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๐Ÿงต physics girl.

Anonymous No. 16209649

when will physics girl finally recover?

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Anonymous No. 16209652

When she reunites with Terry of course.

Anonymous No. 16209655

When the Patreon bucks stop flowing.

Anonymous No. 16209672

There is no recovery from the vaxx. The spike proteins are there to stay in your body forever.

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Anonymous No. 16209678

16,700 paid patreon subscribers, each paying a minimum of $3 per month. That's at least $50,000 per month... what an astounding grift. I'd fake long covid and retire too.

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Barkon No. 16209682


Anonymous No. 16209697

You know there is a tolerance which you can be tolerant about someone being sick.
When someone is sick for1 week you say "aw that's too bad I understand"
When someone then pretends to be sick for the rest of their life you just gotta ditch the dead wait and say "fuck off"
Some of us have jobs and a civilization to uphold.
That being said for some reason my immune system was made weaker after getting the vax (it was coercion). I get sick longer, I get side effects of sickness more often like sinus infection, I even heal slower than I used to.
So fuck the science for that shit

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Anonymous No. 16209704

after she atones for her sins with extreme repentence and humility

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Anonymous No. 16209717

>ditch the dead wait

Anonymous No. 16210153

>The spike proteins are there to stay in your body forever.
well, there's several vaccines out there, so which one are we talking about specifically? Back in 2021, I actually saw test results of at least one mRNA vaccine that showed that the effectivity of the vaccine dropped, implying, thought not proving 100%, that the viral protein was not being produced anymore, and so the immune system lost its effectiveness against covid, like it did with other coronaviruses (the same reason we can get a cold multiple times each year).
It made sense as an assumption, being the same class of virus and what was expected from someone first being exposed to a virus, and then losing effectiveness with time.

I'm sorry, I don't have a link to it, it's been too long. I wish I did to show you.

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Anonymous No. 16210156

>pretends to be sick

Anonymous No. 16210191

>the effectivity of the vaccine dropped, implying, that the viral protein was not being produced anymore
That conclusion is wrong. The effectivity drops because the virus mutates and antibodies against the Wuhan strain don't work against the omega strain.

Anonymous No. 16210196

I hope she gets the karma for the grifting she has done.

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Anonymous No. 16210201

Viruses don't even exist. Virology is pseudoscience.

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๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Barkon. No. 16210204



Anonymous No. 16210210

apparently he's my 4th or 5th cousin somehow through my mum

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๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Barkon. No. 16210224

I'm gonna c-ck that chancey

Anonymous No. 16210236

She isn't faking. Years later I still feel like shit, FUCK omicron

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terry davis.webm

Anonymous No. 16210257


Anonymous No. 16210419

16,700 paid members. Why can't even the dumbest simps understand these odds.... she's going to notice me!

Anonymous No. 16211176

I just assumed it was money laundering

Anonymous No. 16211187


shes got fibromyalgia now, which is terminal in females

Anonymous No. 16211371

Seems like 90% of liberal women have psychosomatic illnesses passed off as some vague immune system disorder. Voting Biden should get an entry in the DSM.

Anonymous No. 16211409

Pick one

Anonymous No. 16211455

Girls aren't subject to the laws of physics?

Anonymous No. 16211464

They are subject to the rules of their husband (or father until married)

Anonymous No. 16211658


Anonymous No. 16211797

She'd make more if she opened an Onlyfans

Anonymous No. 16211807

She would be the perfect cock sleave. Can't do much else. Always in bed.

Anonymous No. 16211902

But she looks like a zombie.

Anonymous No. 16211919

But what if their father or husband doesn't set a rule for gravity?

Anonymous No. 16211923

probably smells like shit

Anonymous No. 16211934

Why are men like this? Let useless whores rot in the street

Anonymous No. 16211940

Are you trying to discourage me with that? I'll have you know that fucking a zombie would be awesome! I've been meaning to get this zombie VR game just so I could stare at some zombie ass.

Anonymous No. 16211948


Anonymous No. 16211973

Without a law for gravity she will fly and be ruled a witch then summarily burned.

Anonymous No. 16212521

>That conclusion is wrong
I never said it was a conclusion, besides, these were lab tests, done always with the same virus type, not out in the field. Otherwise you would be correct.

Anonymous No. 16212529

Wagies must pay the neet tax.

Anonymous No. 16212544

I'm in her top 5% of donors so my odds are a lot higher than these suckers.

Anonymous No. 16212650

>Up your contribution beta male, is that really all you've got? Are you poor? I'm not going to even thank you for what you're sending.