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🧵 Filtering our Coffees is scientifically a scam.

Anonymous No. 16209684

Coffee has only ONE requirement; to stay in ~90C for ~5min; anything instant is just the same but premade and then dried to a powder.
Hence you can UNIRONICALLY just drop boiling water to ANY coffee in cup; then you just wait for ~5min and just drink it; the residue at the bottom is nothing special since it's like any Greek/Turkish coffee in that case (you just don't drink that part).
Hence put your regular water boiler to work,
and then use any "expensive" coffee in your cup without having to buy complicated coffee machines.

Anonymous No. 16209698

Ok, but wouldn't a pour over coffee expose the grounds to 90 degree water for 5 minutes? The water doesn't just immediately flow off, it slowly drips down through the hole in the bottom. Add onto that the filter and if you bloom the coffee beforehand, and I'm pretty sure it's a non issue.

Anonymous No. 16209706

you might be right, but percolators and french presses are less than $20 new and almost free from the thrift store.

Anonymous No. 16209741

The point of filtering coffee is so you don't have to eat the coffee grounds.

Anonymous No. 16209760


Anonymous No. 16209980

I have herd people percolate their coffe with alcohol, obviously at a far lower boiling point. Being a solvent, it washes out a lot more from the grounds.

Anonymous No. 16210061

burn the coffee
>french presses
don't adequately filter the coffee and leave a lot of liquid behind

Anonymous No. 16210857

1. Cold brew coffee has MORE CAFFEINE than traditional coffee.
90C for 5 minutes can be replaced with 12 hours at room temperature.
2. Consumers don't want grounds in their coffee, so they filter it out.
It has nothing to do with caffeine or safety. It's just consumer preferences, take an Economics course and stop being an autistic /sci/tard.

Anonymous No. 16211140

I don't know what problem you mean. The coffee just needs to be exposed to ~90C water for a few minutes. There is literally no other requirement at all to make "coffee" (to have caffeine in water).

Still an unnecessary waste of time. I just boil water and pure it in a cup. The end (OK I stir it also for literally 2 seconds).
That way I can also buy ANY random coffee (that isn't instant) anyway (I like the hazelnut "filter" coffees).

Nonsense. You just don't drink that part. Greek/Turkish coffee does that for centuries.
But even them waste their time by slowly boiling it in a small saucepan.
Even that is unneeded (and by the way greeks: you still get "καϊμάκι").

I find that a waste of time. You just get good coffee by just using a regular boiler's water.
You can use lower temperature if you want (e.g. only poor it when it's ~90C not 100C).

1. Irrelevant. You get >90% of caffeine in the first 2-3minutes of ~90C water (if you want more caffeine just add minimally more coffee anyway (making it utter irrelevant)).
2. Pretentious bullish (just don't drink the bottom (Greek/Turkish coffee does that for centuries)).

Anonymous No. 16211310

Coffee scientifically tastes like shit and you only drink it because you were brainwashed by corporate propaganda and social pressure.

Anonymous No. 16211324

You'll let shitty wooden taste through if you do this

Anonymous No. 16211327

that's all nice but is it good for you?

Anonymous No. 16211389

No. Coffee good. Coffee bitter but hearty and warm. Coffee sipping is opportunity to sit with family and friends. Coffee makes me happy. Simple as.

Barkon. No. 16211390

Coffee is more complex than you think

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Anonymous No. 16211540


Anonymous No. 16211881

Tea does all of that without tasting like shit part.

Anonymous No. 16211896

I drink coffee with breakfast and tea with lunch. Both are good now stop fighting.

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Barkon. No. 16211938


Anonymous No. 16212222

Are you in England? Coffee tastes like shit in England. You lot don't know how to roast it or brew it.
Tea is weak piss compared to coffee. Again, the English don't know how to make good coffee.

Anonymous No. 16212331

explain to me whats crema

Anonymous No. 16213291

wut. it's cleaner. any other method has more plastics and filters and whatnot involved.

The teas can also be made with OP method. I use a lot of camomile tea. It's practically a caffeine antidote (regular tea is just a weak coffee (nutritionally)).

Anonymous No. 16213304

>You just don't drink that part.
Which is what the filter is for, otherwise the grounds are intermingled with the liquid and you can't help but to get some grounds in your mouth when you drink the coffee which is exactly what consumers want to avoid.

Anonymous No. 16213309

Waste of time and resources. You just let it go to the bottom. You stop drinking when less than 2% of liquid is left anyway.

Anonymous No. 16213310

PS also don't be a pussy, the grounds aren't poisonous.
The probably also count as fiber (they probably are LITERALLY fiber (by definition)).

Anonymous No. 16213319

No, to the average consumer that pays starbucks $20 for a cup of coffee, throwing away 2% of that cup is the waste and you can't control liquid like that, it doesn't magically just go to the bottom, it is constantly in motion and ground will constantly be mixed with the liquid.

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Anonymous No. 16213505

but is it good for you???

Anonymous No. 16217304

this is like saying you can just boil tea leaves and it its fine. you've almost certainly never had freshly roasted coffee that wasn't some basic bitch colombian dark roast.

Anonymous No. 16217330


get an etheopian light roast and tell me coffee is bitter lol

Anonymous No. 16217721

You can literally measure differences in coffee extraction with a refractometer and objectively prove different methods produce different results.

Anonymous No. 16218635

She's attractive

Anonymous No. 16219272

>Coffee has only ONE requirement; to stay in ~90C for ~5min
And tastes like sh** if you are used to drink espresso. That is made at higher temperature by pressured water. Further it prevents the reaction to air oxygen that makes coffee bad too.

Use imperial units so your 90° 5mincan be a burger moment,

Anonymous No. 16219292

Just eat the grounds, this method is very human

Anonymous No. 16220963

this would be a completely airtight assumption if coffee were some completely homogeneous and irreducible material

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Anonymous No. 16221881

>the residue at the bottom is nothing special
Ah, but it might be!
It contains phytonutrients and fiber, which the coffee solution does not have.

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Anonymous No. 16221882

>imperial units
>science board