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🗑️ 🧵 Why We Commit Academic Fraud

Anonymous No. 16212346

Why We Commit Academic Fraud
By Dr. James Heathers, PhD

I like Jay. There’s a lot we don’t agree on, but he’s always stuck me as intelligent, well-intentioned, and decent.

Unfortunately, good people often regard bastardic acts with the same kind of curious detachment we reserve for tigers at the zoo - happy to peer through at them behind the utter certainty of laminated glass, without the slightest inclination to go into the cage and see if the bastard thing will use you as a toothpick.

I respect the sincerity on offer here*, and was not inclined to turn this into a tweet thread that will be swallowed into the morass of porn bots and crypto scams.

So, let’s write it out.


The following will be disorganised, because there is so much to say, but I am hoping a consensus will emerge.

1. The original perspective offered only works if what is more important to you than anything else is finding things out about the world. Only if you have some moral position that values the goals of scientific endeavour. Many scientists do not give a shallow dry fuck about these, not really. They pursue research areas because they are easy, available, or popular. They turn out garbage papers on topics they have no interest in because they are monetizable. Or they regard the whole enterprise as simply a vehicle for their own intensely defective personalities.

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Anonymous No. 16212350

2. Plenty of people with psychopathic traits (or actual psychopathy, or Dark Triad traits, etc. etc.) are attracted to hierarchy games, intellectual games, status games, conflict games. People to manipulate, humiliate, steal from, sabotage, fuck over, and - sometimes - fuck. Academic provides all of these opportunity for human sport, and more. What percentage of the population would be required for these to filter through? 1%? 10%?

3. Plenty of cynicism in academia starts early. In a truly corrupt department, no PhD student graduates and is conferred without knowing what the score is. In some respects, this is a good self-selection mechanism for people who can handle the fuckery. The honest ones quit or graduate-then-quit. The enablers and willing underlings thrive.

4. People put up with far worse for far longer in other circumstances. Scientists have a tendency to think scientists are special. They are not. An eight year apprenticeship is also a lot easier if you can cheat your way through it.

5. We do not catch many frauds. The scariest fact about forensic metascience is that you quickly realise that only the truly disaffected and skill-less manipulators can be rooted out, the people who are eating their pencils. And: the complete dolts are often thriving in multi-decade careers before we find them out. Most people reading this would be better at making science up than the people we catch doing it at present.

Anonymous No. 16212353

6. Speaking of finding those people out: having located some compromised results, the intrepid researcher who wishes to Right A Great Wrong is not in a position of power. Rather, if you wish to act on a detected fraud, and definitely if you wish other people to also act, the structural barriers erected are legendary, and do not bear repeating. Read… anything else I’ve ever written.
f you do manage to navigate 5. and 6. above, there is a high likelihood that the punishment will be slim. Or absent. Certainly there are few legal repercussions unless you steal the government’s money.

7. ‘Why not get a job that pays better elsewhere’ assumes that those jobs exists, and also that a middle-class life with plenty of young people to torment, government money, and a pension is somehow not Winning The Game. It often is.

8. Fabricating work makes your life a lot easier. Certainly from the perspective of ‘volume of shit to do on any given work day’, it could be positively cruisy. You have much less to do. You are as prolific as your imagination dictates. Managing four RCTs in a year would be hellish and nearly impossible. Fabricating four RCTs in a year would require some informed planning, and a few nights and weekends.

9. Much terrible research comes from people who are not on any traditional tenure track, but rather from people who regard ‘publishing’ as an ancillary bonus, a credibility top-up, that maintains their position. There are likely many doctors, for instance, whose medical work is just fine, and they justify their maintenance of a ‘research position’ by throwing in a few papers ontop of an existing role.

Anonymous No. 16212355

10. A lot of fraud comes from first-authored papers by PhD students and post-docs - they do not ‘graduate’ to the tenure track as honest researchers who then somehow fall off the limb. We often see a pattern where a rolling cast of first and second authors produce suspicious work with the same senior authors. The point of ‘why would you throw away your excellent education in learning to do science right’ is imagining you had one.

