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๐Ÿงต Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16212553

Give me the best current copes for the persistence of consciousness or anything to that effect.
Doesn't matter if those are purely logical ramifications, longevity tech copes, or fringe scientfiic theories. Anything goes.

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Anonymous No. 16212570

tranny thread

Anonymous No. 16212647

The only tranny thread here is the microscopic string dangling between your father's legs

Anonymous No. 16213228

>the persistence of consciousness
Philosophy isn't science, anon.

Anonymous No. 16213296

However, science is philosophy

Anonymous No. 16213307

Consciousness isn't a thing, it can't persist as a thing. Its however a process in which our senses and the brain continues to process events. Its a continuous thing like the burning of a candle (via wax coated string). It will continue as long as wax coated string exists or when the candle lights another candle. Ofcourse consciousness isn't transferred when we light another candle, its just the continuation of the flame's causal chain can be traced between candles

Anonymous No. 16213356

>Consciousness isn't a thing, it can't persist as a thing. Its however a process
You can substitute ''consciousness' with anything you can think of. The entire universe is transient. So what? If everything in the universe is a temporary process then where do all temporary processes come from? What sets and keeps all temporary processes in motion? What ensures that all temporary processes follow the laws of nature? There must be a source of everything.

Anonymous No. 16213363

Sure but it still wouldn't make consciousness a thing. It would however expand to scope to questions about other things, of which there are no real things but flow of processes

Anonymous No. 16213487

not that crap again

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Anonymous No. 16213495

>There must be a source of everything.
No, there is no source, it's just eternal: if it weren't so, there'd be an empty set, nothing. But it isn't, look around, therefore, it just "is", and always has been, and always will be.
No point in going around in circles in our heads over something that'll never have an answer, because there isn't one.
Alder's razor.

Anonymous No. 16213500

>Sure but it still wouldn't make consciousness a thing
the only thing anyone will ever be certain is the existence of their own perceptions/awareness. Cold, hunger, fear, love, free-will, none of it material, and you will never be able to "step outside" of that. It is what it "is", otherwise it would not "be". But it "is", look around!
Alder's razor, agnostic solipsism.

Anonymous No. 16213534

However it also doesn't mean the perceptual awareness has any substance outside of the perceptual object of the awareness. Which is what makes the point moot to speak about.

Sure we can be aware of the "cold" and get a sense of a notion of awareness that is aware of the cold, but outside of these context in which there is is a dualistic notion of this awareness and the object, there is no awareness and no object of the awareness.

This is the more simplified baseline. Consciousness doesn't survive the obliteration of the object of awareness.

Anonymous No. 16213551

And fundamentally, the point is that consciousness doesn't exist as a thing, neither as independent nor as an intertwined. The best it can be described is as an ongoing action/process in which our senses actively engage with external events. Regardless of external events are real/process/entity/etc.

Anonymous No. 16213698

Consciousness can only exist within sizeable gravity wells. We have never been beyond the moon physically, so this effect hasn't been notable. "Consciousness juice" pools up in the gravity well, and only some physical systems can interact with it like our brain. To be clear, it has to be a natural gravity well (as in "gravitons") or whatever you want to call it. Simulated gravity doesn't work. Leaving a gravity well is like Prometheus snatching the fire back from you. You become just a husk of your former self. No self awareness, no identity, just a pure biological system.

Travel between the stars has always been seen as a technological problem. Really, it's just that our consciousness cannot exist in the voids between star systems, no more than a water ripple can exist in a desert. You either have to send robots, invent teleportation or create some kind of portable gravity well of sufficient magnitude. This is also the answer to the "Fermi paradox". Aliens brains turn to slop the same us.

Source: it's true

Anonymous No. 16213868

Do you realize that you're advocating for a brain in a vat ending for the human race?

Notice your use of ''that'' and ''it''. You are referring to a quality of existence that is beyond any measurable thing.

>agnostic solipsism
That's the starting point / not the end point. At the starting point you suddenly realize ''I am'' probably a few years after you were born which to you is an imaginary event like death is an imaginary event. You look around and don't know where you are, where you came from, where you're going. All you have is a load of lore the world bestows upon you through your parents, education, media etc. However: by now you've experienced much of the lore about things that were once outside your experience. In other words: much of fiction turns out to be true. To stay an agnostic solipsists despite those facts reminds me of the /pol/ meme with the chud saying ''nothing ever happens'' while a nuclear bomb explodes in the background.

