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🧵 Its happening, NASA panics

Anonymous No. 16212736

Starliner Critical Helium Leak In Orbit

Anonymous No. 16212760

go back to your containment thread retard, nobody cares about this shit

Anonymous No. 16212888

Just checked, it's real. If they lose too much helium they loose pressure in the orbital maneuvering engines. Might have to abandon starliner and come back on a dragon. If that happens it could end the starliner program.

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Anonymous No. 16212999


Anonymous No. 16213049

They didn't even reach the ISS yet, lmao, any bets what fails next?

Anonymous No. 16213184

>Starliner Critical Helium Leak In Orbit

Anonymous No. 16213433

6 hours to ISS rendezvous.

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Anonymous No. 16213480


thanks for the link, nonetheless

Anonymous No. 16213560

No updates on their site yet. seems they did some manual maneuvers and that went fine, but perhaps contributed to causing the leak? im assuming the helium is used to pressurized the fuel system?

Anonymous No. 16215883

It is go for docking in 2h

Anonymous No. 16216139

>Starship flap has issues but everything works
>Starliner has issues but still docks
its a great day in space guys

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Anonymous No. 16216159

we're still go for docking

Anonymous No. 16216907

Ohhhh no no no RCS issues....
Boeing brosss?

Anonymous No. 16216965

Failure is not an option

Anonymous No. 16217038

You get what you fucking deserve

Anonymous No. 16217072

According to the angry astronaut, Starliner has not one but THREE leaks

WTF boeing?

Anonymous No. 16217081

iirc the Apollo LM had lots of issues with the high pressure helium in the beginning too. They had lots of leaks to fix while on the ground before launch and then the pressure was getting nearly out of range during its first flight during apollo 9

Anonymous No. 16217122

well lets wait a minute on that it's still hasn't docked (waiting on lighting now)

Anonymous No. 16217135


Don’t forget they knew about the problem before launch, working as intended.

>As soon as they dock with ISS MCAS activates and the ISS pitches down into the fucking ocean

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Anonymous No. 16217142

It’s still not been reverted lol

Anonymous No. 16217162

Boeing Starliner Having Problems Docking with Space Station

What a

Anonymous No. 16217190

>No agenda
The live stream from NASA seems to be saying everything is nominal still

Anonymous No. 16217201


Anonymous No. 16217206

Soft capture! PHEW! now only a few dozen things can kill them!

(Captcha: XH00K)

Anonymous No. 16217227

seems like they are docked!

Anonymous No. 16217232

he's not the most talkative commentor is he

Anonymous No. 16217240

Still time for the leftover MCAS code to erroneously execute

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starliner deathtr....jpg

Anonymous No. 16217254


Anonymous No. 16217313

this guy is pointless. he doesn't know anything. why is he hosting this?

Anonymous No. 16217797

>Stop posting about science in /sci/!

Anonymous No. 16217806

How can this be happening? Boeing hires so much diversity, and diversity is strength.

Anonymous No. 16217807

He's jewish, and he likes it when people subscribe/join/donate.

Anonymous No. 16217895

yeah sounds like a newyahk jew

Anonymous No. 16220093

Docked successfully. Nice to see.