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Anonymous No. 16209072

your eyeball is literally deformed and elongated which stretches the retina and leads to tearing, retinal detachments, and macular degeneration, and worst case blindness. Doctors don't tell you this shit because they want you to be an ignoramous paying for prescriptions, lasik (which does nothing for your ocular health), contacts, etc until you get the bag of bricks dumped on your head when your 40+ and realize you're fucked.

The Progression of Myopia Theory:
>myopia is just genetics bro
>wait, there's too many people getting myopia for evolution to explain, it must be something else. ummm we aren't sure... but that's ok cause there's nothing you can do to stop myopia progression anyway just deal with it and keep buying new glasses
>apparently indoor time and electronics are associated with myopia. I have no idea why bro... so weird
>OKAY BRO it could be a number of things but we can't agree on it. In fact myopia may be related to all these things including bright light exposure, eye strain, amount of close work, genetics, high contrast.. we just can't figure it out bro :( but please keep coming for checkups and working on the computer for bill gates and your overlords
>k we have contact and eye glass lenses that can slow down myopia progression you can ask your local optometrist for them (but only for children cause no research for adults shows anything, cause there's no research). Oh but you can't buy the special glasses in the US only the special contacts because we can actually make way more money off that. You should just get LASIK if you care that much :]. Then pay us thousands when you're 40+ and going blind cause your retina is fucked

basically they gaslit society to keep people glued to their desks until they realized they can finally make some fucking $$$ off the issue with halfway decent treatments that would at the same time allow people to stay glued to their desks for the overlords.

Anonymous No. 16209074

By the way, apparently the glasses that mommy and daddy put you in when you were younger only made the problem worse. Wonder why my optometrist hasn't dropped this bomb on me yet?

Anonymous No. 16209102

myopia is caused by a viral infection

Anonymous No. 16209111

Myopia can be reversed

Anonymous No. 16209118

No it can't you coping curry fuck you people will believe anything we whites say, I swear.

Not even the most fervent believers in myopia regression can say they decreased anymore than a couple fractions of a diopter. They are basically ridding themselves of pseudomyopia.

Anonymous No. 16209120

Myopia is caused by poorly grown orbits from lead deficiency. The eye gets deformed by not fitting in the socket.

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Anonymous No. 16209131

doctors are in business to make money and for no other reason, they don't even care when they kill their patients as long as it doesn't cost them anything

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Anonymous No. 16209316

NTA but reversing spherical blur is a walk in the park.
The real pain is dealing with astigmatic blur, which I've been finding extremely hard after several reductions.

Seeing sharper multiple images is not good improvement. After so many steps ahead and back, I must say real improvement only happens when you manage to address both kinds of blur at the same time.
If your eye is not focusing imagery properly for extended time, you will start experiencing a transient kind of astigmatism, which can potentially become less transient.

Those studies that say not correcting myopia makes it worse, and the magic behind clinical blur adaption make sense now, but the data is not framed in the right context. It's like talking about muscle building while completely disregarding nutrition.

I may not be an opthalmologist, but I've done a lot of reading, and even I can safely say that there are many more factors involved in the development of an eyeball than what is commonly claimed by so-called professionals.

Anonymous No. 16209343

I've never heard a professional asking the right questions.

>What are the patient's visual habits?
>How long does he spends in close up activities?
>Could he be suffering from pseudomyopia?
So many problems could have been avoided had I been prescriped reading glasses for close up activity.
I've heard of some professional following this approach in modern days. Too bad it wasn't my case.

>Could his external muscles be unevenly developed and causing a some degrees of astigmatism?
>Should I really correct this 0.25D CYL?
>Has the patient walked in here after a hours of visual stress?
Like the infamous case of predictable astigmatism in violinists, not all astigmatism is real astigmatism.
Strain can also induce a temporary kind of astigmatism, beside the other transient kind, which arises from looking at unclearable imagery.
Correcting astigmatism is not like giving out candies. Applying CYL in the wrong scenarios can and will likely make it worse.
My optician fucked me over with this. I would have a much easier time reverting myopia with less astigmatism.

>Which is the dominant eye?
It's normal for the dominant eye to focus faster and better. A knowledge doc should know when not to over correct the non-dominant eye, because it may create an increasing gap between the eyes.