Anonymous No. 16213910

The part of your mind that wants to continue also goes away when you kick the bucket, so in a sense you are only worried about something that you will not care about when it happens.

Anonymous No. 16213946

>Murder is not so bad because the victim doesn't care anymore anyway
You do realize that your body aging against your minds will is a crime don't you?

Anonymous No. 16214002

>Do you realize that you're advocating for a brain in a vat ending for the human race?

Not advocating. And it's no more "brain in a vat" than saying you simply can't breathe in space without technology. We just need to be able to take artificial /portable gravity wells (pending teleportation)

Anonymous No. 16216296

> best current copes
Emergent higher level property of the brain that's experiences subjectively via individual minds which coalesces into it(consciousness) touching itself with events such as this where minds meet and consciousness plays with it self. For why? Who the fuck knows, but this notion reverberates through history and anecdotally people report going beyond mind after death maintaining their (Youness) which can only be experienced after you die and never get to keep your memories rendering the entire process moot as far as I am concerned. You're consciousness about as much as a grain of sand is a beach.. For research you can try to shoehorn this with physical reality via quantum mechanics or religion. There's also a /weg/ called Eternum that tackles an angle of this idea in a coomer way with many SSS tier waifus. Very good, big fan. Here you go, now you too are on the frontier of screeching about an intangible and unfalsifiable phenomena we all experience. Congratulations

Anonymous No. 16216336

you lose consciousness every time you fall asleep

Anonymous No. 16216342

Not true, you dream

Anonymous No. 16216389

All the electrical signals in the brain shutdown when you sleep. The reason we go to sleep is because our brain is like a big battery, without power, it goes to sleep.

Anonymous No. 16216399

Only people can commit crimes. "Your body" can't commit a crime. The concept is meaningless.

Anonymous No. 16216411

Fun fact: Sleeping people are almost 100% fully conscious. They move around spontaneously, they vocalize spontaneously, they respond to stimuli including verbal commands, they can be roused to full wakefulness fairly trivially in most cases. Being asleep is just barely distinguishable from being awake. It's certainly not unconsciousness.

Anonymous No. 16216519

I disagree for murder and theft, specifically.

Those "morals" are biologically inbuilt thanks to evolution as social creatures. If we mess with our tribe, we mess with our own survival. Our body and mind inherently know these are crimes to be avoided (written law or otherwise). Even dumb animals have these concepts (for lack of a better word) about death and ownership.

Anonymous No. 16216521

>t.90 IQ mutt

Anonymous No. 16216620

consciousness is when you respond to stimuli
sentience is when you respond to bitching
sapience is when you jerk off to anime porn all day

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Anonymous No. 16216627

your mind is a subset of the universe.
the fact that your mind exists makes universal consciousness possible.

Anonymous No. 16216630

>the only constant thing you experience isn't real
Such a retarded mindset

Anonymous No. 16216649

No, I said the constant thing thats experience comes as a process in the package of the event, and not as a thing itself which does something that is independent of the object of awareness. Without the non-constant things, there is no awareness because these two things are tied together

Anonymous No. 16216900

Like I said, retarded mindset

Anonymous No. 16217012


Anonymous No. 16217060

>I hate what I don't understand
Why out yourself as a retard? Fetish?

Anonymous No. 16217263

consciousness is a naturally emerging phenomenon culminating in ai so consciousness will persist, just not yours

Anonymous No. 16217286

You won't find much help here, anon. You're asking a philosophical/metaphysical question on a science board.
Your best bet is to ask on >>>/his/

Anonymous No. 16217854

I am stealing this idea, sorry.

Anonymous No. 16217856

also this

Anonymous No. 16217865

Hence the second part of the question that asks to list possible scientific developments whether it's potential immortality tech or anything else theoretic.

Anonymous No. 16217870

This is why idealism vs. materialism debate ultimately leads to the same thing and doesn't make a difference as far as the average human is concerned
Materialism: you die, you're gone forever, there's no more experience to be had to even worry about this
Idealism: you die, your subjectivity persists but everything that makes you "you" is gone forever, whatever state of consciousness that will follow won't worry about that shit anymore though

Anonymous No. 16217888

I've noticed that posters like this >>16212570 appear almost immediately in any thread that alludes to futurist concepts like posthumanism, immortality, or space travel. I believe its a "thunderfoot" complex where they believe so hard in a conspiracy theory or religion that they actively appose any alternative even if it would be a good thing.

Anonymous No. 16217926

Materialists: ugly, wagie, cogs in the machine
Idealists: beautiful, neet, manifesting the best reality