11. People’s ability to rationalize bad acts is legendary, and to lie in service of a Greater Purpose puts a whole new colour on a little bit of rank dishonesty. I think a lot of fabrication is done knowingly in service of an idea that the author/s genuinely think is correct and valuable. We see the low-calorie version of this dynamic when we cite papers we know are complete shit because they support a point we are trying to make.

12. Stapel, in one of the darkest parts of his book, hints that part of the reason he did what he did (which was whole-arsedly fabricate many dozens of studies) was keeping up with the wonderful glittering results he saw other people produce and didn’t trust. Dishonest science is easier to write, more flexible to edit, and trivial to ‘tune’ to participate in a broader conversation. Bad science crowds out the good.

14. Many countries have research cultures that treat scientific output as less than sacrosanct. They simply have a different ethos around the importance of honesty and accuracy.

I hope that cover most of it. I think it does. Happy Wednesday.

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Anonymous No. 16212458


Anonymous No. 16212643

Based, bump.

Anonymous No. 16217326

>no mention of atheism
but thats the primary reason for the replication crisis

Anonymous No. 16218783

atheism, satanism, judaism. its all the same thing

Anonymous No. 16220811

>atheism, satanism, judaism. its all the same thing
Those are all different cults based on narcissism

Anonymous No. 16221201

i'll bite. why.

Anonymous No. 16222121

>f you do manage to navigate 5. and 6. above, there is a high likelihood that the punishment will be slim. Or absent.
That is because these people are good at building networks of like minded people who will make sure they stay in power and out of jail.
>Certainly there are few legal repercussions unless you steal the government’s money.
Abuse of government funding to misdirect life science into a dead end (ref: Altzheimers) should be considered serial murder and abuse of government money.

Anonymous No. 16222973

>Abuse of government funding to misdirect life science into a dead end (ref: Altzheimers) should be considered serial murder and abuse of government money.
There is no penalty for academic fraud or for thieving research funds, thats why so many people do it. Why not see that as an opportunity instead of a problem?

Anonymous No. 16224015

>Why not see that as an opportunity instead of a problem?

Anonymous No. 16225596

>8. Fabricating work makes your life a lot easier.
Not entirely true, faking data convincingly is often more arduous than using legit data, or at least it used to be before "AI" software was available to do the job for you.

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Anonymous No. 16226926

>Why We Commit Academic Fraud
keep me out of that, I do not

Anonymous No. 16226944

>faking data convincingly is often more arduous than using legit data
ever heard of the schĂśn scandal?

Anonymous No. 16226947

also, your point is retarded because no one is faking data because it's easier to do so to collect legit data. they're faking data because they want to fabricate a fictional research results where the legit data does not tell such a story.

Anonymous No. 16227069

>They simply have a different ethos around the importance of honesty and accuracy.
UShithole er Al had the worst ethics thinkable. The culture is drowned in lie and betray, robbing bombing and killing. This site is a playground of that. UShitholers invent, misplace over exaggerates. Add the endless waves of glownigger fraud and you have the kind of "culture" they pin on a religion whete it is deep embedded in nearly all of them. What will you expect in science?

Anonymous No. 16227154

by shear amount of volume, US is actually the second leading country in academic fraud, probably only behind china (who doesn't give a fuck about academic honesty). US is also one of the highest pumpers of incremental useless academic research. by the amount of money invested, the US probably produce the most useless research accounted for money spent.

Anonymous No. 16228063

>china (who doesn't give a fuck about academic honesty)
nobody in academia cares about honesty. if they were honest people they wouldn't have devoted their careers to being useless leeches, they'd have done something productive instead. academics are all human trash

Anonymous No. 16228138

Not that guy, but if you can keep it up until you die there's, in principal, no downside to being a fraud. If you're concerned about justifying those acts to an omniscient being after you die with your eternal soul in the balance you might be less likely to do so.

Anonymous No. 16229158

This, receiving pay for producing nothing of any value is the big lie that attracts all the wrong people to academia to begin with.

