe that a picture of sausage was a jwst pic.
you low IQ popsoi IFLS faggots are the cancer that is killing sciecne.

Anonymous No. 16239165

What issue? Who are you quoting.
I'm still waiting for your evidence that this is impossible due to "diffraction limits". Please enclose your calculation.

Anonymous No. 16239314

What an awesome gif.
Why did they stop making measurements in 2011?

Anonymous No. 16239552

And what are your contributions to science besides sperging out on /sci/ for the past decade or so?

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Anonymous No. 16240602

>And what are your contributions to science besides sperging out on /sci/ for the past decade or so?

Anonymous No. 16240666

They didn't. You will find newer ones if you search.

Anonymous No. 16240939


Anonymous No. 16242239

>being this triggered by 'jaks
Verification not required.

Anonymous No. 16243583

That's just a blurred pic of the Firefox logo

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black hole.jpg

🗑️ Anonymous No. 16244443

its twum

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Anonymous No. 16245848

Anonymous No. 16245861


Anonymous No. 16245884

I like how the guy behind her is in total despair basically.

Anonymous No. 16246020

Brain so massive it forms a black hole

Anonymous No. 16246054

Imagine asserting that space-time it self moves with any level of fluid dynamics, while asserting that concepts such as Aether are wrong.

>It just adheres to fluid dynamics models by coincidence.

Sure bro.

Anonymous No. 16246502

It was predicted by relativity.
We've seen relativity work on objects like distant stars being bent around the sun, which we then look at later once we're around the other side of the sun.
We used satellites to look at places where stars orbit strangely, and we see that based off the orbits there should be a massive object in a certain area
Not long ago, we were able to take a snapshot of a distant black hole, not using visible light but we've had x-rays for long enough that you should understand that non-visible light being shown visually isn't "CGI."

Anonymous No. 16247706

you've never seen any of that

Anonymous No. 16247950

You can look up all the data online yourself, for free.

Anonymous No. 16248939

>i know its true cause i saw it on the internet

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Anonymous No. 16249200


The first real image of a black hole was captured and released after the movie Interstellar was made:

> Interstellar was released in 2014
> The first ever image of a real black hole was captured by the Event Horizon Telescope (EHT) project and released to the public on April 10, 2019

Interestingly, the black hole depicted in Interstellar, named Gargantua, turned out to be remarkably similar in some ways to the real black hole image

The accuracy of Interstellar's black hole was due to the involvement of physicist Kip Thorne as a scientific consultant. Thorne worked with the visual effects team to create scientifically accurate simulations of what a black hole might look like, based on Einstein's equations

In other words, dishonest minority elements within the scientific community use Kip Thorne's models to fake a black hole image.

Anonymous No. 16249208

I cannot look at a female face without perceiving some level of dishonesty.

Anonymous No. 16249339

>ricardo liking that hoe

Anonymous No. 16249462


Anonymous No. 16249653

the sky is a hologram projected onto the dome by the "black sun"
It was created by the Anunnaki to distract us from their secret underground base
Did you know that the sun diety was the last to be added to the Egyptian pantheon?
because it was a later addition to the projection

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Anonymous No. 16249929

>I'm still waiting for your evidence that this is impossible
Why? I'm still waiting for you evidence of a black hole.

>"diffraction limits".
Who are YOU quoting?

>Please enclose your calculation.
Of what?

Anonymous No. 16249945

>Who are YOU quoting?
I dunno. Maybe look at the post being quoted?
>>if you're too ignorant optics to know how to calculate diffraction limits
>>they don't understand optics or diffraction limits

>>Please enclose your calculation.
>Of what?
The diffraction limit.
Because you claimed it was impossible. But never provided any evidence. I have already proven it false by the calculation postsd. You provided no counter argument or evidence of your claim.

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faith and soyence.jpg

Anonymous No. 16250573


Anonymous No. 16250740

ngl this is pretty cringe of you to post, especially with all the useless diversity bitches clogging up the fields these days.

Anonymous No. 16250768

>another "/pol/schizo too stupid to understand something so they construct a conspiracy theory" thread

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Anonymous No. 16251404


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Anonymous No. 16252153

projection, you're the one inventing paranoid conspiracies to explain away seeing your memorized academic dogma contradicted

Anonymous No. 16253391

Thats what dogmatists do when they see their religion contradicted, thats what the jesuits did to Galileo

Anonymous No. 16255255

>the sausage meme
NASA spent $88 billion to develop that meme and it was worth every penny

Anonymous No. 16256849


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Anonymous No. 16257702

>Verification not required.

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Screenshot at 202....png

Anonymous No. 16257711

This whole thing sure was a mindfuck for me.
>First ever photo of a black hole? Aren't there like a million of those already?
>Oh shit those are all just drawings
>So why didn't they just point the Hubble telescope at one?

