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๐Ÿงต Is eating between 1400 and 1500 calories a day safe?

Anonymous No. 16212857

I've started doing calorie restriction for anti-aging after reading this blog and several studies on calorie restriction. Is this safe? No. 16212862

Just be vegan instead. Far healthier and completely safe.

Anonymous No. 16212903

do you have single fact to back that up other than WEF studies?

Anonymous No. 16212913

you should eat between 3500-4000 calories per day to avoid malnutrition.

Anonymous No. 16212933

>all of those synthetic minerals and vitamins from supplements
you could literally just eat a medium rare steak and get actual organic and higher quality minerals and vitamins for 1/10 the price

Anonymous No. 16212936

buy an ad, faggot. you have spamed your trash website multiple times already.

Anonymous No. 16212937

Depends on how active you are. 1500 is a normal and healthy amount for someone who is sedentary for a good part of the day like office workers.

Fatty fat fat fat

Anonymous No. 16212954

I aimed to eat about that much to lose weight. I was only just above overweight, so not a huge fatass, but it didn't really feel enough and I probably ate closer to 1700-1800 in reality. That was fine, because with some working out I think I still had around a 500 calorie daily deficit. Lost 0.5 kg/week very consistently for a few months, so the numbers add up.

It's not acute torture or malnutrition, but I think at the 1400/day you'd be hungry all the time. At 1700, assuming you eat the right stuff, it doesn't really feel like anything.

Obviously it depends on how big you are and how much you move, but assuming you're a normal sized man who doesn't lie in bed all day you're going to lose weight. Presumably your body would burn less at you lose mass, I don't know where the equilibrium would be, but you certainly won't have much muscle by the time you get there.

>1500 is a normal and healthy amount for someone who is sedentary for a good part of the day like office workers
Unless you're a very small woman I really don't see it.

Anonymous No. 16212956

>avoid malnutrition
people don't realize how bad this is for development of a human and even a fully grown one
when you don't eat enough the body starts to pull fats and other nutrients from your organs like the brain, skin and liver etc.. to use as energy and survive.

Anonymous No. 16213015

You can look up a nutrition calculator and play with the calorie recommendations. There's a reason Americans are fat as fuck.

Anonymous No. 16213067

I eat like 1000-1200 calories per day and am overweight, lmao. I've reached levels of sedentary you cannot even comprehend. No. 16213095

What The Health (documentary)

Anonymous No. 16213110

Fasting = youth serum. Of course you can't stack it infinitely because eventually you will fucking die but if you are in reasonable age group you will always look younger than your age

Anonymous No. 16213712

2000-2200 is better to avoid frailty. If you fast long enough you get issues. You need to trigger replacement and growth.

Anonymous No. 16213721

You can literally just not eat for days at a time. You're biologically built for it barring any medical issues.