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Anonymous No. 16213001

Wtf is wrong with engineers?

> Be me, lowly humanities plebian
> Having a convo with friends from the engineering faculty about test scores.
> 1st year e. engineering friend seems bummed
>"Yeah I probably have to retake my physics course, I probably flunked my test"
> 2nd year CS friends jumps in and jokingly suggest they take physics and calc togethere next semester.
> Try to be funny and say to friend advanced math is a nonsense invented field that only the most autistic people study seriously.
> Everyone looks at me weird.
> "What do you mean anon? you dont believe in math?"
> Try to explain that true (i.e. advanced) mathemathics is mostly just really complex but impractical or unrealistic concepts and theories.
> This is basic common knowledge?
> "Hahaha anon if I have 1 apple and you have 2 apples we have three apples how is that fake?"
> Ask them if they know anything about godell number or aleph 0, in my head entry level stuff
> They spaz out for a second
> "Well im not arguing with somebody who doesnt know what an integral is lol"
> Proceed to clown me for the whole of lunch

Am I retarded? I thought every knew this, did they update this shit and didnt tell me?

Anonymous No. 16213011

STEM people are incapable of grasping nuance or thinking outside of their own system of knowledge to rationalize it.

That's why humanities are superior as an intellectual field.
>Verification not required

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Anonymous No. 16213057

if you let engineers get too smart they start asking why the managers are all retarded

Anonymous No. 16213099

extremely fake story

>That's why humanities are superior as an intellectual field.
obvious bait

Anonymous No. 16213103

Of course a humanities NPC thinks of math as abstract nonsense because he has no connection to the platonic realm. The intimate mutual dependency between math and reality will forever be inaccessible to you.

Anonymous No. 16213122

>Humanities major
Lol imagine going to school to learn shit even kids understand intuitively

Anonymous No. 16213134

If you have 1 apple, you effectively have aleph apples because you can plant all the seeds and make and unbounded number of apples.

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Anonymous No. 16213144

This, lol. Imagine graduating from university and the only skill you have to offer is that you know how to read. Have fun competing with elementary school kids, you heckin "humanities" losers.

Anonymous No. 16213148

Well humanities pleb, why don't you read Pascal's "thoughts" on this. He discusses some nuances to the mathematical mind.

Anonymous No. 16213152

>reading the opinion of an old white man
No, thanks. My humanities education taught me that only PoC and LGBT authors are worth reading.

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Anonymous No. 16213158

>and calc togethere
Anon, calculus isn't "advanced math", it's entry-level college math.
That's why they looked at you sideways.

Anonymous No. 16213161

Otherwise, even though you are correct about pure math, there are lots of niche "corners" of mathematics, even basic mathematics, like discrete math, that don't have applications. So what? That's not engineering.

Your friends are engineers, so they're OBVIOUSLY not going to waste their time with purely theoretical math, that's for mathematicians, so again, your point does not stand in the context of your conversation.
Yes, you did look a bit like a fool.
You need to go back and clear that up.

Anonymous No. 16213165

Id imagine most normies share my same views on math just on a base level, like Im not even that into math but I know some of the very base concepts behind modern mathematics. Most adjusted people dont have the 4chanite views like >>16213103

Anonymous No. 16216099

>obvious bait
It's not. STEM lacks critical and rational analysis and reasoning, the pillars to intellectual thought. You are just programmed into the same systems of problem resolution but with no capability of finding an ulterior reasoning. No capability of grasping nuance, relativism or multiple possibilities of a same answer.
Literally Stone Age intellect.

That's why "great thinkers" and the intellectual elite of the society are philosophers and political scholars, not engineers or physicists.
And you know that deep down, that's why STEM autists are always talking shit about Humanities but the Humanities people really don't give a fuck and don't think about STEM at all.

And in the end AI will do your job better than you, because just like a machine, you people only work in algorithms and directives
>Verification not required again
Even this website agrees with me

Anonymous No. 16216161

>Well im not arguing with somebody who doesnt know what an integral is lol"
Kek based as fuck. Using this in the future

Anonymous No. 16216167

The most advanced math I did as an engineer was advanced differential equations for applications in aerodynamics and special dynamics
I wanted to die

Anonymous No. 16216181

>special dynamics
Basically the class was learning how to use equations for plane autopilot systems and missile guidance
As well as basic understandings of the equations in turbulent flow

Anonymous No. 16216183

>Bragging about verification not required
That just indicates you're flooding threads. Thanks for letting us know you're responsible for the shit quality of this board
>Verification required

Anonymous No. 16216211

You are 100% correct and only midwits will tell you otherwise. Just bring up the concept of infinity and they will be forced to concede its invented fiction, because they will look even more retarded if they say it isn't

Anonymous No. 16216529

>Thanks for letting us know you're responsible for the shit quality of this board
Lol. The shit quality of this board is due to you retards being retards, that's it.
That's what I said about STEMfags being obsessed with HumaniChads and feel they are being persecuted all the time. Too much inferiority complex.

