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๐Ÿงต How does a non-adhd brain actually work?

Anonymous No. 16209460

Anonymous No. 16209462

dopamine is regulated in an efficient way between the synapses that allows the person to feel rewarded in the most beneficial manner

in adhd the dopamine regulation is messed up and it requires huge amounts of dopamine release in order to feel rewarded

Anonymous No. 16209463

Same but with more dopamine around, do some speed to find out

Anonymous No. 16209495

Wait, so normal people are just more high?

Anonymous No. 16209500

yes, they get more pleasure out of paying attention. We get instantly bored, each second a bit of boredom attempts to overwhelm the brain, until... an obsession forms. Then, for a while, like magic, no one can take us away from that subject. But it never lasts for very long, and we're onto the same shit again.

Anonymous No. 16209532

Dopamine =/= feeling high.
Dopamine = feeling attentive. Particularly in such a way that feels rewarding. This in turn often (but not generally) implies "having fun" or at least "not minding" doing the thing.
Have you ever taken ADHD meds?
That's how norms constantly feel.

Anonymous No. 16209537


There are two different ways how we regulate attention (to boring work/chores and other things of that type):
1. we hold some mental disposition towards it (this is associated with you thinking/saying sentences "I don't want to do it", "I don't feel like doing it (e.g. reading a long boring text book)" -- i.e. you currently only engage with the activity inside your mind, you aren't ACTUALLY right now reading that long text book.
2. the actual sensation while doing the task. How you feel during the very moment while you are doing it.
Now, you are an ADHDer so you understand ADHDers can adjust both of these modes to temporarily surmount your natural recalcitrance to engaging with the task. I.e. you can force yourself mentally to *WANT* to start the task, as well as actually perform the task.
So what's the difference from normies? The trajectory of the "juice" powering the determination. You don't have infinite "juice" (broadly = dopamine generation).
An ADHDer has to synthesize that "juice" from willpower/determination (which is by definition very costly and the thing you'd least want to actually do).
But at least, via this avenue, an ADHD brain can reach momentary in executive parity with the normie brain. But this doesn't help much (with the tasks likely of interest to you*), because the key factor is that "juice" has a certain decay rate, yielding a trajectory.
The ADHD brain has a spike of "juice". The normie has a gentle downward slope.

Juice = a purely abstract term to refer to tendency, not something directly related to biochem.

Also ADHD is only a problem because our daily tasks differ so much from the ancestral hunter-gatherer lifestyle. ADHD has no problem hunting woolly rhino, but does reading 1000 page tome.

Anonymous No. 16209814

My way of dealing with ADHD is making it a top priority to automate tasks or at least set up a system that allows for me to do them quickly.
That means when I get bored of having to do them, either as chores or for work, that it won't matter as they are still being done in good time. Boredom will cause me to slow down massively, so this is crucial to figure out.

Anonymous No. 16209822

No, I don't take drugs. I just learn to self-manage which usually means endlessly rotating learning material in order to continually progress through things I want or need to. It also means intermittent pacing, which I try to limit.

Anonymous No. 16209830


Anonymous No. 16209974

What I noticed is that the hardest thing BY FUCKING MILES is to start. And all it takes for me to do that is literally put on a podcast about an interesting subject (I've been interested in the same subject for like 3 years now, and it's just one of a couple) and I don't mind doing almost anything. Once I actually get into it I often get hyper-focus and it's totally fine.

But before I had these subjects I knew I could listen to, I couldn't do FUCKING ANYTHING FOR YEARS.

Anonymous No. 16210229

The executive functioning aspect of you prefrontal cortex is damaged. Due to this you have the lack of ability to focus on something you want to focus on or you need to focus on because that small part of the brain is damaged. Adderall helps out a lot of taken before doing something that needs to be done.

Anonymous No. 16210456

>they get more pleasure out of paying attention
What the fuck, that's literally cheating. Is this true?

Anonymous No. 16210524

Yeah, that means we DerrDerrHDerrs deserve our rightful and just COMPENSATION of gov't assigned pleasure caretakes who will nobble our knobs like candy pops every time we pay attention!

Well, Biden!? Where's my attention-knob-gob?!!

Anonymous No. 16210537

I will march for thi- ooo what's this?

Anonymous No. 16210571

Nothing to see here. Just a dutiful, patriotic American working for the gov't to remove the difficulties of ADerrHDerr life with a little love and care, courtesy of Uncle Sam and Sleepy Joe (also, known as Bad Touch Biden). Those slobbering sounds you hear are the sounds of sweet American fidelity.

Anonymous No. 16210583

I sometimes feel sad when I'm stressed.

what disorder can I claim to get free drugs from the state?

Anonymous No. 16210651

>free drugs

Anonymous No. 16212340

Dopamine modulates motivational salience through reinforcement

Anonymous No. 16212366

this is another one of those threads where people who have massively glaring narcissistic personality disorders label themselves as something else because they don't want to admit the truth about themselves.

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Anonymous No. 16212466

>narcissistic personality disorders
this is a fake category too, "narcissism" is just the worst part of ourselves. it's actually cruel to identify people by their worst traits and treat it like it's unfixable. there's just sin and shame and the ways we all avoid dealing with it in ourselves (the only way is love, faith, repentance and forgiveness - it cannot be scaled/regulated and it cannot be calculated away through clever abstraction and manipulation[you know (((who))) I'm talking about]).

technology scales the lies we tell ourselves and sin fills the gap between our lived reality and ultimate Truth, until these lies and sins metastasize into ugly monsters that destroy civilization. people already understand how this works, evil people exploit it for their ends and good people try to account for it in an honest way. yada yada story of civilization. the good news is that the solution is really simple and available to everyone.

take it from my good friend Jesus.
>Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me. (John 14:6)

Anonymous No. 16213323

How can i stop my fucking brain from feeling empty when i have to work? meds don't work anymore and anxiety is making everything worse