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🧵 Math isn’t reality

Anonymous No. 16207971

Mathematics is just a human tool of measurement. The universe does not operate using mathematical equations. It’s only a point of reference for HUMANS to understand. All your math paradoxes are just errors in human understanding of the universe

Anonymous No. 16207977

That's a 110-120 IQ midwit take

Anonymous No. 16207982

IQ is also based on an arbitrary set of parameters a human made. That may or may not actually be correct or necessary. What does having a high IQ even mean? If my IQ does that mean I’ll be poor and a Virgin for the rest of my life? There’s homeless people with high iq. There’s also some locked into a mental health facility. Your argument is invalid and meaningless

Anonymous No. 16208260

>math is about measurement

Anonymous No. 16208262

Ok I’ll add computation there. Doesn’t make it any less abstract

Anonymous No. 16208275

based take

Anonymous No. 16208773

imagine being this wrong

Anonymous No. 16208860

80 IQ take

Anonymous No. 16208880

Heavy cope

Anonymous No. 16208886


Anonymous No. 16208931

When the artist cant make the food the farmer makes the calculation. Math rules!

Anonymous No. 16208955

No one is against math. But math nerds get to deep and act like it’s the fundamental description of the universe. It’s not.. it’s a concept made up by humans.