Anonymous No. 16209364

And don't get me started on those retards on reddit who plague r/optometry and r/myopia.

These professionals, who can't even be bothered keeping up with the current research, have created a huge problem making certain claims where they should have been conservative.
And now the boards regulating their fields have to take their side to avoid bigger problems, which is slowing down the spread of the actual scientific information that has been achieved in the last decade.

Most aren't even awake the eyes do have a small capability to focus distance. No, they even manage to confuse the strain caused by an eye trying and failing to focus as "dry eye".
This despite them knowing exactly that those same symptoms also happen when focusing too close too hard.

They love to post the study about not using lenses causing more myopia progression, to ward off the ones pushing for myopia reversal, without framing it in the proper context.
There are conditions that might cause improvement, and others that could make it worse.
To improve you need the right lens for the right job. The eye should also be in the condition to fully carry out the focusing attempt AND succeed.

I already mentioned what poor imagery can lead to. It's embarrassing how studies are not tackling the important details.

There are several disjointed attempts tackling individual factors, like defocus, peripheral defocus, myopia progression with weaker lenses, pseudomiopia, visual acuity under certain foods and health condition, etc, but I don't see much effort in actually putting it all together.

Anonymous No. 16209583


Who cares about myopia anyway, unless it's the worst <1%? The world is a landfill. Why would you want to see it better?

Anonymous No. 16209592

When Asclepius cured Myopias of his lame vision, he tore out his own eyes permanently for he had seen the world that man had created.

Anonymous No. 16209632

Macular degeneration, retina detachment. All the not so fun stuff related to an elongating eyeball.

Anonymous No. 16210066

My posts and commenta dont go thru on r/myopia anymore ever since I called out the congress of idiot optometrists that rule and moderate that cesspit of disinfo. It is almost like optometry as an organization wants people to stay stupid and keep letting their myopia progress so they make more money.

Anonymous No. 16210084

My vision was fine until I was 29, and has slowly gotten worse during the five years since. Glasses barely help, it's like my vision fuzzes up in different ways every time I blink and every day my astigmatism varies in severity but fags keep trying to sell me new glasses which seem to do nothing but slightly enlarge whatever I'm looking at to make it easier to discern through the blur. Am I dying?

Anonymous No. 16210792

not dying, going blind sounds like. consult a surgeon.

Anonymous No. 16210800

its mostly for myopes over 6diopters that have that problem aka gooks.

Anonymous No. 16210924

viruses dont exist

Anonymous No. 16211955

A common delusion among those who don't have children or nephews who attend nursery school.
Or are you one of those who rebrand virus under other names, as if that changed anything.

Anonymous No. 16212240

I am a white with bright blue eyes and I am at -4 it is very embarassing. It truly shows how much of a shut in loser I was as a child instead of getting healthy sunlight outside.

Anonymous No. 16212339

Illness exists and symptoms can spread. That doesn't mean the cause is a virus nor does it mean viruses exist.

Anonymous No. 16212640

I have 6 and 7 diopters in each eye, when I press down on certain areas of my eyeball I can get to clear up a lot, but I wonder why can I never get it completely clear?

Anonymous No. 16213206

Viruses are a jew sham and you fell for it.

Anonymous No. 16213207

The viral explanation has predictive power. You have no alternative explanation.

Anonymous No. 16213233

Could be diabetes, some other medical condition, or also strain induced astigmatism that later was incorrectly corrected, or even that you've untrained your eyes to focus properly.
There are many factors, and professionals rarely ask you the right questions.

it's hard to give the eyeball the right shape by just pressing around.

Anonymous No. 16213248

How about this; in nature without sunglasses you would constantly squint, applying pressure to the front of the eye. But when you're indoors and your lids are relaxed, there's only constant pressure from the tissue and blood flow around the eye exept for the front, thus pushing the eye from its socket and deforming it.

Anonymous No. 16213276

It's poorly grown orbits from lead deficiency. It can be seen, and measured. Anything that is claimed the cause must explain, or prove false, at least the following:
Why the eye is deformed.
Why the eye doesn't correct itself, despite its aparent ability to do so.
The deformed orbits.