Anonymous No. 16229470

Then the real problem isn't atheism but a lack of accountability, and that guy might as well be advocating for a totalitarian dictatorship (albeit a presumably benevolent one).

Anonymous No. 16229493

Jeet mentality

Anonymous No. 16229494

>Why We Commit Academic Fraud
because horsewhipping liars was outlawed?

Anonymous No. 16229716

yeah and this is way more normal in academic culture than people like to pretend, though usually not completely faked data. been happening the whole time.

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Anonymous No. 16230718

you can collect legit data and just delete all the data that disagrees with the narrative you're trying to shill

Anonymous No. 16231185

Okay, but how are you going to stop them? Incentive structures don’t fix themselves.

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Anonymous No. 16231204

It's because modern humans who can read and write operate in a cult.
Academia is a cult.
If you're illiterate and you participate, you're part of a religion.
If you're literate and you participate, you're part of a cult.
If you're literate and you write, you're writing for the cult.
So, the question is, what is the cult of Academia?
It's good that nothing matters.

Anonymous No. 16232221

No it isn't.

Anonymous No. 16232525

>but thats the primary reason for the replication crisis
No, it's race and gender.

Anonymous No. 16232531

science was built by christians as an exploration of gods creation, jesus as the word, fraud would be unholy

Anonymous No. 16232537

What nonsense, science suceeded because it was devised by NorthWestern Europeans, Ethiopian Christians could never do it, Incan Christians couldn't either. Christianity has been made global thanks to NW European behavior and ability. Quit being a fool.

Anonymous No. 16232560

this does not change that science was built by christians

Anonymous No. 16232582

It does though because it was the genetics of the men that made building it possible, if Christianity was as decisive as you believe it to be, explain the lackluster history of science in Christian Ethiopia.

Anonymous No. 16232594

but we're talking about the philosophy of those that founded scientific enquiry?

Anonymous No. 16232604


Anonymous No. 16232755

and nobody reviews the original data that was collected because everyone wants to just write their own papers

Anonymous No. 16232816

Speak for yourself, faggot

Anonymous No. 16232827

Speak for us, friend.

Anonymous No. 16232830

It's called quoting a blog title. Don't get triggered lol.

Anonymous No. 16233078

From personal experience:
- Most researchers aren't serious frauds.
- Over half the guys with big budgets and staff are. The delineation seems to be whether you are beholden to public or private grants. Research from private corporate grants are immediately used and therefore must be real or those grants go away.
- Everyone frauds a little bit.
- You fudge your data because everyone else got a different result and what are the chances that you're the only correct one? (HIGH)
- A lot of researchers just plug numbers into formulas and have little interest in actually understanding statistics and experiment design.
- Most real work isn't exciting. Boring work means no tenure, even if it brings in steady grants.
- "I will play the game churning out garbage until I get tenure. Then I will do real research." They do that and then become shells of their former selves and never actually do it after getting tenure.

Anonymous No. 16233464

Holy fuck, all this blogging. People cheat because they think they can get away with it.

Anonymous No. 16234039

>the philosophy of those that founded scientific enquiry?
That philosophy was Christianity.
Non-Christians cannot do science because science is a subset of Christianity.

Anonymous No. 16235091

If non-Christians are so smart then why did they have to steal the moniker of science from Christians, why are they too dumb to develop their own institutions and instead are only capable of parasitizing what Christians have created?

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Anonymous No. 16235880


Anonymous No. 16236938

good pic
its funny because its true

Anonymous No. 16237530

It's absolutely NOT true. Even 1700s science wasn't based on judaism. It was based on the concepts of the ancient world. So wrong on pretty much all accounts. That dumb chrigger's t shirt should have a picture of Zeus on it.

Anonymous No. 16238338

they commit fraud to get money

Anonymous No. 16239091

At least we can all still agree that calling someone a homosexual should be considered an insult.

Anonymous No. 16239145

What happened to evolution vs creationism lol

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Cult of Passion No. 16239286

>evolution vs creationism
(Royal) We became co-creators.

