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Anonymous No. 16208910

HOW can light be a PARTICLE if it REFLECTS in all DIRECTIONS


Anonymous No. 16208937

Light supposedly has wave particle duality. It behaves as both at least that’s the interpretation. Newton proved that light was a spectrum of colors using a prism. Think of light like an energy rainbow.

The second part I have no idea what your getting at

Anonymous No. 16208953

Time stops at the speed of light
From the perspective of a photon emission and absorption occur simultaneously

πŸ—‘οΈ Anonymous No. 16209255

>From the perspective of a photon emission and absorption occur simultaneously
so, from the photon's perspective it travels across the universe instantly, if the photon is not adsorbed?

Anonymous No. 16209263

WHY do you TYPE like THIS? Fuck off back to facebook, boomer

Anonymous No. 16209270


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Anonymous No. 16209277

>HOW can light be a PARTICLE if it REFLECTS in all DIRECTIONS
It's both a particle and a wave that exists in superposition, meaning it has non determinate properties of both and some level of probability of being either or until the wave function "collapses", causing a phase shift and causing it to act as either a wave or a particle, which is decided at the moment of phase shift, instantaneously independent of distance or time factors. Very freaky shit. Requires multiple dimensions and non-locality to work, meaning somehow we are creating reality itself instantly by causing the phase shift, which itself can propagate backwards in time

>HOW can ANYTHING travel if TIME has STOPPED
Non of it makes any sense really. Time is a physical fabric in another dimension, so everything that already has happened and that will happen exists on the same plane. At the same time, it is not locally real, which means this thing that has already happened can be changed from within the flow of time. Always need more and more dimensions to keep explaining how this can be consistent. It just unfolds into something more and more complex every time.

Welcome to the Grand Mystery my dude. If you think about it too much you might literally go insane. You could do that or you could shut yourself off from it and be thankful you were given a 3d body in a seemingly 3d world that, from your perspective, in normal everyday life, is orderly and continuous and makes sense. I think that mind-bending shit it cool though

Anonymous No. 16209350

It's not mine bending if you just accept we live in a predetermined world made by a perfect all powerful god and all those scientismic mental gymnastics are just an atheist cope

Anonymous No. 16209360

That's the idea, from the perspective of the particle the source and destination are touching because of contraction of space.

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πŸ—‘οΈ Barkon No. 16209362

>Welcome to The Grand Mystery

You're the only one round ere' that experiences this mystery, most of sci has already discovered the Jew - even OP was being sarcastic.

Anonymous No. 16209366

I recently read that for the oh my god high energy cosmic particle due to relativity it experienced 1 billion light years of travel in the like 30 hours

is it true that for things traveling at the speed of light, all of time happens instantly?

Anonymous No. 16209372

Is god himself predetermined? Then he's not omnipotent. If he's not subject to determinism however then there's no reason his creation should be. You can stop denying free will now. He wouldn't want you to do that.

Anonymous No. 16209414


We know that time dilation happens because we have tested it. If you were to put atomic clocks in orbit and compare them to identical ones in a laboratory, you would find out that the time of the two just don't agree.

Photons also show no evolution or change. It has a spin but the spin never flips their clocks are frozen.

πŸ—‘οΈ Barkon No. 16209419

Fart with me.

Anonymous No. 16209428

It's all bullshit schizo babble. "It's really a probability wave, except when it reflects off something that somehow doesn't collapse the wave function, because then it's a different kind of wave (unless we put it through a double slit and try to find which way information!)

Anonymous No. 16209768

>in a predetermined world
As other anon has stated, predeterminism and free will are not compatible. Further and further complexities are required for free will to work. Normally we wouldn't see all the stuff working in the background, but the more we try to understand, the more we see how things are operating behind the scenes.

