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Anonymous No. 16215632

I feel like I have ice melting inside my chest and blinking black and white dots are everywhere. This happens daily because I take it daily since I was like 12 but can anyone explain why

Anonymous No. 16215945

Addiction/withdrawal symptoms

Anonymous No. 16216051

The black and white dots is either migraines or a blood pressure issue. The ice melting is coming down from adrenaline.

Anonymous No. 16216083

I have times where I really want to just sleep but everyone tells me I'm just depressed or being lazy but I just don't have anything bad happening, but mom insists there can't be methylphenidate dependency because it's not a pleasant drug and you only get addicted to good feeling drugs

Anonymous No. 16216801

Try taking it with Bronson brand ginko biloba, it's a vasodilator and blood thinner for the brain, it will help relieve the high blood pressure issue by thinning the bloodstream and dilating blood vessels.

Anonymous No. 16216834

Do not do this, OP.

Anonymous No. 16217117

>not a pleasant drug
Has your mom never taken a stimulant before?
>Bronson brand ginko biloba
Is this an ad post or something? Why are you shilling such a specific brand of snake oil?

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Anonymous No. 16217404

I don't really know what to do or where to go. I'm disgustingly dependent on my family for anything at 20 and even when I do things on my own she freaks out but that's not what's important.

What I want to ask is where or how do I know if I have been taking a drug for too long, like my daily list is 36 mg "tradea" wich is the methylphenidate one, 20mg escitalopram, I don't remember how much Topiramate but I take it daily, and also Doxycycline like 50 mg. I've been investigating and was diagnosed with asperger but during adolescence, but I've never had a stroke nor even family epilepsy. What I've had had recently are headaches and

Anonymous No. 16218031

You can absolutely abuse methyphenidate, as well as dextroamphetamine, which is the other common ADHD drug. Methylphenidate is quite similar to cocaine in both its physiological mechanism of action and it subjective effects.

I'd feel like shit if I were taking all that. Take the topiramate if you really need it, but I can't imagine taking ritalin+SSRI's+allergy medication every day. I would have no energy and no motivation. Ritalin always made me feel gross and cold and sweaty and on edge, and I can't imagine adding something like doxycycline on diphenhydramine on top of that. Quit that shit and just go for a walk every morning. If you really have a lot of anxiety just have a beer and a few puffs of weed in the evening.

Anonymous No. 16218087

cold turkey or remain a zombie

Anonymous No. 16218116

>Methylphenidate is quite similar to cocaine
you druggies have broken brains. I took ritalin for years, tried abusing it once or twice because of retards like you raving about how great it is and literally never got anything out of it except a terrible headache. I wish they would just execute addicts.

Anonymous No. 16218213

When did I say I was an addict? Did you tag the wrong post?