Anonymous No. 16240598


Anonymous No. 16241213

academics all cheat because their ego is too big to admit that they were wrong and most importantly, that they arent that smart as they thought they were, oh and that they are not Harry Potter of real life or some other main character that fits their persona

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Anonymous No. 16241217

interesting, why are all of these pic rel white, christian european males then?

Anonymous No. 16241616


Anonymous No. 16241617

Get together as white christian european males discuss long and tended what are the meassurable things, figure out or at least one of them that units matter, everyone shake hands make unit meassure, is not even a get in a room thing you can buy a book or listen to a lecture

Anonymous No. 16241692

Academic fraud is the only weapon BIPOC and other minorities have of fighting against the white heteropatriarchy. To call out academic fraud is a sign of ignorance and racism. Don't be fucking illiterate and listen what we have to say. The academic world is biased against us, so we need a way of making ourselves heard and we're not going to ask for permission.

Anonymous No. 16241997

Maybe people want to guarantee they will get a good job and think they can get away with it? I mean I take ethics very seriously and I failed to find an academic position and now can't contribute anything at all. Life's a waste.

Anonymous No. 16243107

nobody wants you because you're useless. being merely harmless isn't a virtue. a rock sitting on the ground in the middle of nowhere is harmless.

Anonymous No. 16243120

My point is that if the choice is to fade into mediocrity or to fake something get a good job and then act normally, there's incentive for fraud. If you're found out later you're just back to where you would have been without the fraud. That's why as OP mentioned it's usually done at the start of a career.

Anonymous No. 16245106

There is no negative consequences for being caught committing fraud, so of course everyone is doing it.

Anonymous No. 16245167

>Why We Commit Academic Fraud
pseuds and subhumans want power and social status no matter how.

Anonymous No. 16246876

Scientists are about as honest as the average used care salesman.

Anonymous No. 16246967

15. Most academicians build up their work on already questionable or fraudulent studies, so they perpetuate the biases inherent to it. It's not fraud, but it shows how fraudulent studies can poison the wheel for years to come, e.g. fraudulent Alzheimer's studies which caused the US government to spend 20 billion in absolutely meaningless research.

16. Industrially-funded research is hardly ever published if the authors don't come up with the correct, (in other words: desired) result. Academicians who work in industrial settings run the risk of being marked or seen as problematic employees if companies can't capitalize on their investments into their research. Similarly, the notion of investing into research anticipates returns of investments. People who fail at delivering them may drop out of research.

17. Research is contingent on investments and therefore not independently carried out. In STEM, research is financed primarily for the purpose of developing and marketing new products. Failing to deliver market-relevant innovations could eventually result in problems. Simultaneously, industrial interests motivates corporations to block research that could threaten their monopoly.

18. Universities and the research setting, generally, are hierarchical. This is directly and indirectly anticipated by conventional undergraduate studies where students are merely graded based on their ability to regurgiate institutionalized knowledge. PhD programs usually require students to have good grades such that the programs will inevitably select for those students who perform well within the constraints of the system. In other words, PhD students aren't necessarily smart, they're just good at doing what they're told to do.

19. PhD programs reward students for doing what they're told to do which brings us back to point 18.

Anonymous No. 16246970

20. Academics has degenerated into a meaningless procedure whose knowledge output is now minimal or even negative. This suggests that the institution succumbed to cargo science cult. In my experience, having studied several different majors, the notion of what it actually means to do scientific studies has been taught nowhere.
I also suspect that many PhD programs have effectively turned into daycare centers for graduate students, judging from the idle work and the repetitive tasks.

21. College/University has become substantially easier in order to handle the huge increase in number of people who very clearly do not belong into academics. Whereas universities of yesterday selected
for students high in intelligence since only students high in intelligence could pass college, current college programs have become substantially easier and so reward
people who are not intelligent, but simply good at carrying out orders. -> Point 18.

22. People can't carry out independent research which was common practice in the 18th and 19th century. If any attempt at researching something new depends on access to expensive machinery,
people seeking knowledge for themselves will invariably have to accept the reality of working under an oppressive regime.

