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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16208769

so why does the apple fall from the tree onto the ground?

Anonymous No. 16208836

Because I gave it a little push :)

Anonymous No. 16208907

it’s no coincidence that the formula for gravity and the formula for electric charge are the exact same but with different variables

Anonymous No. 16208911

Of course it's not a coincidence. They're both low-energy approximations of inverse-square relationships.

Anonymous No. 16208915

It doesn't fall from the tree the apple never moved however when the apple is connected to the tree it's connected to the earth when it disconnects the earth then move in to the apple until it's connected again


Anonymous No. 16208972

Madness, is like gravity. All it takes is a little push.

Anonymous No. 16208978

You see little frog, spacetime is curved towards the ground for that apple, it's just moving in straight line, the universe conspires it to fall on to the ground.

Anonymous No. 16208986

so If two apples were to be released on the opposite sides of the Earth, it will move toward one and away from the other? How does it pick which apple to move toward? This seems like a paradox because both apples are exactly the same and so the Earth has no reason to pick one over the other.

Anonymous No. 16209043

Due to the quantum mechanical tendency for operators to grow under time evolution

Anonymous No. 16209089

Because jews made up gravity so we would stay here in this planet and not travel to other places >>16208907

Anonymous No. 16209117


Anonymous No. 16209122

The type of distance traversal that exists in this context isn't unidirectional it's omni
Basically object appear to fall into an expanding earth

Anonymous No. 16209123

Because it takes less energy to go down than it takes to go up

Anonymous No. 16209444

You were too stupid to fix a net around the tree to catch the apples and guide them into a bucket for easy removal.

Anonymous No. 16209447

it has a chance to fall up, but the chance to fall down is more likely so that's what it does

t. quantum mechanics

Anonymous No. 16209449

Why does a piss poor nigger follow me around and act like I actually need them to suck my cock to make me happy when I’m just as content to be their friend and honestly spend time not being a lie to fucking retard loser who has no reason to live

Anonymous No. 16209450

>so why does the apple fall from the tree onto the ground?
because the ground falls towards the apple

I'm sorta kidding, it theoretically does as well, but we can't detect such a small effect.

Anonymous No. 16209455

allow me to guide you on your journey

Anonymous No. 16209457

Earth curving the shape of spacetime, making it essentially the only road possibile without any strong external force.

Anonymous No. 16209459

The apple falls as far away from the tree as it could. Why are you questioning apples? The sun does what it does. Maybe if you were better at being a nigger ai people would want to suck my dick. But you’re not. Ergo.

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Anonymous No. 16209464

..,but if you really want to understand, and without dumping a shitload of text on here, I'll just let others explain it in already nicely produced formats, so this video does a decent job of explaining the effect:

and this video does a great job at visualizing it.

However, I know you'll then keep asking "why", and "why" is the vocalization of the feeling of curiosity, a perception in our minds. Science will always keep going down that rabbit hole and will never obtain a final answer, otherwise it would imply that we somehow managed to step outside of the universe and observe its reasons from its outside, but if you found and "outside", or a "beyond" the universe, that just means it's still the universe, it's just another region of the universe and then again you will be stuck with a "why" festering in your mind, and some people are quite tormented by it.
At some point it is best to just accept that it's either so, or it "isn't", so the cosmos "is" or "isn't", but is IS, as you can observe, and that's the answer. Things are fundamentally so, because things are fundamentally so, because otherwise, they are not, and that's it. That's the answer.
Newton's Flaming Laser Sword

Anonymous No. 16210069

based and funny

Anonymous No. 16210071

That's just your reflection, bud.