Anonymous No. 16210996

I think they are compatible. Flip a coin. The result is random. But not really because the force at which it was flicked, the air resistance, the trajectory, etc all determines the number of rotations that was made and thus the outcome is predetermined. However the fine details necessary for an exact calculation are occluded from us, and so the model we've developed to understand such coin flips are via probability theory. Extrapolating we have
>Laws, physical reality are all predetermined
>Models of such laws are not predetermined
In this way, all of human actions are completely predetermined via physical laws. However the analysis of human behavior is best modeled with free will. You can make predictions with models. Notice that predictions are different from physical laws where things are destined to happen.

Anonymous No. 16210998

Why are you posting in complete sentences?

Anonymous No. 16211017

Because wave and particle are retarded definitions posited by the derangement of physicists.
We need to look towards mathematics to fix all the schizophrenic failings of physicists because mathematicians were born in the abstract abyss meanwhile physicists just dip their small toe into the stream.

Anonymous No. 16211022

you've never done any of that, so why are you dishonestly giving yourself credit for having done so?

Anonymous No. 16211052

They generally emerge from the local false sun.
The are emitted from electron devices.

Imagine a clear beachball with many polkadots on it. Inside those dots rest the 4D photons. The beachball itself is a 5D surface. When loaded with 4D photons it cannot travel through matter as a Cosmic Ray. Instead it bounces off matter, releasing and absorbing 4D photons. In this way, you can see some of these unusual effects.

One aspect of this is that 4D photons appear as a spiral tube unit. 4D photons will cause temporal ripples backwards sideways forwards in time.

Anonymous No. 16211118

No, imagine it like this, you have a film reel that's 50 years in length, if you watch it at normal pace it's gonna take you 50 years, if you speed up how fast the reel moves, or if your reel is just pulled straight and you run by it faster, you're gonna see the movie happening faster, there is no time travel involved, the perception of "time" is just limited by the information received

Anonymous No. 16211523

>atheist cope
The existence of all of these complex statistically highly improbable mechanisms all coming together to perfectly create an ordered universe point more toward the existence of God than randomness. The existence of the ordered universe defies the general concept of entropy being the unilateral direction of propagation of matter. The existence of intelligence itself points toward a higher intelligence entity being omnipresent.

There's a horseshoe effect when learning about all of these systems. The less you know, the more religious you are. Then you get to the mid point and think more atheistically. Then you start learning about the highly advanced stuff and you swing right back around to theism. It's not an uncommon viewpoint to take. It's kind of surprising that there are even atheists at all in the upper bounds of physics knowledge, when it's so extremely unlikely for that to be the case.

Anonymous No. 16211546

>Earth didn't have have enough water, good thing there just happened to be a bunch of icy asteroids in the vicinity that were nice enough to wait for the Earth to cool before they seeded our oceans
>Earth is completely fucked by asteroid impacts, good thing there just happened to be a giant protector in Jupiter which abnormally formed outside of the goldilocks zone despite every other planetary system we've lensed having massive gas giants closer to their host star
>The hydrogen-helium epsilon just happens to be exactly 0.007 to allow stars to form at all
I'm sure it's just a coincidence :^)

Anonymous No. 16211554

"We" as in humanity, retard.

Anonymous No. 16211562

Observer bias. Conscious observers can only develop the intelligence and insight to notice these "coincidences".

Anonymous No. 16211567

literally cope: the post
you're the one injecting your own bias by calling them coincidences

Anonymous No. 16211614

Call it cope if you like, it's still correct. There are no Martians lamenting their lack of atmosphere or protective magnetosphere and saying "if only we had an atmosphere and some protecting from radiation, we could live".
There are no Martians lamenting these things because of those very things.
We only exist to wonder at the "ordered universe" because it is ordered. It couldn't be any other way.
Perhaps there are or have been different universes with different constants which preclude intelligent life from forming - by definition, no life would exist there to wish things were different.

Barkon. No. 16211631

This isn't X-Men, fag. It's #Magnosphere.

Anonymous No. 16211632

it's extremely disingenuous to hand wave it all simply because "we wouldn't exist if it wasn't like that, so who cares"

Anonymous No. 16211637

I've heard that line of thinking referred to as an anthropic principle.

