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๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ ๐Ÿงต Brain Computer Interfaces

Anonymous No. 16212394

I don't get it. Why does Elon want them anyway? It's not like anyone would need brainslaves in our current prosperous society and I don't believe him when he says he does it for the good of some epileptics or whatever.
Is this what psychopathy is about? The will to be surrounded by slaves or what? Sorry, but that is fucking gay.
Be aware he might be reading this thread.

Also ITT, wwyd if you had forcibly received one?

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Anonymous No. 16212693

He's openly stated several times that he wants to make chips because eventually AI will become so intelligent and powerful that it will overtake the world as the supreme ruler with the ability to do anything it wants whenever it wants. He wants the chips so that humans aren't completely left in the dust when it takes over. He wants to give us the option to merge with it. If we can't keep up with it then we can at least merge with it or form a human hive mind to potentially rival it if we use all of our brains as a decentralized biological computing network.

Anonymous No. 16213466

>I don't get it. Why does Elon want them anyway?
It makes business sense for people who accept big risks.
>It's not like anyone would need brainslaves in our current prosperous society
This can put paralysed people back into society. "Typing" via BCI will probably be faster than using a mechanical keyboard.
>and I don't believe him when he says he does it for the good of some epileptics or whatever.
Why not? His is a read only system, his competitors want to insert data into the brain too, and that is far more dodgy.
>Is this what psychopathy is about? The will to be surrounded by slaves or what? Sorry, but that is fucking gay.
Probably not.
>Be aware he might be reading this thread.
Could be.
>Also ITT, wwyd if you had forcibly received one?
Read Eudeamon?

Anonymous No. 16213482

>It's not like anyone would need brainslaves

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who would indeed.jpg

Anonymous No. 16213484


Anonymous No. 16213580

Both input and output is required for proper control and augment of the brain and the body.

Non invasive means allows reading of the output, which is fine for controlling mouse/etc, but they're just surface controls. The more invasive ones (neuralink) wants control over both input and output. For example, to give vision to the eyes (already works in monkeys), to give motion to legs (already works on pigs).

Anonymous No. 16219016

Can my BCI run arch?