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Anonymous No. 16208843

Do black holes actually exist? Or is it just overhyped popsci bs? Have we actually observed them in nature?

Anonymous No. 16208858


Anonymous No. 16208861

you literally made this same thread but about quantum entanglement yesterday

Anonymous No. 16208862

there's a lot of evidence for them

Anonymous No. 16208869

I'm another anon, I haven't posted on /sci/ in a few weeks now.

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Anonymous No. 16208875

>are the scientists who are spent years and years of their live studying physics and the nature o ou univers wrong about this thing which they pretty much all agree is real

No, the right wing conspiracy theorist who dropped out of high school to install plumbing has it all figured out an the woke scientists just refus to admit it because of wokeness or atheism or communism or something.

Or maybe, you just need to take your meds. . .

Anonymous No. 16208876


Anonymous No. 16208891

Yes. No. Yes.

Anonymous No. 16208895

>you can't question muh black holes!!!
>thats heresy!!!
>I need muh black hole because of muh gay soientism religion and muh gay soience fiction fantasy life that I got from watching too much television
common sentiments of people with zero schooling in physics.

Anonymous No. 16208896

Bro I literally just made a thread about this earlier kys

Anonymous No. 16208899

the projection is strong in this post

Anonymous No. 16209059

show me?

Anonymous No. 16209081

look up

Anonymous No. 16209108

done. wheres the evidence?

Anonymous No. 16209374

>Have we actually observed them in nature?
We have observed many of the predicted effects that they would produce in space around them, yes. Effects that nothing else we can think of would produce them.

Anonymous No. 16209514

>cannot imagine the thought process that got us to the conclusion that black holes exist

All you black hole deniers are either brain damaged or you never gave it even 10 minutes of thinking. You should do some reading about the history of the idea, long before Einstein and relativity

Anonymous No. 16209865

Have sex

Anonymous No. 16209874

>Implying OP has a job
OP is probably a NEET.

Anonymous No. 16209877

They've only imaged part of the accretion disk so far

Anonymous No. 16209900

Which is really all there is to image.

Anonymous No. 16209909

I hate how popular contrarianism has become

Anonymous No. 16210944

go to >>>/pol/ if you're obsessed with politics

Anonymous No. 16210960

Yeah basically

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Anonymous No. 16212186


Anonymous No. 16212204

The black hole model actually comes from a mistake Hilbert made.

Anonymous No. 16212206

No, they haven't.
The M87 image is entirely synthetic. The angular resolution of the image is smaller than any existing radio telescope array on earth.
The only way to get an resolution that small would be with coherent interferometry, but it is not possible with the disparate, uncoupled radio telescopes
The astronomers just performed a kind of matched filter analysis on the dataset.
That is to say, they rejected data that didnt produce the image they expected to see, and accepted data that confirmed it.

Seeing as they had hundreds of terabytes of data, they could have synthesized any small image they wanted from a random data set.

The same scientists havent made public their methods.

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Anonymous No. 16212501

>Do black holes actually exist?
each of these points would be worth several threads of discussion

Anonymous No. 16213261

no of course they don't exist, they're just a meme from star trek movies

Anonymous No. 16217945

in response to point 9, refer to the post above yours

Anonymous No. 16217953

>Have we actually observed them in nature?
you make it sound like there are black holes walking around the rhinos and giraffes

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Anonymous No. 16218952

people who understand the minutia of these things understand that its fake, but thats a tiny tiny percentage of people. the average sci-fi goyslopped will still think its real because they're too unsophisticated about imaging to comprehend how the image was produced and they believe in black holes because of confirmation bias from seeing them in their sci-fi tv shows so often.

Anonymous No. 16219013

What makes you think you're better than plumbers? This condescending behaviour is common with midwits.

Anonymous No. 16220951

That sort of narcissism is commonly a coping mechanism for people who consider themselves inferior but are too lazy to do anything to improve themselves.

Anonymous No. 16222218


Anonymous No. 16223676

what percentage of the population has a degree in physics or astronomy? 0.01% or less?
everyone else believes in black holes because tv says so

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Anonymous No. 16223730

I guess they've detected the Gamma radiation pattern that a quasar can release, so that's another win for black holes existing.

Anonymous No. 16223758

our universe is in one right now (in my opinion)
we're looking out and wondering what this dark energy is that's accelerating everything away from us when we're just falling

Anonymous No. 16224358

Personally I don't understand the people who say black holes are a conspiracy. No one gains anything from making up distant astronomical phenomena.

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Anonymous No. 16226022

>No one gains anything from making up distant astronomical phenomena.
sure they do, they gain justification for billions of dollars of research spending which benefits nobody except themselves, all of that money comes out of the taxes of productive people who do real jobs that are legitimately useful and necessary and who don't want to pay for worthless astrocrap and who have no interest in it.