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Anonymous No. 16209833

What do they mean by this scientifically speaking?

Anonymous No. 16209853



bodhi No. 16209857

It means my sperm just went up in value 1000%. Feels good to be pure blood

Anonymous No. 16209868

it means mission accomplished. we needed a mechanism in place that kills off the over 75's and now we have it.

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Myocarditis and p....jpg

Anonymous No. 16210684

Anonymous No. 16210836

>saddam wmds
>gulf of tonkin
How many more times does the government have to burn the world down over a complete lie before people finally figure out not to trust them?

Anonymous No. 16210844

This is fake news. Nothing to see here. Move along. Or you're literally a pedophile.

Anonymous No. 16210871

they've long figured that the right kind of propaganda is readily swallowed by 90% of the population that then beg daddy .gov to safe them from the made up crisis and forget all about it within a few years, just to fall for the next scam.

Anonymous No. 16210878

never mind the government, why did anyone trust pharma companies that had paid out hundreds of billions in criminal fines (after denying and dragging it out in court for years)

Anonymous No. 16210881

Meet the new boss, same as the old boss!

Anonymous No. 16211621

It's crazy. It's been rumoured for years, but this is the first time a legacy media picks up on it.
Why is this not more widely discussed?
When you look up the exact title, the first few results don't even bring to article on the official website of the Telegraph.

Anonymous No. 16213254

>Why is this not more widely discussed?
because the people that were tricked by the hoax are too ashamed of themselves to ever admit that they were dumb enough to be tricked

Anonymous No. 16213299

But the lady on the news said it was safe and effective, how could this happen?

Anonymous No. 16213347

1000% increase of 0 is still 0

Anonymous No. 16213353

So what, without the vaccines we'd still have a raging covid pandemic with even more excess deaths.
Love how antivaxxers went from
>Psh, it's only a what, 1% death rate?
>omg these vaccines increase your chance of dying by .000001%!!!!! This is an outrage!
Yeah, it would've been an outrage if covid hadn't existed. Which I'm sure is going to be the next denialist angle for that reason.

Anonymous No. 16213847

Not really. Countries like Bulgaria, Romenia and Hungary have all had negative excessive deaths from 2023 onwards. While Bulgaria was a shitshow (and more likely due to how poor the country is rather than its vaccination rate) , the total excessive death from 2020-2023 ends up matching other countries with vaccination uptakes that go all the way up to 80% and more. There's no clear benefit from vaccination when most of the eldest population and those with pre-existing comorbitidies have been vaccinated and Hungary proves that (one of the lowest excessive death rates from 2020-2023).

Anonymous No. 16214037

A big portion of the population got a fake vax certificate (payed a gypsy 10 euro to get vaxxed in their name) which inflated the vaccination rate.
Also the government reacted really slowly in the beginning and was one of the last countries to fully close its borders and enforce a lockdown. And was one of the first to fully lift it. Anti-vax sentiment is really popular here as well.

t. Bulgarian

bodhi No. 16216556

no you mudblood

Anonymous No. 16217053

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