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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16210534

Does the image of radioactive ooze have any basis in reality?

Anonymous No. 16210659

Yes. Look up the radium industry.

Or don't if you can't stomach body horror. Phossy jaw tier shit.

Anonymous No. 16211585

>February 1982: A leak was discovered in the right-hand pool of the storage facility. In order to eliminate
leakage, the chief of staff at the base proposed to pour 20 bags’ worth of flour into the cracks in the pool
through which radioactive water was seeping, thus “plugging” it with flour dough. This, naturally, did
not yield the result that was hoped for and the leak continued.

Anonymous No. 16211587

>His "subsequent actions were not observed by anyone. However, there was evidence that he attempted to pour [the plutonium] into a floor drain. His actions caused a third excursion, larger than the first two, activating the alarm system in both buildings."