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Why are vaccines bad? No. 16210093

I frequently read on /pol/ and other board that vaccines are bad, can any of you who agree with this statment share your opinion on why that is the case?

Anonymous No. 16210297

The idea of a vaccine is not bad, it is the fact that you have to allow others, who are not trustworthy enough and susceptible to corruption, to inject a myserious serum into your body without a way to know what's inside it, trusting them entirely. Fear also comes from experimental mRNA vaccines that use your own cells to replicate instead of simply injecting a virus' surface proteins.
The idea of a vaccine however is sound and it is a great way to not die from things you cannot see.

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Anonymous No. 16212153

they're bad because the people who say they're good are all liars

Anonymous No. 16217182

Insufficient testing means they can't be ruled to be beneficial, which means they shouldn't be on the market except as experimental substances in dire cases. Dire cases which don't exist for the diseases in question - though they arguably could be in the right environment.

Anonymous No. 16219491

I frequently read on /pol/ and other board that food is unhealthy, can any of you who agree with this statment share your opinion on why that is the case?

Anonymous No. 16219501

If you didn't notice, pandemic already went away, the only people on Earth who still keep babbling about muh vax are on this board

Vard No. 16219524

Yeah, that's hell. Now stay, cause it is where you belong as this helps you

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Anonymous No. 16219534

Best case scenario:
>they don't do anything
Worst case scenario:
>recipient gets a permanent disability, from the declared adverse events. Paralysis or Brain inflamation -> retardation. Literally it is written in the product inserts of each and every vaccine.

Vaccines only provide immunity in a sense of "definition" not immunity of disease.
It is a presumtive meme game, that forbids doctors diagnosis.

The CDC says anybody who either had measles at some point in their life or who has received two doses of the MMR (measles, mumps, rubella) vaccine is protected against measles.

But how to find case?
Without proper laboratory testing, measles cannot be diagnosed.
A clinical diagnosis of suspect measles must be confirmed with laboratory testing.

>Clinical diagnosis is unreliable, therefore cases must be laboratory confirmed.
>child has a rash, is it measels? doctors are not allowed to diagnose it by clinical symptoms.
Who can be "suspected" of having measels, to even be admitted to a laboratory test?
>excluded from suspicion are children with:
one or more doses of a measles-containing vaccine administered on or after the first birthday for preschool-age children and adults not at high risk
>birth before 1957

We can see that this “presumptive immunity” trick pretty much negates anyone vaccinated as being a “suspect of” measles, hence never ever being able to be verified as via lab results.
>it must be some other rash
So doctor goes: "if kid got rash, and is not vaxxed and has rash, must be measels. If kid vaxxed it must be [insert indistinguishable disease]"

> picrel

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Anonymous No. 16219546

>Hey guys, I'm really lonely today and need some human contact, even if it is negative. Here's a shitpost that mentions /pol/, you guys love to discuss them so here's your chance to do it some more. Plus I'll add in something about vaccines even though there are several other threads about the topic already.
>I'm so very very lonely, please pay attention to me!
>Please, just a little human contact to get me through the day.

Anonymous No. 16220005
