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🧵 What happened?

Anonymous No. 16209987

Why should I trust the Big Bang and a lot of science these days when it’s being exposed as fake?

Anonymous No. 16209991

>february 3rd

Anonymous No. 16209997

So that’s only a few months back. It still happened. Why doge and deflect an obvious problem to your scientific religion?

Anonymous No. 16210018

>scientific religion
Bad bait, try again later.

Anonymous No. 16210023

Get boosted.
The kids are going to have great insults.
"Your mom received the hard, metal phallus of Fauci's needle."

Anonymous No. 16210026

The replication crisis and outright fraud hasn't been ended in the time between February 3rd and today so your post is obviously an attempt to deflect attention away from something that's embarrassing for the scientific community instead of being open to discussion about the flaws in contemporary scientific process.

Anonymous No. 16210045

Why do you use the Grauniard as a reference?? Go to the primary sources.
Secondly, science is NOT about trust, it is instead all about doubt. Real scientists try to falsify their hypotheses, not "prove" it.

Anonymous No. 16210059

That's the ideal which, by now, has almost nothing in common with what's practiced by the academic community. It's become a bureaucratic pyramid filled with careerists and schemers, and the occasional "real scientist" who will be put in line soon enough.

Anonymous No. 16210129

Nothing specific about the gaurdian saying this almost every academic institution has to retract papers in the last two years. How long have they been perpetuating this fraud?

Anonymous No. 16210788

>scifags: this is fake news

Anonymous No. 16210801

>How long have they been perpetuating this fraud?
At least since the 1990s

Anonymous No. 16210839

>Why should I trust the Big Bang
Come up with something you think makes sense and explain why it's better than that theory.

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Anonymous No. 16212155

>a lot of science these days when it’s being exposed as fake
Its not "a lot"
Its all

Anonymous No. 16212508

>What happened?
The push if for new science, not replication. Fortunately, there is still replication going on, and that's when shit gets detected.

Anonymous No. 16213249

>The push is
fixed, apologies

Anonymous No. 16217183

most fraud never gets detected

Anonymous No. 16217276

>”Why should I trust my wife’s half black son’s future to soientists who constantly publish lies like the bing bong hypothesis? That’s why I’m homeschooling him in hollow flat creationism while my wife is on vacation in Jamaica with those virile BLVCK BVLLS.”

Anonymous No. 16218761

You should trust that it's fake instead.

Anonymous No. 16220815

the big bang is the least of your worries in terms of scientific fraud. astrocrap doesn't directly affect anyone, its a completely useless science. fraud in other fields can directly impact your life to a far greater degree.
are you circumcised as a result of """""the science"""" saying its an important health practice?

Anonymous No. 16220835

They have been performing circumcision for a long time. The Hindus and Jewish cultures do it for religious beliefs I guess

Anonymous No. 16220857

>are you circumcised

Anonymous No. 16221348

>t. cripplecock

Anonymous No. 16221352

It's just the Chinese and Indians

Anonymous No. 16221452

>most fraud never gets detected
If it doesn't get detected, how can it be claimed so with such certainty?
It seems to me it is being detected, or there would be no replication "crisis" at all.
How much fraud is there still out there? Well, who here knows with surety how much unknown there is to know?

Anonymous No. 16221457

>fraud in other fields can directly impact your life to a far greater degree.
yes, and that's why much of the fraud gets detected when commercial attempts are made to use it in engineering. That's when the replication attempts occur and when shit doesn't work in practice as it is described in the research.
Nonetheless, taking into account that I'm not having to look through 100 volumes of books to find the information I need anymore, and I'm typing on a magical thing called the "internet", things have been working pretty good.

Anonymous No. 16221509

Here's a quick guide for you how to find reliable science:
- Chinese, Indian, Iranian, Russian or Brazilian first author -> into the trash
- Affiliations not in North American or European universities -> into the trash
- Published in obscure journal like Nigerian Journal of Zoology -> into the trash
- The article is a case report or correlational study -> into the trash

There, you have filtered out 95% of trash articles

Anonymous No. 16221820

Not true at all.

Anonymous No. 16221830

>Zhang et al.
>Li et al.
>Jain et al.
>Anand et al.

Anonymous No. 16221845

Almost every field is going to have sone of the following:
Many studies clearly contradicting each other, with no apparent attempt to find the problem.
Topics or claims that everybody knows not to dispute, despote being known as false.
A major theory that is contradicted by a wealth of evidence. A bulk of the work is spend on explaining why.
A particularly concerning is papers that seem to be not only fraudulent, but outright deceptive. That is, it appears that the authors knew the truth, but wrote a deliberately false paper to mislead others.

Anonymous No. 16221922

>science results these days when it’s being exposed as fake

Anonymous No. 16221932


>Many studies clearly contradicting each other, with no apparent attempt to find the problem.
If you know that there are contradictory study results, you found a problem. Now you just need to find someone with time and money to attempt an investigation into the reason why, for each study.

>Topics or claims that everybody knows not to dispute, dispute being known as false.
Examples, please, and emphasis on this blanket statement, implying malice from everyone involved and not just simple ignorance, or stupidity (Hanlon's razor):
>everybody knows

>A major theory that is contradicted by a wealth of evidence
That's why it is a theory, not a law.

>A particularly concerning is papers that seem to be not only fraudulent, but outright deceptive. That is, it appears that the authors knew the truth, but wrote a deliberately false paper to mislead others.
Well, whatishumannature,jpg
Go and ask each of them the reasons they did it.

However, the point still stands: saying that fraud is most of the published science results is insincere with some decent statistical attempt at estimating it. I'm not saying it is not so, I'm just saying I have not seen evidence for that so far.

Anonymous No. 16221936

>without some decent statistical attempt

Anonymous No. 16222481

>That's why it is a theory, not a law.
That's not what the words mean, you idiot.

Anonymous No. 16222608

>Why should I trust the Big Bang
you don't have to. the big bang makes no difference to your life. it doesn't tell you to pay tithe, to worship a dead kike god, it doesn't tell you to cut your dick off, it doesn't tell you to vote biden. so fuck off, you're just another ignorant hick, resentful of people smarter than you.
should've gone to collitch, tradie.

Anonymous No. 16222994

Resentful to people who make shit up??

Propaganda is so effective people will deny what exists directly in fromt of their face.

Log off and kys

Anonymous No. 16224094

you shouldn't trust any of it, why would you?

Anonymous No. 16225718

>anti-white hate speech
How come you dislike white people so much? What did they ever do to you?

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you don't re....jpg

Anonymous No. 16227146

>Those evil whites created civilization and invented everything good in the modern world, I wouldn't be alive today if whites hadn't invented modern medicine.
>Thats why I hate whites so much

Anonymous No. 16228060

You shouldn't, scientists are all frauds, if they were as intelligent and competent as they try to claim they are then they'd be able to commit fraud without getting caught. The fact that they get caught time and again just proves that their IQs are average at best

Anonymous No. 16229216

they're no smarter than the average jailbird or parolee

Anonymous No. 16230620

>muh dogma muffugguh
>muh sacred texts

Anonymous No. 16231779

>The "laws" of science
tell me thats not a religion
what else has laws other than religion?
don't say governments, governments originated from religions.

Anonymous No. 16232991

Jannies will ban you without a second thought for saying the n-word, but you can say anything you want about white people no matter how nasty.

Anonymous No. 16234028

janny also bans for perceived disparagement of jews