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Anonymous No. 16212257

So... How does General Relativity relate to Transcendental Idealism?
Does it reinforce it or refute it? People can't seem to make up their mind about it.

Anonymous No. 16212442

Post this on /lit/ instead, no one on /sci/ has ever read Kant.

Anonymous No. 16212465

>Transcendental Idealism
Not science, off-topic anon, sorry.

Anonymous No. 16212468

Using simple metrics of computation really hurt the people’s brains when they aren’t statically involved in the process of aberrations.

Anonymous No. 16212532

I really hope that's not the case. The disconnect between philosophy and the sciences might be the reason why they've been lagging behind for some time now.
A conception about spacetime and causality and its relation to General Relativity is not off-topic.
Half the threads in the catalog are way more off-topic than this.

Anonymous No. 16212631

Reinforce, it proves that our intuition is just a framework which is pretty far from the truth

Anonymous No. 16212683

Like all philosophical nonsense. You can interpret it to be either or, even both or none. It's not empirical or refutable, it's not science.