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Pearson Physics b....jpg

🧵 I just got this in the mail.

Anonymous No. 16209468

What am I in for? What do I need to get the most out of it? Where should I go after?

Anonymous No. 16209480

Your goal is not reading the book but attention whoring with it and trying justify your attention whoring with stupid useless questions. So it doesn't matter what you do with it.

Anonymous No. 16209487

Projection. And your useless, attention seeking post proves it. Why are there so many toxic morons like you on this site? If you don't like me, don't respond. You're not required to post in my thread, retard.

Anonymous No. 16209522

>What am I in for?
Grade 10 physics
What do I need to get the most out of it?
90 IQ
Where should I go after?
You should complete high school. Also you have to be 18 to post.

Anonymous No. 16209591

My ass. There isn't a single person in the world with 90IQ, or even 100, that knows what's in this book. Get real for a change. Why are you all such insufferable faggots?

Anonymous No. 16209729

You may want to fuck off to r/science and discuss the book with your fellow soientists

Anonymous No. 16209742

Just scram, you subhuman cancer. Stop acting like you have to post in threads you don't like, you fucking faggot demon.

Anonymous No. 16209781

Ahahahaha this nigga really said "scram"

Anonymous No. 16209787

Why are you here? You're clearly too low IQ for STEM. You clearly don't know anything about physics either, so what's your purpose in being here? Seriously. Is this really the best you can do with your irretrievable time?

Anonymous No. 16210512

Bumping for knowledge.

Anonymous No. 16210526

>picture shows an apple

Anonymous No. 16210582


Anonymous No. 16210680

you sure do seem to like talking about yourself on social media

Anonymous No. 16210745

Is there really not a single person on /sci/ that has the capacity to answer such a simple question? Embarrasing, really. You should be ashamed of yourselves.

I just may. It seems like the brains have drained from this website. /G/ doesn't know anything about comp sci, /Sci/ doesn't know anything about physics, and /Lit/ doesn't read. This is becoming a comedy of fools.

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Anonymous No. 16210811

Are we talking about the same book? I looked it up and saw the word "accessible" mentioned quite a few times and the book described as an "algebra based" introduction to physics. This tells me that it won't even include calculus for formula derivations. In other words, this is high school physics.

There's even a cartoon nigger in the sample page here. Typical burger slop.

Anonymous No. 16210940

Don't (You) me.

Anonymous No. 16210946

So what do you bring to the table genius? There’s plenty of highly educated people here. But brain dead idiots like you think they are smarter then they actually are

Anonymous No. 16210954

Yes and? Why not fuck off back to plebit with your 89 IQ. I see now why this book will be confusing for you.

Anonymous No. 16210959

You're clearly not one of them. This thread is a question, not a dissertation. When I bring something to the table, you'll know. Right now, I'm asking for those capable to bring something (of which, you clearly are not one—as you've brought nothing and are now even begging).

Yes, yes, scram. You're not wanted and had nothing to offer anyway.

Anonymous No. 16210963

You start off calling the first poster a moron, and then get ass mad when anons correctly identify your book as college-prep at best. Yet somehow you think you're reading something at the level of Landau lol.

Anonymous No. 16210968

Blah, blah, blah. I don't care loser. Scram. You have nothing to offer.

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Anonymous No. 16210970


Anonymous No. 16210972

When that's what your heroes look like, you've done the insults for me. Now, you thin-skinned buffoon, move along; or will you cling here because your pride has been hurt like the rest of the poltroons are wont to do?

Anonymous No. 16210973

>are wont to do?
Go take a remedial English class.

Anonymous No. 16210975

LMAO! Read a book, clown. Now, move along. You have nothing to offer.