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🗑️ 🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16208472

Is it true that minorities aren't taken seriously in science? And how can we change that?

Anonymous No. 16208479

>And how can we change that?
whats wrong with it?

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Anonymous No. 16208502

No this assumption is stupid. Have any of you idiots been to college or academia? I’m convinced you idiots live under a rock. Some of the most important work done for America has been done by minorities. You idiots act like minorities are brain dead without whitey this concept is laughable and shows the lack of intelligence and sociability of a 4 Chan user

Anonymous No. 16208560

No no no. Let them think this. The increase pressure will create better minorities since they'll have a higher bar.

Anonymous No. 16208670

Das rite

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Anonymous No. 16208677


Anonymous No. 16208702

I mean sure this guy is stupid but wait nobody is paying attention to you. You’re not on a video where are the movies you acted in? bahahaha low IQ racism is funny

Anonymous No. 16208718

brutal cope and seethe

Anonymous No. 16208721

So 2 successful black people were posted. what’s there to cope about exactly? If anything it proves my point

Anonymous No. 16208795


Anonymous No. 16208940

>Don't you understand, colleagues? Bananas aren't curved at all! It's just the light and the space that curve around the banana! That changes everything!
>How cute. The monkey is wearing a smock!
>Hahaha! Almost like a human!

Anonymous No. 16208981

I think this is the first time I'm seeing nichtlustig posting on this japanese cartoon forum

Anonymous No. 16209016

>Is it true that minorities aren't taken seriously in science? And how can we change that?
We should force institutions to take more minorities even if their academic performance is subpar. That will make everyone take them seriously.

Anonymous No. 16209020

>Some of the most important work done for America has been done by minorities.
This! Black people invented door knobs!

Anonymous No. 16209036

I’m not talking about stupid shit like that dimwit. White people praise Collin Powell as a true statesman

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neil degrasse tyson.jpg

Anonymous No. 16209218

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twum's birth....jpg

Anonymous No. 16209319

hahahaha well meme'd