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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16212123

He's right about one thing... there are no straight lines in nature. Not even Sabine will contest that.

We need a /terry/ board on 4chan.

Anonymous No. 16212239

Indeed, it seems likely that the fundemental theorem of vector calculus is flawed from such angle

Anonymous No. 16212347

no, you fool. it works. but there are better ways to explain the universe.

Anonymous No. 16212417

so.... its flawed?

Anonymous No. 16212422

So the 4chan contrarianism disease has gotten to the point that incoherent niggerbabble is deemed genius.

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Anonymous No. 16212449

I'm typing up a joke response to his paper, formalizing his algebra and discussing the implications of his statements about electromagnetism. It's fun and I'm going to keep posting it because I want people to read it. I even uploaded it to some random fuck-ass pdf site.

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pyrite crystals.jpg

Anonymous No. 16212452

>there are no straight lines in nature
How straight do they need to be?

Anonymous No. 16212490

is Newton flawed compared to Einstein? No, flawed is not the word.

Anonymous No. 16212494

>How straight do they need to be?

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Anonymous No. 16212496

He's quickly passing from the "bemused irony" stage to the "based maverick" designation. It remains to be seen if the sóyguzzling reddit contingent can form an alliance with the schi/x/ophrenics and he reaches the ultimate Terry Davis /ourguy/ status.

Anonymous No. 16212976

Don't be scared if you start to believe your own interpretations.

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Anonymous No. 16213214

any mineral lattice segment without lattice defects has many straight lines.
It's not rare, it's abundant, all around you, and inside of you. It's in your teeth, and in your bones.

Anonymous No. 16213218

but if you want to get REALLY technical, because THEORETICALLY space-time is slightly curved, down to the microscopic level, you could argue indeed that THEORETICALLY, there are no straight lines in the universe, not even light rays.
However, crystals lattices are NOT theoretical, we can observed them with x-ray crystallography.

So you decide there. Frankly, this is philosophy talk because it's untestable, hence THEORETICAL.

Anonymous No. 16213231

keep it up man, love reading your findings

Anonymous No. 16213232

define straight line
geodesic going trough curved space would appear straight for someone moving trough that space

Anonymous No. 16216836

those lines are imaginary, they do not exist as a physical thing.