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🧵 The Great Attractor

Anonymous No. 16210837

How can something be this big

Anonymous No. 16212093

the usual "answer" :

Anonymous No. 16212096

>How can something be this big
It's inside something bigger

Anonymous No. 16212113

>Made for BBC

Vard No. 16212115

>Made for faggots
>You, OP

Vard No. 16212118


Anonymous No. 16212122

>How can something be this big
There was one of those crawling up my basement wall the other day and I squished it.

Anonymous No. 16212166

>How can something be this big
That's what your mom asked me last night

Anonymous No. 16212461

U guys ... xD

Anonymous No. 16212608


Topological defects resulting from quantum fields freezing quick creating cosmic strings in the process.

Anonymous No. 16212617


Because the universe is infinitely old and the big bang theory is an abrahamic lie invented to align with a primitive evolved apes sensibility concerning beginnings and endings even though time itself is a human construct

Anonymous No. 16216699

>Biggest thing in the universe
>But humans can’t see it, since the Milky Ways’ thickest part is in the way
What are the odds, huh?

This also explains why alien civilizations aren’t interested in our part of the galaxy; they’re all headed towards the The Great Attractor because that’s where all the action is.

Anonymous No. 16216772

It's not really that big in the grand scheme of things. Much larger structures exist. There's speculation that the Great Attractor might just be a part of the Lini …Lani …Lania …local supercluster.

Anonymous No. 16216939

is that a picture of starship's flap burning?

Anonymous No. 16217108

This magical great attracter must be god. I shall worship it