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๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ ๐Ÿงต Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16211263

I hate how hard you have to work to finally reach a competent level of intelligence,
meanwhile there are autistic math prodigies being born with natural talent who didn't have to work for it.

Barkon. No. 16211278

You have to know science

Anonymous No. 16211298

Skill issue. Einstein wasn't an autist. Oppenheimer wasn't an autistm Work harder faggot

Anonymous No. 16211337

If he's so smart, why doesn't he buy a notebook instead of shitting up his parents windows?

Anonymous No. 16211412

The curse is that we have to work ten times harder for everything else, especially once they throw us all into Special Needs hell and out into the impossible adult/dating landscape

So may geniuses probably dead right now because of the way they are treated in this country. Or maybe I'm just an idiot and everybody else is smart

Anonymous No. 16212139

don't confuse the fad-of-the-week faux-geniuses that are shilled by the jewish council with a scientist archetype that is worthy to strive towards.

Anonymous No. 16212140

the journo told him to do it

Anonymous No. 16212174

Hes using all the symbols

Anonymous No. 16212181

It doesn't look well on camera.

Vard No. 16212183

It takes days

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Anonymous No. 16212188


Anonymous No. 16212265

They still end up doing math autistically. So there is that.

Anonymous No. 16212277

his handwriting is shit and what he does is bullshit

Anonymous No. 16212284

They just told him to write a bunch of undergrad physics formulas on the glass lmao

Anonymous No. 16212285

>Reminder: /sci/ is for discussing topics pertaining to science and mathematics, not for helping you with your homework or helping you figure out your career path.

>If you want advice regarding college/university or your career path, go to /adv/ - Advice.