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🧵 It's over, the future of science is China

Anonymous No. 16209914

Get in line, chuds, Emperor Xi is offering free mandarin courses for westernors now.

Anonymous No. 16209917

China has built quickly many times in the past, and many times their technology proves poorly constructed, designed, and engineered. Even so, it is still impressive. If only everything else about Communist China wasn't such a shitshow.

Anonymous No. 16209919

How much money do you want the west to devote to purely scientific endeavors with no potential for return? If the answer isn't 0 then call your representative and tell them that you want our budget to go to science.

Anonymous No. 16210049

china developed from a subsaharan tier economy in the 1990s, through the industrial revolution and out the other end to a declining culture than wastes it's vast resources on worthless total stupidity like astrocrap all in less than 1/3 of a century.
epic speedrun
now they're in the phase where less than 1% of the population is need to do all the real work and everyone else is a mentally disease poser that uselessly wastes resources on trying to pretend to be useful and important in order to cope with their anxiety over having no real purpose in their life.

Anonymous No. 16210054

well you cant have equality and competency at the same time, so you have to choose one.

Anonymous No. 16210058

Fun. I wonder what kind of fuckery a tofu and tinfoil collider is going to get up to.

Anonymous No. 16210300

lol theyre gonna pull an Arecibo in record time too

Anonymous No. 16210309

>giant collider
>they don't know

Anonymous No. 16210344

Until there are real consequences, including the possibility of the death penalty, for scientific fraud, they don't deserve even a penny.

Anonymous No. 16210379


There already are real consequences you moron. Frauds that get exposed get blacklisted from academia, their lives are ruined. What "fraud" are you even talking about?

Anonymous No. 16210385

Nothing wrong with spending some small portion of time and resources on astronomy. At least, no more wrong than spending the same resources on a math department whose work will not be relevant to tech for over a century. If you think the pursuit of knowledge for its own sake is "useless" then why are you even on this board?

Anonymous No. 16210388

Why is it "over"? Why does it matter where science is being focused on, as long as someone is continuing to discover? This is the science/math board right? Not /pol/? If any country finds something cool or takes an important step, isn't that a good thing?

Anonymous No. 16210390

The fun part is that we went with neither.

Anonymous No. 16210391

Wait till it falls down

🗑️ Barkon. No. 16210394


Anonymous No. 16210413

>Nothing wrong with spending some small portion of time and resources on astronomy
There is something wrong with it because doing so indicates that the people distributing those resources are wasteful idiots who've been given more resources to distribute than they know how to use appropriately

Anonymous No. 16210421

The president of Harvard.

Anonymous No. 16210593

there are crapton of example where straight up fraud doesn't get any consequences, you might want to search that up.
also, the current system only detect the stupidest unsophisticated fraud like copy pasted stuffs. the more serious fraud is straight up faking data.
there was this one physicist guy at Bell Lab who faked semiconductor result but it took like 2 years for people to get him and he was only caught because his results was so phenomenal and potentially nobel prize winning a gorillion of people tried to replicate his work and were never able to.
in obscure fields, you can just spend 1-2 hour polish and the fraudulent results and you'll never get caught. it's so easy.

Anonymous No. 16210670

>china builds the largest radio antenna in the world, treacherously uses it in a desperate bid to contact ayyliums in the hope of acquiring their technology to finally have an advantage over the west, betraying humanity in the process
many such cases

Anonymous No. 16210671

>Frauds that get exposed get blacklisted from academia,
Fraud is supposed to have CRIMINAL consequences, not imaginary professional consequences that more often than not fail to manifest at all.

Anonymous No. 16211014

Again, if you really think that acquisition of knowledge for its own sake is "wasteful", then why are you on this board? This is /sci/, in case you forgot.

Anonymous No. 16211028

astrocrap is useless and wasteful. thats why astrotards have to devote their lives to leeching off of productive decent people, because they produce nothing of any value themselves.
>b-b-but muh useless knowledge
nobody is well know or respected for success in science for being worthless. your lame ideology is just an excuse you glommed onto because you're too low iq to succeed

Anonymous No. 16211058

nta but i think science is more just a tool, no?
you can use science to acquire knowledge for its own sake, or for something specific.

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fuck Xi.jpg

Anonymous No. 16211181

>Emperor Xi
don't be naïve, you don't want that broken man to succeed, believe me