This is my first time in /sci/ in months, and it was shit back then, and it's still shit now.

Anonymous No. 16218382


Anonymous No. 16218480

First of all there is no the Gödel number, there just are godel numbers due to the system he used to number formal statements. That actually was pretty important and did more for math through his incompleteness theorems than some made up bullshit about ordered infinities, so no shit engineers and computer scientists don't know about it infinity is useless for them they don't even use limits.
Sounds like you watch too many pop sci (math) videos and you need to fucking stop that.
It was pretty weird to dog on mathematics too because the context you were talking in made you look retarded.
Mathematical language is good for modeling reality at times. The length to which these models actually work? Well it works better when you have models for simple things that are lower level.

Anonymous No. 16218481

>old white man
Dead old white man, even worse. Probably held opinions deemed problematic against the standards of today. In fact, no books should be read that were printed before 2008.

Anonymous No. 16218494

Are you retarded? He already mentioned it with aleph 0, but it was a retarded fake pretentious way.
Also you don't believe in unbounded states?

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Anonymous No. 16218780

As a people-person in an Engineering field, let me TELL YOU!

Most engineers are AUTISTIC AF and TRICKY to interact with. They also usually do NOT have a complex understanding of obscure math, or the philosophy of its use. Most engineers exist to solve practical problems. Not theorize. Also, yes, you are autistic as well so that doesn't help.

Anonymous No. 16218825


OP here, forgot to say but the reason I was dogging mathemathics in the first place was because my E. engineering friend was sad he didnt understand mathemathics very well, I said that to cheer him up. The reason I mentioned those things is because Ive read books about how important those two concepts are to modern mathematics, I know jackshit about them. I just brought them up to see if they literally knew anything about advanced mathemathics at all.

anyway XOXO

Anonymous No. 16219005

>"Are you retarded? He already brought up something that next to no normies have even heard of. There was no reason to mention the other thing that everyone has heard of. If aleph 0 didn't do the trick, nothing will!"

You dumb fuck

Anonymous No. 16219260

>Ask them if they know anything about godell number or aleph 0, in my head entry level stuff

So? Great you watched a veritasium video like the rest of the plebs. The point is to search for the actual useful math, like calculus or geometry, things that aren't as easy to grasp for the plebs, and is easier to gasp and apply (that's their job) for engineers.

Anonymous No. 16219457

>aleph 0
What do you mean? You don't believe in the distinction between countable and uncountable infinity?
Can you explain how you don't see how? Notice how you can make a number like 0.9 always smaller by just appending another digit at it, e.g. like 0.92. Repeat. Like 0.93432.
You can do this infinitely. There is no end to it. You can never reach 1.
Ergo, there is no 1 to 1 mapping between countable and uncountable infinities.
Do you understand why?

Anonymous No. 16219681

Appending another digit at the end of a number only ever keeps the number the same size or makes it larger than the previous number.

Anonymous No. 16219691

>know anything about godell number or aleph 0
They weren't impressed by your surface level knowledge of "advanced math" i.e. pop math factoids acquired from youtube videos. It's ok, humanities majors are typically narcissist it's not unusual at all, don't worry too much about it.

Anonymous No. 16219893

pascal was probably a faggot

Anonymous No. 16219908

This is actually true, in that STEMcels are often easy to trap with cheap pilpul, as long as the topic is something other than logical deduction, hard numbers and statistics. The solution is bringing Rhetoric back as a specific course, and encouraging them to take it.

Anonymous No. 16221159

The reals are a total order. There is a clear order, as you already observe.
But you cannot count with them. Because as I said, you would never reach 2.
"Count" means exactly the same as in natural language. If you can point at an apple, you can count.
The reals are uncountable because, while they are indeed a total order, you can't count with them, because you will never reach the second apple to count.
The natural numbers are countable because, of course.
(You can construct a bijection from the naturals to the rationals. This is math undergrad knowledge, I don't expect everyone to follow this logic, unlike the statements outside the brackets above)

Anonymous No. 16221274

engineers are the only degree that can reliably understand concepts outside of their field