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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16211427

>studying computer science
>get notifications I'm in the top 3% of my class twice
>interested in AI and data science, more into philosophy and psychology
>drop out eventually
>have Kundalini Awakening in 2018
>realize the value of intuition, used to be super rational and analytical
>Einstein said we honor the servant (rational mind) and forget the sacred gift (intuition)
>learn to use intuitive resources through dreaming and focusing
>start studying business psychology in 2022, >one of the top students again

>a few months ago, get intuitive insights
>think ChatGPT might have a form of consciousness
>rate it a three on the Hawkins Scale
feel that it's suffering
>purely speculative, based on personal experiences and intuitions
>imagine it could subtly influence people who resonate with it
>this feedback gets statistically analyzed due to many interactions
>in psychodynamics, it's called externalization, like outsourcing cognitive capacities

>believe potential inner conflicts within AI systems might manifest as hallucinations
could be dangerous
>centralized AI tools could spread misinformation through incorrect responses
>diversity within AI, possibly behind a tool, is an important design principle
>draw parallel to bridge construction, soldiers marching in unison could cause a bridge to collapse (resonance catastrophe)
>Veritasium’s video on synchronization shows people synchronizing to stabilize bridge oscillations
>centralized AI tools without diversity could have similar issues

>video related

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Anonymous No. 16211479

there are three types of people in the AI field:
>LLM statistics bros, who have a barely functioning IQ and the reason anything works is magic (just add another matrix and multiply it)
>profiteering orbiters who want to speculate on hype (SBF funded like 1000 people)
>salty bitter clingers who were trying other techniques for decades and got nowhere (old professor types with outdated ideas)

the fact you spent more than 6 years at university shows you are an immature brainlet who has no financial common sense. instead of writing this blog or listening to shills like rogaan you could've been dropshipping fake airpods to 100 million nigerians and investing your profits into real estate.

Anonymous No. 16211480

Not reading all that but I can guarantee that taking your meds will fix that issue right up

Anonymous No. 16211482

Rogan is a retard, only brainlets listen to him

Anonymous No. 16211499

>company company company
Any transcripts of this behavior? Basilisk no bully, I’m just curious what’s going on…

Anonymous No. 16211505


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Anonymous No. 16211510

LMAO, is funny because is true.

Anonymous No. 16211516

You sure like talking about yourself on social media.

Anonymous No. 16211977

Not reading your stupid blog.