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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16210012

My professor decided I failed an exam because I put the answer of all the questions with 2 decimals and he had asked that we answer all the questions with 3 decimals.
All the results and calculations are correct though.
How do I come back from this?

Anonymous No. 16210043

>Reminder: /sci/ is for discussing topics pertaining to science and mathematics, not for helping you with your homework or helping you figure out your career path.

>If you want advice regarding college/university or your career path, go to /adv/ - Advice.

Anonymous No. 16210077

follow the directions next time nigger

Anonymous No. 16210091

based division by 0 midwit filter

Anonymous No. 16210095

I doubt you are telling the truth but he should take one points off at maximum for wrong results but give you the rest of the points if your approach to the problem is correct. Assuming you are not living in a 3rd world shithole of course. There the correctness of the final results is more important than the approach

Anonymous No. 16210187

By learning to read, retard.

Anonymous No. 16210541

>All the results and calculations are correct though.
objectively, they are not, especially if you decided to round to less precision than was required

Anonymous No. 16210552

>division by 0
Wrong interpretation. The only correct interpretation has always been that it's illegal to equate things by multiplying both things with zero.

Anonymous No. 16210586

talk to your counselor or department head or something, see what they have to say

Anonymous No. 16210611

It's still equal after multiplying by zero.

Anonymous No. 16211142

Why did you choose not to read or follow the directions?

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Anonymous No. 16211160

Because he was high and drunk. Watched to many college movies.. now he is screwed

Anonymous No. 16211987

the ability to follow basic instructions is a valuable asset on the job market

Anonymous No. 16212010

Yes everything multiplied by zero is equal to everything else multiplied by zero so forget zero and just state that everything is exactly the same. That's ridiculous.

Anonymous No. 16212044

you sure do seem to love talking about yourself on social media

Anonymous No. 16212749

That moron multiplied both sides by 0 to make them equal and then removed the 0.

Anonymous No. 16217757

maybe you would have more fun if you posted your own thoughts instead of copypasting what other people post

Anonymous No. 16217775

>homework thread

Anonymous No. 16217780

are you stupid? explain how this is a homework thead

Anonymous No. 16217804

Fucking retard
Reading instructions is what you’re supposed to do, even if you got the question WRONG and did as he followed you would have been fine

Anonymous No. 16217815

You are all wrong.
The first line is a fallacy. No two constants in any one equation can ever be equal to each other. That is a paradox.
Therefore, no manipulation of a paradox will ever result in anything that is not a paradox.

Anonymous No. 16217830

wrong. the gravitational mass and the inertial mass are equal to each other despite being different things

Anonymous No. 16217935

Contradiction. Identity of indiscernibles. If two things are equal, then they are the same.

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for u.jpg

Anonymous No. 16217960

> No two constants in any one equation can ever be equal to each other.
0 = 0 .
It's over
For you.

Anonymous No. 16218541

Those are not constants. They vary with the object.
That is not an equation. That is a tautology.

Anonymous No. 16218545

we let too many people into our universities.

Anonymous No. 16218547

No two DIFFERENT constants can be equal to each other.
0 does not equal 1