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Anonymous No. 16215923

One of my favorite things to do in my degree as a corrosion scientist was making Tafel plots
The amount of information you can gain from just the anodic and Cathodic slopes in incredible. You could learn entire compositions from just these numbers. You can get the corrosion rate, the conductivity in a medium, the susceptibility to different types of corrosion (general or localized) and best of all, you can see it happen in real time.
I’ve since become a corrosion engineer and have helped design many types of coatings through the use of Tafel experiments!
Remember to thank your local Tafel plot today!

There are many different types of tests that can be done for corrosion, some are dedicated to stainless steels others are dedicated to Inconels.
But in all they are all worth learning for any would be Civil engineer, chemical and corrosion engineer.
Last thread got deleted for some reason
Anyway, some text books to recommend,
Intro to corrosion control
Electrochemical methods

And corrosion engineering

Anonymous No. 16217362

>Anyway, some text books to recommend,
Thanks, anon

Anonymous No. 16217788

Of course! I work in electrical aluminum manufacturing now, so I get to run these tests, unfortunately due to an NDA I can not post anything

Anonymous No. 16219405

Bump for exposure