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🧵 Overrated Mathematicians

Anonymous No. 16212198

ITT we post overrated mathematicians. I'll start with Ramanujan.

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Anonymous No. 16212242

This midwit is the most overrated pseud in the history of math.

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Anonymous No. 16212256

I thought Gauss was ok?
Picrel nigga is however a true midwit

Anonymous No. 16212606

>be Hardy
>be libshit
>want to prove le race don’t real
>import a literal hindu
>feed him theorems
>he dies at 33 from curry deficiency and too much loo
Ramanujan is the biggest academic fraud of all time.

Anonymous No. 16216512

I'm a midwit but normies around me are much more retarded than I could imagine.

Anonymous No. 16216619

>retards passing judgment on Gauss or Einstein...
You troglodytes are an amusing species

Anonymous No. 16216802

k undergrad

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Anonymous No. 16216860

true. we joke how this patent stealing fuckhead made his fame with a change-of-basis and stealing lorentz's earlier work. but he also wrote that stupid letter to schrodinger which has been destroying science communications for 90 fucking years. i dont think theres a scientist in history as directly damaging as einstien to human progress

Anonymous No. 16217028

Don't forget the only time he tried to use his "high iq brain" was working on unifying em and gravity, which failed despite spending almost half of his life.

Anonymous No. 16217091

>t. dropout

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Anonymous No. 16217284

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Anonymous No. 16217848

You go to hell! You go to hell and you die!

Anonymous No. 16217861

Ah yes, a great "self-taught" mathematician.
Who literally had access to every theory he "reproved."
That was one-third of "his" work.
Another third was proofs that were entirely faulty and wrong.
The remaining part is so spastic and disjointed that it's almost all useless.
Yeah, I'd say he's quite possibly the most overrated mathematician of all time, but he lives off pity because he died young.

Anonymous No. 16217889

Nobody counts Ramanujan among serious research mathematicians - he was a curiosity, an inspiring tale for brown people, a wunderkind who hit upon some unexpected identities, but the field of mathematics would be exactly the same had he not existed.
The "people" who posted Gauss and Einstein though are terminal retards who should, for the sake of humanity, be neutered.

Anonymous No. 16217971

What is the standard of mathematician, on a 1 to 5 scale who is 1,3 and 5

Anonymous No. 16217987

Post one actual thing Einstein did without copying from others. Here's a list of notable shit he stole a large part from someone else
Str- Lorentz
Gtr- ricci/Riemann
He was also extremely full of himself and never regarded qmech as anything significant. Qmech is much more fundamental than gtr.

Anonymous No. 16218059

>The "people"
Indeed, these "people" certainly took the bait in the most expected ways.

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Anonymous No. 16218078

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hungarian guy.jpg

Anonymous No. 16218082

This junkie doesn't even have an Erdős number between 1-5. Embarrassing.

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Anonymous No. 16218102

Anonymous No. 16218105

link the paper where Lorentz derives E=mc^2. Link the paper where Riemann derives the field equations. That's just to make it short, I could write a whole blogpost of how retarded your conception of the development of physics is, but why bother, since you're not putting any effort in yourself. If you think the most important thing about SR are the lorentz transforms, you're retarded, same with differential geometry being all of GR. And QM was kickstarted by Einstein when he took h to be a real thing instead of a calculating device, and he continued to contribute to it throughout his life even as he tried to deny its conclusions.

Anonymous No. 16218120

Newton is super over rated.

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Anonymous No. 16218132

Idiot savant, couldn't even draw a free body diagram. This fucking NPC likely had aphantasia.

Anonymous No. 16218133

Good morning sir.

🗑️ Anonymous No. 16218153

Why do you fucking retards parrot shit with 0 thought into what you're saying? Kill yourself.

Anonymous No. 16218858


Anonymous No. 16219050

Thompson, Searle, Wien, Max Abraham and Hendrik found the formula M=4E/3C^2 from Maxwell's electrodynamics. Henry Poincare found out that electromagnetic Energie a mass equals M=E/c^2. In general Einstein was only interpreting things differently (lorentz aether -> muh space time, everything is relative) and used the same formula. It is a joke that he got a Nobel prize for finding the linear formula of the photoelectric effect.

Anonymous No. 16219171

You're just RACISTS.
You're also racist but against germans.

Anonymous No. 16220613

any thoughts on the math Hilbert went though to independently arrive at(if i remember correctly) general relativity?

Anonymous No. 16220615

on the path*

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Anonymous No. 16221203


If A in an integer and B is an integer, ((A^N)+(B^N))/(A+B) = Integer.

A Synopsis of Elementary Results in Pure and Applied Mathematics by G.S. Carr was a significant influence on Srinivasa Ramanujan's mathematical development. When Ramanujan was 15, a friend lent him a library copy of the book, which was written in 1880 and revised in 1886. The book is a collection of around 5,000 mathematical theorems, presented in a terse "just the facts" format, and Ramanujan read it cover to cover, verifying the results and beginning to write his own theorems and ideas.

Synopsis of Elementary Results in Pure and Applied Mathematics by G.S. Carr

A Synopsis of Elementary Results in Pure and Applied Mathematics: Volume 1+2 1108050670, 1108050689
When George Shoobridge Carr (1837–1914) wrote his Synopsis of Elementary Results he intended it as an aid to students pr

Every Fine Addition in General Grievous's Collection [EXTENDED]

Anonymous No. 16221236

terry is great how dare you

Anonymous No. 16221517

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Anonymous No. 16221524

And to this day the aether formulation seems more plausible to any rational human being

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Anonymous No. 16221689

Obligatory reminder that he was literally killed by pajeet street-shitting.

🗑️ Anonymous No. 16221725

Jesus Christ is the Son of God, Who died for our sins and rose from the dead to Give us eternal life. If believe in Jesus Christ and ask Him to save you. He will give the free gift of eternal life. God Loves us!!

Anonymous No. 16221764

eric weinstein

Anonymous No. 16222225

The only chadlike mathematician ever .

Anonymous No. 16222243

Newton was a turbo autist who died a virgin. But he was handsome. I bet he sleepwalked past dozens of potential relationships like an anime protagonist.

Anonymous No. 16222571


Anonymous No. 16222907

I was talking about his face.