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🧵 Short bros we won

Anonymous No. 16208346

>introduce a man as a student
>introduce the same man to another group as a demonstrator
>introduce the same man as a lecturer to another group
>introduce the same man as a senior lecturer to another group
>introduce the same man as a professor to another group
>With each increase in status, the man's perceived height grew half an inch taller
>He was seen two and a half inches taller as a professor than as he seemed as a student

Anonymous No. 16208349

Sources: Wilson (1968), Higham & Carment (1992), Sorokowski (2010), and Duguid & Goncalo (2012)

Anonymous No. 16208352

I'm a 5'7 manlet. Two and a half inches are not enough. I will never be a 6' normal guy.

Anonymous No. 16208370

Bro I’m 6,2 I don’t even have to try. No short bros ain’t Winning

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Anonymous No. 16208371

Looks like a stupid Russian whore, if you ask me.

It's kind of funny that the only thing the Russian social and economic system has been able to reliably produce are alcoholic deadbeats and bimbo whores.

They talk a big game about muh traditional values, but the only traditions they are preserving are the traditional ways getting hungover and the traditional ways of contracting HIV.

Anonymous No. 16208384

Ukraine lost.

Anonymous No. 16208740

It's probably a seething jeet.

Anonymous No. 16209067

>be 6’8” homeless drug addict
>mog the entirety of academia
lmao manlets

Anonymous No. 16209180

What if he's up against a professor who's 6'7.5"?

Anonymous No. 16209184

I don't like tall girls but I feel so bad for short guys I decided I will never date a short girl. Both to not curse my kin and to let the short guys have a chance.
Society is about compromise... until compromise is not longer mutually effective in which case a bloodbath is necessary.