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Anonymous No. 16211651


Anonymous No. 16211796

>HOW can water be a PARTICLE if it REFLECTS in all DIRECTIONS
Light as water is made of paricles, which have wave function when in large ammounts.
About the "time stopped" thing I don't think I believe that modern misconception.

Anonymous No. 16211869

This entire whole thread not even one single anonymous anon has arguably disputed the clearly false premise of the question. Light doesn't reflect in all directions. OP's trolling is on the level of ''why is space dark if there's a sun shining in space''.

Anonymous No. 16211953

of course light reflects in all directions
what do you think it's scared of going east or something?

Anonymous No. 16211970

One ray of waving photons is traveling in one straight line unless curved by gravity and unless bouncing against other particles such as the surface of the Earth in which case the line angles in one other direction. The fact that you can see ''light'' all around you is because there are countless lines angling towards your eyeballs. So no: ''light'', in the sense of one single particular waving photon, does not magically split itself up in all directions.

Anonymous No. 16211976

OP never said it did retard
have you tried learning how to read before using the internet?

Anonymous No. 16211982

>one ray of waving photons
you've already fucked up your fundamental understanding of photons and we're only 5 words into your post

Anonymous No. 16212516

>HOW can light be a PARTICLE if it REFLECTS in all DIRECTIONS
We don't know. It just is for now.

Anonymous No. 16212591


>HOW can light be a PARTICLE if it REFLECTS in all DIRECTIONS

We can accurately model light to be made out of particles, but that does not mean that light is itself a particle. In the double slit experiment, we always detect photons as little bits of light.


Time does not stop for light.

Read this:

Read the Strange Theory of Light and Matter by Richard Feynman. It accurately describes how light interacts with matter without difficult mathematics, and it does so without reference to 'probability waves' and 'wavefunctions.'


>is it true that for things traveling at the speed of light, all of time happens instantly?

No. Time does not stop for light. See

>The less you know, the more religious you are. Then you get to the mid point and think more atheistically. Then you start learning about the highly advanced stuff and you swing right back around to theism. It's not an uncommon viewpoint to take. It's kind of surprising that there are even atheists at all in the upper bounds of physics knowledge, when it's so extremely unlikely for that to be the case.

The vast majority of physicists identify as agnostic and atheists, who definitely know more about quantum mechanics than OP, so you might wanna re-think your conclusion about physics being evidence for a creator.

Anonymous No. 16213005

>Yes if you travel the speed of light the math works out that time halts but that's totally fine because light doesn't have a perspective
The absolute state of science

Anonymous No. 16213019

If you shoot a photon at something it won't reflect "everywhere" it'll reflect somewhere which can be anywhere depending on the angle of incidence

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Anonymous No. 16213026

duality is a midwit meme. there are no particles in the dirac equation. photos are wobbly bubbles

Anonymous No. 16213173

It would follow that light is predetermined where it exists in two places at once but only looks that way to us, as the emission is always in the past at a point and the absorption is always in the future at a point? Why couldn't light just be at every possible point in the future and then observing it determines where it actually is?

Anonymous No. 16213208

>HOW can light be a PARTICLE
It's not a particle in the sense that particles have mass and occupy a location that other particles cannot occupy as well (particles collide, photons do not, they travel past one another): the energy in photons behaves as a "bundle" of energy, in terms of it's mathematics, that's all. That "bundle" follows the laws of physics as if it were a tiny particle, that's the duality, the behavior, not its nature.

Think of it like so: light is a wave, and it behaves like a wave until it is forced to interact with anything. For reasons we do not understand yet, the energy bundles up into "photons" and those behave like particles. For that reason, no one has ever observed a light "wave", they always observe photons, but we observe photons in ways that the only way that they could have arrived at certain observation locations would be impossible if light were particles.

Anonymous No. 16218101

>/sci/ doesn't know how light works
>Supposed to be taken seriously

Anonymous No. 16218206

>The vast majority of physicists identify as agnostic and atheists
>t. gets his knowledge of physicists' beliefs from watching popsci shit on tv