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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16209600

Researchers from The Netherlands analysed data from 47 Western countries and discovered there had been more than three million excess deaths since 2020, with the trend continuing despite the rollout of vaccines and containment measures.
They said the “unprecedented” figures “raised serious concerns” and called on governments to fully investigate the underlying causes, including possible vaccine harms.

Anonymous No. 16209610

And all the faces associated with these crimes are old bastards who will die of natural causes before they can be tried and executed. Thank God divine justice exists.

Anonymous No. 16209613

>including possible vaccine harms.
The algorithm detected a possible speling mistake: did you mean ''excluding'' possible vaccine harms?

Anonymous No. 16209653

Wow another Covid thread. It’s still living in your head rent free huh?

Anonymous No. 16209664

>It’s still living in your head rent free huh?
You want to erase history so you don't have to be accountable and learn from your mistakes huh?

Anonymous No. 16209671

>living in your head rent free
just like the bloodclots in yours, vaxxie

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Anonymous No. 16209687

Covid policies caused the largest wealth transfer in human history.

Anonymous No. 16209716

Science™ fags? What would be the cope for this, which you denied for so long?

Anonymous No. 16209738

>Operation Warp Speed, a product of Donald Trump, created all of this. We were tricked by old white men into getting it. Trump, Fauci, and Biden are all old white men. They did this. We should never let white men have any say in anything ever again!
There you go, the IFLS! approved response.

Anonymous No. 16209750

All me btw
I told them to look in a mirror and after those europeans realized ywnbaw they died unexpectedly.
Uh god isn't real, but we need to make God real so that he can capture sinners after their death orthogonally across time and space and make them suffer.

Anonymous No. 16209780

>called on governments to fully investigate
OK, we finished investigating ourselves and have found we did nothing wrong. Nothing to see here. Move along. Move along.

Anonymous No. 16209804

>hasn't read the article

Anonymous No. 16209870

This is a bot.

Anonymous No. 16209937

>scientists suggest
It's all so tiresome.

Anonymous No. 16210859

>We should never let white men have any say in anything ever again!
good luck trying to get that. after shitting on "old white men" nonstop for the past few decade the aged male caucasians decided to just easily trick all the jealous retards into poisoning themselves

Anonymous No. 16210900

people screamed and demanded for the Fed to start the printers. What would you have done in their place? Resign?

Anonymous No. 16212168

>and called on the perpetrators to fully investigate the underlying causes of what they knowingly and maliciously did

Anonymous No. 16212170

You mean after the governments shut all their businesses down?

Anonymous No. 16212229

the members of the federal reserve are not elected BTW if you were somehow confused HTH

Anonymous No. 16212670

Good leaders lead, they don't follow whims.
People were mostly ignoring covid and virtue signaling about how racist it was to scare people with talk of a Chinese virus. Then Imperial College London released their projections of 10% or more of humanity dying, at which point people started freaking out. Of course we later discovered ICL was full of shit and used code that would get an F in a middle school programming class.
The smart thing would have been to get some verification on ICL's model before going nuts or at least coming out and saying it was wrong instead of pushing everything to the most authoritarian "solutions". But politicians and scientists alike didn't want to admit they were wrong plus the pharma companies could see billions in profit coming soon if they egged things along.

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Anonymous No. 16217346

That wasn't by accident, the wealth was all transferred from poor and middle class people to Wall Street types

Anonymous No. 16218787

same thing happened in the 2008 "financial crisis". there was a massive economic problem so the government gave the wealthiest people in the nation extra money and everyone just got poorer

Anonymous No. 16220792

>47 Western countries and discovered
>only three million excess deaths
its a start anyway and I don't want to seem ungrateful, but it needs to be moar and fast to make a real dent in the brainlet issue

Anonymous No. 16221462

Scientists promised us over a billion deaths in March of 2020 when the covid meme was being give its big rollout

Anonymous No. 16221535

you're misremembering it

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Anonymous No. 16222691

That was Neil Ferguson

🗑️ B4RK0N (300 IQ) 'kneel' No. 16222694

You won't remember me after 300000 years faggot and I'd still win

Anonymous No. 16222707

We haven't even hot the peak of the bell curve

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Anonymous No. 16223728


Anonymous No. 16223738

Are they correcting for how old and fat boomers are?

Anonymous No. 16223875

I don't know that guy but why didn't you include the number of actual covid death in the uk ?

Anonymous No. 16225549

There weren't any, a nonexistent viral epidemic can't kill people