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šŸ§µ This is axiom of statistics that is base of all statistical knowledge

Anonymous No. 16208204

> Axiom 4 applies when, for example, we want to compute the probability of drawing two white balls in succession from an urn containing three white and three black balls. We assume for illustration that the balls are all equally likely to be drawn and that the second draw is made without replacing the first ball drawn. The probability of getting a white ball on the first draw is one half; the probability of getting a white ball on the second draw if the first draw resulted in white is two fifths, for with one white ball removed, there remain two whites and three blacks. The probability of two whites in succession is the product of the two probabilitiesā€”i.e., one fifth. If the first ball drawn is replaced before the second draw, the probability of drawing two whites is one fourth.
I understand the text but how does it apply to axiom? B is number of white balls and A is total number of Balls in the urn but what is C? C seems to me like something made up. Is statistics a scam?

Anonymous No. 16208206

homework thread

Anonymous No. 16208210

Its not homework I just showed you that all statistical knowledge is based on made up scam

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Anonymous No. 16208272

I got it A B and C are not numbers but events. Turns out statistics is not a scam you can sleep peacefully

Anonymous No. 16208292

Die out, retarded faggot ponytard

Anonymous No. 16208336

Those are sets not numbers

Anonymous No. 16208351

It always confuses me on where to add and where to multiply probabilities. All text books hand wavingly say they're for dependent and independent events, they don't explain why really do we do that. Also how tf does one know whether events are dependent or independent? It's completely made up and depends upon the judgement of the people.
Eg two coin tossing. They look independent, but maybe there's some dependence such as the experimenters hand got tired and didn't throw second coin hard enough. Obviously this is an exaggerated example and there are many problems where the distinct between dependence and independence is subtle.
I fucking hate stats, especially the ball and urn.