Anonymous No. 16246973

Buncha dirty rotten cheater cheater pumpkin eaters ITT

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Anonymous No. 16248042

>knowledge output is now minimal or even negative.
Its definitely extremely negative. They devote tremendous amounts of effort to circulating lies and hiding truth.
you can substitute "academia" in where it says "media" on picrel

Anonymous No. 16248969

At least with the used car saleman you get something for you money. Scientists don't deliver anything.

Anonymous No. 16250427

judaism has nothing to do with christianity, they're practically opposites. you're ignorance on this topic is a function of you having never read a bible.

Anonymous No. 16250635

That assumes people are gonna check on you. I don’t think people try repeating results anymore if they ever did.

Anonymous No. 16250661

Yep, also autistic truth seekers. Both very rare today. Bet you got this off Ed Dutton.

Anonymous No. 16250670

Culture is a result of genetics. There’s grades of Christianity, I imagine Africans don’t do a very good job of it.
His point is Christianity is unusual among religion as it teaches honesty and other traits good for scientifically finding the truth. So any smart people in a Christian culture are more predisposed to go on to find and report the truth. Certainly better than chink cultures of “if you can cheat, then cheat”.

Christianity is a superior culture to others because it was made and modified by populations with superior genetics; people around the med and Europe. Reason why those places are good is because they have natural selection pressures which select for traits which predispose the bearer to do good things.

Anonymous No. 16250671

This doesn't happen in math
Imagine being a scicuck

Anonymous No. 16250684

Don’t think Darwin or Galton were atheists.

Anonymous No. 16250688

This is part of the issue. The government has forced people into universities to fulfill political goals. People now treat universities as a means to get a job rather than further human knowledge.

Anonymous No. 16250690


Anonymous No. 16252128

>People now treat universities as a means to get a job rather than further human knowledge.
universities are babysitting for lazy overaged children who were unwilling to seek employment out of high school.

Anonymous No. 16252228

>Why We Commit Academic Fraud
what "we", kemosabe?

Anonymous No. 16252273

>Culture is a result of genetics.
at least partially true.

Anonymous No. 16252639

It's scientific training vs scientific reality.
My basic courses were like doing experiments in lab, measuring, quantifying and explaining the results. Different people got similar results.
I think basic scientific training in most universities is how science was meant be.

It's later in school and more so in actaul research and scientific work that politics kicks in more and more.
There's a difference between a transistor and a human cell or between a single cell and a organism. Organisms can't be calculated like an engine so it becomes more and more statistical.

That's where you can suggest that there's science based on agreement. In reality it isn't. It's a matter of non-predictability in a strict mathematical sense.

That's the factual reason. The other reason science can be corrupted is an emotional one: the higher you get in the system the more you have to lose. Your job becomes more and more political.
So if a political agenda dictates a certain outcome most people just duck away.

That wasn't possible if everything was as calculable as a falling stone.

Anonymous No. 16252668

A lot of this could be solved by making reproducibility the standard, not "passing written peer review".

"peer review" in the original Royal Society meant *demonstrating* your experiment to your watching peers.

Nullius in verba. Don't trust the written word. This was their original motto.

It is not realistic in all circumstances, but could be pushed again.

I might be wrong here, but do think fields like physics are doing overall fine still.

Anonymous No. 16252695

Reproduce an autopsy.

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Anonymous No. 16254316

Back then if one was done it was done in a theater open to the public

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Anonymous No. 16255051

>judaism has nothing to do with christianity

Barkon No. 16255075

I would have tried to set myself in the right position to avoid or escape the pain and would have set myself to my utmost tolerant. But, if it was super bad for my skill/setting (painless), I probably would not have succeeded. if it was a pure pain, I may have successfully terminated the situation. I am basically max intelligence and agility.

Barkon No. 16255082

This experience has been very painless. Which is why I'm having trouble communicating.

Barkon No. 16255086

I'm missing vital basics since the beginning and vague bumps in the road. Thinking was only just realized in full, on the side of that, all the sorts of theories you can have normally. I can think, it's just not very effective. The most neutered result. I have understood previously thinking as passivity in good finance. I wasn't receiving anything.

