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Anonymous No. 16210758

...does graduate level research just suck for everybody? what do I do if it feels like my project is absolutely useless and might be falling apart?

Anonymous No. 16210776

What makes you think your project is useless and is falling apart

Anonymous No. 16210793

it's entirely theoretical, on a very challenging topic that I may not have the right background for, my supervisor has been next to useless, and it's highly specialized so I have nobody to discuss it with.

Anonymous No. 16210799

you sure do seem to like talking about yourself on social media

Anonymous No. 16210806

As a student your goal your goal should be to graduate. Everything else, including the research, is ancillary.

Focus on escape, don't worry yourself with the rest. If you're advisor starts standing in the way of your graduation contact your university's omnibud.

Anonymous No. 16210817

real, thanks anon :)

Anonymous No. 16210819

Isn't the entire point of research to just do an experiment and report your findings?

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Anonymous No. 16210824

what is it about grad students that has them constantly on this board absurdly moaning about how hard their lives are?
you're nearly 30 years old and you still in school like a child, you've never had a job, your daddy pays all your bills for you. you lead an extremely privileged, protected, easy life and instead of being thankful for that you're complaining that it isn't good enough for you

Anonymous No. 16210858

>exposing your daddy issues this hard on a dying internet forum

Anonymous No. 16210887

It sucks for a lot of people. It doesn't suck for everyone. Sadly, the people who end up with successful research careers are usually the one for whom it didn't suck. It's great when shit works, you're getting outputs and people notice and like your work. As with many things you're in partial control of that, but if you get dealt a shit hand your options are limited. Truly exceptional individuals can force it, but the vast majority of even top-tier professors aren't like that.

Not having exactly the right background isn't the end of the world. However, your supervisor being useless and you having nobody to discuss work with means that you effectively have no network. I'm sorry to say this, but this will kill your research career completely. If you want to continue in research, you NEED to have a network of peers.

It's very much an uphill battle at that point. Not impossible by any means if you really want it.

Anonymous No. 16210902

reaching the same thing, you should contact the citing article authors
fucking HATE my supervisor rn, in the same position, for a fucking YEAR, hear me, YEAR without a committee. I have a lab mate working on something only as similar as the actual testing methodology for baselines in comparison, but because he started a semester before me, somehow, my entire project revolves around having him finish his baselines before I can even *discuss* my project with the people who ultimately need to say whether I get a degree or not.

I have no fucking idea whether my entire book of research means anything because my major prof wont buy me the resources to start my actual cassette construction. I have presented a theoretical model at multiple conferences to get any semblance of a network, but the subject is so specific, my only questions are around what I already do to maintain the lab.

fucking insane, how the fuck am I wasting a YEAR on my degree with only one person who signed me off in the first place. I want to talk to an expert in what I'm looking at, especially now that my design has been stuck for months now with bullshit issues an expert on the matter could advise on. Finished my credits, now what the hell am I supposed to do?

Anonymous No. 16210947

jesus dude, sorry to hear that. any possibility of switching labs/attracting a better co-advisor while it’s being resolved? i do agree, networking is key, it’s just annoying when everybody who does work in similar directions lives very far away, and not enough non-trivial data has been collected to present at conferences yet

Anonymous No. 16210950

Unfortunately no, I'm a compbio major under one of two biotech major profs and the other works in prokaryotes. The rest are physiologists, which especially sucks because I need someone with vector experience. I'm considering moving to an interdisp major (no thesis needed, but no financial aid) and taking a couple more CS courses.

Anonymous No. 16210966

OP, if you haven't had sex already, you need to devote at least some of your time to trying to get laid. Resisting the temptations of the flesh in a college environment for too many years makes you a permanent wizard. If you manage to get a fancy cap without losing your v-card, your fate is sealed.

Anonymous No. 16211000

consider bioinformatics as a backups, it’s a good route for certain types of people
college environments are sad either way bruh lmfao

Anonymous No. 16211012

You fucking pivot with zero shame because shame is for cowards and people with small penises

Anonymous No. 16211023

drop out, take your masters, and start making $60-100k doing research

Anonymous No. 16211032

College kids all presume they're the center of the universe because of their pampered upbringing. They are extremely narcissistic.