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Anonymous No. 16210592

>she sure tamed high energy physics!

>[doppleganger Ralph]: but what physicist can tame her!

Anonymous No. 16210637

I'm trans

Anonymous No. 16210756

She's unironically too good for me. I must become better.

Anonymous No. 16210760

>self-inflicted tragedy of comic proportions

Anonymous No. 16210784


After listening to her talk, I think she's schizo.

Anonymous No. 16210905

many such cases

Anonymous No. 16210932

>she believes in imaginary particles
This is why women don't belong in science, they blindly accept whatever they're told and are unable to think critically regardless of their intelligence. Her greatest utility to society would have been as a mother of male children. Instead she's going to waste the next five decades pursuing imaginary nonsense before dying barren. I could have saved her.

Anonymous No. 16210943

Bearing you children? Yeah fucking right. You're clearly a complete imbecile. The only thing you could do is ruin her good genes.

Anonymous No. 16210956

Please sit in the nearest chair and decorate the wall with what little brain matter you have.

Anonymous No. 16211085

Be nice, Sabrina.

Anonymous No. 16211204

Cope, halfwit.

Anonymous No. 16211212

She's married lol
Let's see, smart lady says "imaginary particles", incel rando says "nonsense". I know who I'm going with.

Anonymous No. 16211240

>particles defined as cauchy sequences with their own norms
lmao imagine

Anonymous No. 16211311

So I guess that flying thing didn't work out?

Anonymous No. 16211346

I hate stupid pictures like these. They don't tell the whole story.

Anonymous No. 16211359

What's the whole story, anon?

Anonymous No. 16211488

People like her never accomplish anything. There are thousands of them and they get billions of dollars and... nothing. The genius is low in rule following and these people are not. This is why they can never create anything new.

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Críminal Morris-F....jpg

🗑️ Anonymous No. 16211496

The jew vermin will never contribute anything of value to society. The parasite will only take and take.

Anonymous No. 16211525

Hope she sees this bro.
No she's not.

Anonymous No. 16211527

She's not Jewish, chill.

Anonymous No. 16211548

I think she's a castiza

Anonymous No. 16211610

ugh, mixed race.
are we sure she's not a construct by the propaganda psyop to encourage people producing mongrels?

Anonymous No. 16211834

>She thinks the universe is a hologram
>Has no evidence to back up this claim
Umm, why is she famous and getting research grants?

Anonymous No. 16211849

Because real scientists are all filthy goys, and she is not.

Anonymous No. 16211856

So much hate from people who most likely haven't even gotten a master's degree

Anonymous No. 16211859

If that's the case, do you think the voices are giving her instructions?

Anonymous No. 16211888

Obviously you have a different definition, but im my system of coordinates, scientists are people making scientific discoveries, not scientific careers.

Anonymous No. 16211895

this, free money ruins everything, even academia

Anonymous No. 16211917

Academia was built by catholic church, names after school of Plato, who burnt books of his opponents. And now some jesuit pederast want to tell us how accumulation of wealth, only allowing dedication of lives to science, is somehow immoral.

Anonymous No. 16211920

The problem is that those money are distributed by parasites who didn't earn them.

Anonymous No. 16211921

Masters of Science degree holder here.
Anyone can come up with bullshit that doesn’t require any evidence to support it.
There is no evidence to support a “holographic universe”, which means she is a proponent of pseudoscience.
No different than flat Earthers or homeopathic medicine doctors.

Anonymous No. 16211968

what did she discover?

Anonymous No. 16211969


Anonymous No. 16211978

Some spurious correlations in ligo that she supposedly "predicted". Otherwise, nothing. The media sure loves her though.

Anonymous No. 16211981

i have a masters degree and i hate the cultish status that some scientists get, moreso when no one can name their supposed achievements, and this worship is spread through mass media, like they do with Kim Kardashian or Paris Hilton. Same sociology, almost no one worshipping this broad or Ed Witten knows anything about what they did, they can only name prestige-proxies for intelligence like having good grades or vague mentions of their fields of research. This people think that supporting science is like dressing in your favorite soccerball jersey "for the team"

Anonymous No. 16211983

name these correlations. Spurious correlations are easy to weed out when all variables are accounted for.

Anonymous No. 16211986

And nothing will come of it.

Anonymous No. 16212008

the fields are definitely:

in order of difficulty and merit. cool to see girls in stem though, not like the boys are doing particularly inspiring work.

Anonymous No. 16212013

I kneel if true. She's probably supervillain status in capability.

Anonymous No. 16212114

>GUISE! By 14 she had followed the instructions in a kit with help from her rich parents!
So impressive.

Anonymous No. 16212129

wrong, mate
literally cuisine art
junk science, don't even mention it
philosophy in disguise
the only real science

Anonymous No. 16212142

> "she had a 5.0 GPA doe!"

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Anonymous No. 16212722

That is why retard poor fags like you have no chance to succeed in life.