Anonymous No. 16255122

>Nullius in verba
"Nothing in writing" seems to be a better translation

Anonymous No. 16255172

Didn't four major criminology studies recently get pulled because the data outright didn't exist?

Anonymous No. 16255179

That's how they want you to view it anon. To be a good principled little goyim who loves everyone in the mixed up world they are ever more rapidly creating.
Rejecting in group preference because "it's wrong" is exactly what they want you to do.

Anonymous No. 16256833

imagine how much worse its going to get now that AI can generate fake data for the soiyentists

Anonymous No. 16256874

Retarded criminals, that's who's telling you to "trust the science" and "Dark Matter is real".

Anonymous No. 16257784

A lot of the people doing that pretending are the same people who are doing the data forgery

Anonymous No. 16259049

are you talking about the florida state guy?

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Anonymous No. 16260031


Anonymous No. 16260774

People do that because there isn't any penalty for doing it

Anonymous No. 16260875

the energy needed to disprove fraudulent papers is higher than the one needed to publish them...

Anonymous No. 16261217

You want more research money science boy? You give us results that confirm our bias or your out of a job. Your life could be in danger too, if you expose the natural stupidity of the new citizens we are flooding all formerly white countries with. See what we did to James Watson?

Apparently, Mr. PhD has no street smarts or more likely, he thinks YOU have no street smarts.

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Anonymous No. 16262308


Anonymous No. 16263382

People commit fraud because they're dishonest. Academics have proved themselves to be untrustworthy people.

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Anonymous No. 16264542

>In order to produce propaganda for the government
thats probably the biggest reason for fraud

Anonymous No. 16264616

Maybe it's because you spend 6 years in grad school, another 2 years as a postdoc, and you still haven't made any breakthrough discoveries, and you're still not getting citations, but you absolutely must have those to secure funding.

Anonymous No. 16264732

Modern academia is forced to have a left wing bias by law, and many of the graduate students are unironically brainwashed cultists. There are literally countless examples of research groups coming to conclusions that are opposite to the narrative, and instead of going through with their findings they will self immolate, or try and recurve data. Off the top of my head the best example was a joint study of multiculturalism between UofMichigan and Harvad I believe. They found that multiculturalism lead to a net negative on society in every facet, but their conclusion was how they would still accomplish it anyway.

Anonymous No. 16265332

>14. Many countries have research cultures that treat scientific output as less than sacrosanct. They simply have a different ethos around the importance of honesty and accuracy.
I love India

Anonymous No. 16265341

Lol. This is like when Charlemagne Tha God did a soliloquy on 105.1 — maybe 5 years or so ago — about how men need to take responsibility and apologize for what all men did. No. Charlemagne you stupid motherfucker. That was you and maybe some of your friends. It has nothing to do with men. It's all on you, you dumb cunt.

Anonymous No. 16266401

he isn't willing to come out and say that christianity is the only religion that considers lying to be a mortal sin, which is why christians have historically excelled at science and discovered everything while other groups can only steal ideas from christians. too bad the other groups aren't willing to steal the idea of leading an honest life from christians, if they did that they'd be able to create their own scientific discoveries instead of being forced to rely on christians to do it all for them

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🗑️ Anonymous No. 16267337

>to secure funding.
how about you get a real jobs and do something useful instead of devoting your life to being a mendicant living of welfare gibes like a leech

Anonymous No. 16268518

>gibes me dat research grant for free!!!
>gibes me dat funding muffigguh!!
>t. scientist

Anonymous No. 16268535

I'm sorry, I thought I was going to be able to do something useful by taking the research path.

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Anonymous No. 16269912

no you didn't, you thought you were going to avoid having to serve a useful purpose in society.

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Anonymous No. 16269941

My guy Jeff Dean is a "science is fake and gay" chud.

Anonymous No. 16270411

I'm sorry, you're right. I just have false memories of having better intentions. I just wanted to stay in school instead of entering the real world where there is more responsibilities.

Anonymous No. 16271148

>I just have false memories of having better intentions.
that was just you rationalizing your true desires.