Anonymous No. 16257748

fake digital cuteness

Anonymous No. 16257787

Black holes provide an option to make a ridiculous amount of energy in the future when we are interstellar.
They also represent interesting choices for weapons.

Anonymous No. 16259041

>hay guise!! muh soience fiction fantasist life I got implanted in my brain by hollywood!!!
>laser swords and time travel and sheeeeiiiiitttt!!
>beam me up scotty!!!

Anonymous No. 16259485

You don't think that the most extreme objects in the universe are interesting or useful for high-energy applications?

Anonymous No. 16259508

Thats because they were jelaous a non jew came up with such a good psyop

Anonymous No. 16259510

>real image
Its not a real image though

Anonymous No. 16259918

Smartphones used to be science fiction.

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Anonymous No. 16260027

is there flat earth discord or something? the hell is going on in this thread

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Anonymous No. 16260675

heres a picture of kip thorne on epstein island

Anonymous No. 16260676

this reminds me of the discussion about Karl Popper philosophy: in order to be able to falsify a hypothesis, you must first prove all other hypothesis are that used in the experiment to be unshakably true, a feast that Karl Popper framework cannot do at all.
think for a bit and you'll realize that it's bullshit all the way down.

Anonymous No. 16260678

hi newfag, bashing astronomy is the tradition of this board since like whatever how many years ago. lurk moar.

Anonymous No. 16260699

>I can't read the OP image.
Have someone read it to you.

Anonymous No. 16260702


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black hole soyenc....jpg

Anonymous No. 16262049

Anonymous No. 16263313


Anonymous No. 16264523


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Anonymous No. 16264533

to asd hai for a coffe what did you think?

Anonymous No. 16265513

irrational people who have no argument always to reply somehow, their emotions control them and they too upset to wonder about why they have no argument, thats the nature of irrational beasts, emotion is their primary motivator.

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Anonymous No. 16266083

in an universe wiht very little intelligent live froms they can be real but will most likely have the structure of rainbow, in an universe wiht muc intelligenfce "hard" envent horizons can from more easy

Anonymous No. 16266085

the pure physical pressur, of an themric decay will most likely form rainbow like event horizons.

Anonymous No. 16266087

then again the entire planet is a algorythm their for super hard evenhorizons can exist thats my oppinioin

Anonymous No. 16266265

thats how you know its fake

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Anonymous No. 16266275

A stable Einstein-Rosen bridge is absolutely possible with negative energy.
If there are any top-level physicists reading this, include that in your assumptions and I'm pretty sure things will play out neatly.

Anonymous No. 16266858

One dedicated schizo who's spent literal years spamming /sci/ tilting at many different windmills of which astronomy is one of his more consistent.

Check out how many 828 pixel wide phone screencaps with filenames clustered around IMG_500 are OP pics, although this is an old thread hence the 255 filename. This only accounts for phone screenshot spam and not his numerous other threads.

If you really want to waste your time you can go to other threads and look for more iphone screenshots and realize he accounts for a significant portion of /sci/s daily posts when the three schizo namefags aren't in a mania phase.

There's also a different phoneposting spammer who's currently arguing with people about quantum physics being wrong and dinosaurs not existing

Anonymous No. 16266872


Lobotomies should have never gone out of style

Anonymous No. 16266881

>A stable Einstein-Rosen bridge is absolutely possible with negative energy.
Some negative energy just flew over my house!

Anonymous No. 16266882

>if you use shit that doesn't fucking exist then you can create something that will never fucking exist
We appreciate your insight

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Anonymous No. 16266982

Das right it’s me but don’t worry detective anon. Since you figured me out I will have to start scrambling my file names thanks for the heads up

Anonymous No. 16266996

so if it isn't a black hole holding our galaxy together, what does? You'd have to deny everything we were taught about gravity and orbit etc etc

Anonymous No. 16266998

Those results are all consistent with aether theory retard, not to mention am infinitude of other models that are mathematically equivalent. Your stupid post is exactly the point of this thread. Every scientist will admit that models are just models and should not be conflated with the underlying reality...and then out of the other side of their mouth they brow beat anyone who contradicts muh Einstein's take on the underlying reality

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Anonymous No. 16267003

Black holes are sci fi Hollywood science. Space is too massive to mesure. People like you buy into the Hollywood story so nasa gets more money for its space missions with public support.

I mean space is so far beyond what we can practically observe in optical telescopes. We can also measure the ELECTROMAGNETIC SPECTRUM using the Doppler effect and other techniques, but to say we actually know what’s out there is a HUGE stretch

Anonymous No. 16268064

good pic

Anonymous No. 16268099

If black holes aren't real, how am I fucking so many?