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Anonymous No. 16210810

Why is this board so angry compared to other boards

Anonymous No. 16210815

/fit/ and /sci/ are the angriest boards, first doesn't lift and second aren't scientists.

Anonymous No. 16210818

Tbh, /fit/ does a lot of scientific experimentation on themselves.

Anonymous No. 16210842

The "science is for smart people" meme has made every frustrated angry loser be drawn to science because that way they can try to compensate for their physical failures be presuming that they're unusually intelligent. Because intelligence (unlike height, good look, muscles, dexterity, etc.) is intangible, disproving a delusion of superior intelligence is impossible, which makes the "I'm smart because I'm in STEM" meme the perfect cope. People engaging in that kind of deluded fantasy life need to constantly defend their delusion from anything that might throw shade on it, such as other people being smarter than themselves, admitting to intellectual fallibility, etc. so this kind of defensiveness usually come in the form of insulting other people's intelligence.

Anonymous No. 16210863

>disproving a delusion of superior intelligence is impossible

Anonymous No. 16210866

All the /pol/tard immigrants shitting up the board.

Anonymous No. 16210874

/pol/ killed this board. It gets frustrating trying to survive in the fossil of what was once a cool slow board with lots of connections

Anonymous No. 16210877

/pol/tard infestation on account of getting one of the fatasses from their discord as a janny.

Anonymous No. 16210882

Maybe because wisdom doesn't necessarily correlates with intelligence, but frustration at the stupidity of masses does.

Anonymous No. 16210886

Mind broken.

Anonymous No. 16210892


Anonymous No. 16210904

yep, it was reddirt in disguise

Anonymous No. 16210915

I don't know, /o/ and /k/ have /sci/ handily beat in my experience. /o/ is always full of angry anons, probably because they've spent an excessive amount of money on depreciating assets and have to justify their purchase by getting pissy with other people spending their own money. /k/ got real bad when the Ukraine-Russia war started, but there's been decent discussions again lately, albeit on the non-war-tourist threads.

Anonymous No. 16211167

the 'experts' don't like being wrong all the time.

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why so angry.jpg

Anonymous No. 16211188

>Why is this board so angry
Because they're ignorant about psychology

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Anonymous No. 16211217

/sci/ was only slow in its first few months, when it was actual advanced science and math, after that it was religion trolling, homework and suns made of ice

Anonymous No. 16211221

>Low IQ moron subhuman comes to /sci
>Posts a lot of stupid stuff
>Gets made fun of
>Rages uncontrollably across multiple threads about "muh /pol/" and how they have ruined the board.
Many such cases.

Anonymous No. 16211222

A lot of peo/pol/ don't like the results of the scientific process in a number of fields these days. But lacking evidence to actually participate and change the scientific consensus they instead try to take over the narrative outside the scientific community by yelling their brainlet ideas out VERY loud.
And since they don't argue in good faith because they would lose a straight up argument, it basically just becomes a contest of yelling louder.

Anonymous No. 16211226

This isn't what you see though, it's mostly people just brining /pol/ up out of nowhere because they want a hug box. Just post STEM content and quit whining about the other board.

Anonymous No. 16211415

Are we angry, or just educated?

Anonymous No. 16211418

Scientific "racism" isn't racism, and is definitely not "/pol/" behavior to discuss.

Fuck off.

Anonymous No. 16211458

Research that can potentially change the consensus will either not get funded or will be deliberately designed with methodological flaws. That's why opposition to the consensus needs to be political first before it can become scientific.

bodhi No. 16211466

wut no pussy does to a mf'er

bodhi No. 16211468

pic is too real and this post is mucho basado. people who dont know how to process their emotions respond to everything with anger

Barkon. No. 16211469

Fixing the simulation now(i.e. installing some shit). Headrest, earmuffs, etc.

bodhi No. 16211471

real talk thought, it is mostly one psycho NPD dude that posts 90% of the sperg out shit. You can always tell when he is gone because for a few days there isnt some retarded dipshit screeching retarded shit in every thread. You can check every thread right now and see he hasnt been here for a few days. He is a stone cold schizo and aggressively retarded

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Barkon. No. 16211473

RuneScape typo typo game.

Anonymous No. 16211571

This. Lot of rejected loser kids on anonymous boards seeking to be validated by being perceived as intelligent. And then they collide into autismo battles for supremacy. Really sad because most just need a hug and be understood, but also very good if you like to argue.

Anonymous No. 16211590

/o/ has a problem similar to /sci/ where there's dedicated autists who will spend years shitting up any discussion that mentions one of their trigger words. There's a lot of chill people who just want to talk about cars or bikes or mechanics who don't stand out compared to the guy making hundreds of rage posts because someone mentioned subaru and a toyota dealer broke his FR-S once, or spending years shitting up the sticker thread because people told him his designs were trash or some other insane trigger

Barkon. No. 16211601

I'll be clearing up and buying 15 billion population in my hideout universe. Check em'

Anonymous No. 16211604

Is this enough to confirm your schizophrenia diagnosis?

Anonymous No. 16211611

How retarded do you have to be to seek social validation on a site that is based on anonymity

Anonymous No. 16211646

Because it's not about a co-sign just acknowledgement of by a human and then the mind can do the rest. Also, you're who thread is about, bimbo.

Anonymous No. 16211739

There is serious doubt as to whether or not you are talking to humans on this site
Hiro’s heckin botfarm more likely

Anonymous No. 16211831

higher incel ratio

Anonymous No. 16211941

I think there's a handful of severely disturbed individuals that lurk here more or less 24/7. That and/or some kind of a coordinated shitting operation. It's great that the science board is filled with people whose only calling is to seethe about science while doing none themselves.