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Anonymous No. 16208379

I want to have a complete understanding of pharmaceutical principles, medicine classifications, effects, etc.
An understanding as fluid and reliable as my knowledge of AoE2.
However, I don't want to waste money on this.
I've found a biochem introductory course on Youtube. Would you guys recommend any particular supplementary material?
I want to avoid things like the mathematics "Trivial" meme in the middle of a diagram. Just digestible, useful information so we can move beyond "X is good for you" in a vacuum, or provide a reasoned basis for that biohackers stuff.

Anonymous No. 16208402

Anonymous No. 16208550

DL an intro to pharmakinetics/pharmacology book and learn how to skim them within a month
>a-a month??
Learn how to establish good habits and you'll never work a day in your life

Anonymous No. 16208587

Would a handbook be ideal for this then?