Anonymous No. 16213341

Since he was fine up to 29, when orbits have long finished growing, your lead deficiency suggestion doesn't seem likely.
If you dig up deep enough in the rabbit hole, you'll find that there's a plethora of factors to consider. A proper diagnosis should also inquire about visual habits and diet.
E.g: some people suffer a loss of acuity when consuming sugars and/or carbohydrates rich foods, but not everyone responds the same.
It's impossible to generalize and just give surefire answers, which is one of my main gripes about professionals. They should know better how complex this topic can be, and it hurts their credibility.

I wish our eyes had the same magnitude in focusing far distance as it has for close ups.
But that's not how it works, our eyes are only at rest while focusing the horizon.
The only reason we have a small capability for focusing further than that could be as a mechanism to offset refractive errors in low light conditions.

Anonymous No. 16213359

>basically they gaslit society to keep people glued to their desks until they realized they can finally make some fucking $$$ off the issue
Yeah man, Big Optometry orchestrated the industrial revolution so they would finally have a use for all those fucking lenses after only a couple short centuries

Or consider that, as a society, we've got ourselves into this predicament by accident and now it's easier to just give people glasses to deal with it than to overturn society. It's not like any of this shit is unknown to science, it's just too much of a hassle.

Anonymous No. 16213691

>The viral explanation has predictive power.
And yet any time people have tried to replicate the supposed natural mechanism of contagion it has always failed:;view=image;q1=virology

>You have no alternative explanation.
People in the same environments are exposed to the same toxins. Multiple people getting sick around the same time in the same place just means they're being affected by similar environmental conditions that cause similar symptoms.

Anonymous No. 16213701

>lead deficiency
Oh, fuck off with that shit. The problem is people getting too little sunlight and too much artificial light, especially during key stages of childhood development. Kids spend way too much time indoors, and the problem is made even worse by giving kids sunglasses every time they go outside.

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Anonymous No. 16217572

>Never attribute to malice to what one could attribute to incompetency

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Anonymous No. 16217640

>visual habits
>close up activities
Those turn into gibberish without a good context. There is a reason why the layperson jargon exist, and then you have simplified guidelines to have meaningful communication with outsiders.

It doesn't help that the endmyopia is in the fun field of having:
1. Academic discourse
2. Kids being obsessed with the idea that they can putt down the phone
3. Actual vision habits via treating it like physiotherapy
4. Trying to interpret media like Bates method, without even being willing to interpret it... instead of just just making demonstrations videos and some exercises to get started
5. Paid online course fags

Anonymous No. 16217818

It’s caused by too much indoor time, causing lack of UV light which signals the eyeball to stop growing. There are more and more papers proving this effect.
All animals who grow indoors have myopia. ALL animals who grow indoor have it.

Anonymous No. 16217913

There are studies for red light therapy shown into the eyes for just a few minutes a day which drastically reduces myopia development in kids. Where is that going now? Are they gonna tear down every optometrist office, every professional with a degree, and replace them with $20 flashlight? The industry is fighting against truth. You basically have to push them to get the "kids can eliminate myopia progression with a couple of hours outdoors everyday" soundbite. They want people to be ignorant fools that buy a new pair of glasses each year.

Anonymous No. 16217925

You don't get glasses that late either.
I believe that hypothesis came from the fact that Australia had low myopia rates.

Anonymous No. 16218982

Some people only develop myopia when they take on a desk job, despite the age.
It doesn't stop at 20. That's just outdated information.

Anonymous No. 16219712

The industry won't give 5 shits anon.
Because even if you cure childhood myopia, and thereby teen myopia.... you still hit 50 and need regular ocular checkup and get far sighted instead of near sighted via age mechanics.

Vard No. 16219724

I came, I saw... I farted.

Anonymous No. 16219990

Their eye sockets would have to atrophy, which I guess could be possible now with EDTA in everything, even in some food.

Anonymous No. 16220021

>Their eye sockets would have to atrophy
Only the eye itself would have to atrophy.

Anonymous No. 16220027

>red light therapy
>$20 flashlight
How about just exposing your eyes to the sun for free? Red light therapy just imitates the light of sunrise and sunset, so how about just going outside during sunrise and sunset without sunglasses? A radical idea in 2024, I know.

Anonymous No. 16221889

>Doctors don't tell you this shit because they want you to be an ignoramous paying for prescriptions
why does everything have to be conspiratorial on /sci/