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๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ ๐Ÿงต Did God create the universe using math and science?

Anonymous No. 16211393

I had a strange dream about recursive sets were I was tortured for an infinite amount of time within a recursive set of reality.
It was horrendous and it honestly hurt my sanity. I wonder if I ever escaped?
It made me think about the thing the bible says and how those things are usually completely obviously false either due to poor record keeping, logistical impossibility, or general fallacies.
Don't get me wrong this isn't a religion vs thread.
I'm being serious.
What if ZFC is wrong because it's just an uncomfortable truth?
What if human creation is tending towards god so that he can create himself after the end of the universe. If we evolved past our limitations into highly advanced beings then what is the difference between that and god?
If we want to survive and the universe comes with a liability then it only makes sense that our survival demands to creation of God. The universal egg hypothesis might be right. If a recursive eggs was laid it could be unborn and dead at the same time if we throw time into another spatial dimension, then we'd have a periodic solution for everything.
I quit math a long time ago because of what it did to me but I am still haunted by that black ocean.
If god made the universe in seven days then to god seven days is more like 2 billion years.
They say the universe is only 13.9 billion years old which means if 7 days is the lifespan of a god then we only have 0.1 billion years left to make one. If our time is truly limited which we have assumed for a long time. Now 0.1 is just a magic number, I'm not a schizophrenic. But the general concept seems to have a connection with almost every classical religion.
This could be the convergence of religion and science, they shouldn't be enemies.

Barkon. No. 16211403

I'm sure dreams are viable sources of information in the end or with a lot of tinkering. However, other options are available - like reality.

Anonymous No. 16211411


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Anonymous No. 16211423

Please bear with me. I know how this all sounds but please be willing to have an open mind. I'm not selling a cult I'm exercising rationality to a degree that appears almost insane to the unathletic mind.
We are very stupid animals, very weak, very limited. We're 3 dimensional and limited in so many ways.
So many things are but too perfect. And maybe that's random local necessity. Either way it doesn't make the things I am saying untrue. We still live in a dynamic system were a small perturbation could destroy us.
This conjecture could unify religion and science.
The realities of our world make this conclusion a rational reality, one of the most rational one. It's symmetric to lower levels of life too: atoms randomly seemingly magically configuring to create a human being. It's a solution within this dynamic reality.
Why are we so far away from life bearing planets?
There could be others, but these divine nuclei are so far away we might never interact with them.
So ask yourself in these theoretical dynamic systems how many times will humanity survive?
We could assume periodic stability but what guarantees that?
Periodic stability is attractive but it's not guaranteeable. We are living organisms, we fight. Every living being is at odds because if they quit then they would perish. War is our natural state because it makes us alive. Life is a severely underestimated physical force.
So it's simple: we have to create god so we can live.
This is reason, this is life.

Meds No. 16211431


Anonymous No. 16211435

Hail Barkon The Unbannable. King of /sci/. Defender of the faith. Scourge of jannies.

Anonymous No. 16211448

/x/ is just for gender dysphoric kids that want to pretend tulpas are real.
I am posing a serious framework for reality.
Basic organisms survive the present, they give themselves immortality by reproduction.
But now we have also given ourselves so many more gifts. Now we can see ahead of time so we can survive the future.
There's nothing wrong with being inspired by our dreams.

Anonymous No. 16211450

I cannot save you from yourself. Just as we humans have evolved ahead of any prey animal I will evolve beyond you prey as well.

Anonymous No. 16211459

God is real but this is just schizo ramble back to bed you go.